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Playing with words/ 32

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Playing with words/ 32
Message de here4u posté le 14-06-2022 à 00:02:38 (S | E | F)
Hello dear Friends!

Voici le nouveau "Playing and working with words" ... La date limite pour cet exercice est fin juin 2022.

Je vous rappelle que cet exercice a des règles qui doivent être respectées. Lisez-les bien si vous ne les connaissez pas ! Ce travail est loin d'être un jeu ... mais il peut être très ludique ... Il vous laisse également toute liberté de choisir votre thème !

Using THE 8 WORDS given below (the 2 verbs can be put in whatever tenses or forms you fancy but MUST remain verbs!), 2 adjectives or adverbs, 2 nouns and 2 link words, + a given structure and the suitable punctuation, search your minds, think hard and create AN ONLY meaningful SENTENCE. "Easy", isn't it? (In fact, more easily said than done! )

- You CANNOT change the nature of the words!
- You CANNOT use two or more compulsory words consecutively!

PLEASE, WHEN YOU WRITE YOUR SENTENCE, PUT CAPITALS TO THE GIVEN WORDS! [and specify the number of words at the end.]

Je vous rappelle qu'« une phrase », une seule, se termine par un point [final, d'exclamation ou d'interrogation], peut avoir de la ponctuation interne ",/; /:/ [...], et qu'elle doit avant tout avoir un sens. (Il ne doit y avoir qu'UN SEUL POINT dans votre phrase - à la fin.) Le but ultime est de faire une seule phrase complexe, mais courte ... Je le répète : elle doit avoir un sens et sa logique interne !
Cet exercice est TRES difficile, c'est pourquoi il demande beaucoup de réflexion et d'attention, de rigueur aussi dans l'application des règles. Vous ne pouvez le poster QU'UNE FOIS (ne faire qu'un seul exemplaire).
Cependant, pour que chacun ait la possibilité de travailler avec nous, cet exercice a deux niveaux différents. Vous pouvez choisir celui qui vous convient :

Le niveau fera une seule phrase en moins de 80 mots.
Le niveau reste inchangé : une seule phrase et toujours 60 mots, au plus.

Here are the words:

- To PREDICT – To ALLOW – an ACCUSATION - a POTENTIAL – FABULOUS – IMPOSING – INSTEAD – SOONER + un passif avec rejet de particule adverbiale.

Lien internet
(paragraphe 2)

C'est parti pour une " très jolie phrase correcte et courte ! "
Go for it with THE FORCE!

Réponse : Playing with words/ 32 de amalia80, postée le 16-06-2022 à 07:44:19 (S | E)
Hello dear Here4u
The POTENTIAL of our researchers IS HELD BACK by all these unfounded ACCUSATIONS which do not ALLOW them to work in good conditions ; I can PREDICT you, if you do not act SOONER as possible, FABULOUS losses INSTEAD of these IMPOSING profits that are expected. ...45 WORDS

Thank you for the corrections

Réponse : Playing with words/ 32 de icare29, postée le 17-06-2022 à 11:30:36 (S | E)
-Hello dear Here4u and all hardworkers, here is my sentence ....READY

To PREDICT ? To ALLOW ? an ACCUSATION - a POTENTIAL ? FABULOUS ? IMPOSING ? INSTEAD ? SOONER un passif avec rejet de particule adverbiale.

I recognize the POTENTIAL of your IMPOSING knowledge in the theory of black holes, but instead of making unfair ACCUSATION against this FABULOUS young researcher , you had better ALLOW him developing his own discoveries he has PREDICTED, which will BE GIVEN AWAY into the scientific world SOONER or later ...50 words

thanks a lot for your correction

Réponse : Playing with words/ 32 de maxwell, postée le 18-06-2022 à 09:32:57 (S | E)
Hello Here4U
I don't remember having such a tough time making a sentence with 9 elements! But that was worth it!
INSTEAD of drawing conclusions from his FABULOUS agility, his IMPOSING stature and his POTENTIAL for violence, ALLOW me to PREDICT that SOONER or later, the ACCUSATION he was MADE AGAINST will fall through! (33W)

Réponse : Playing with words/ 32 de littlerene24, postée le 21-06-2022 à 20:43:00 (S | E)
Hi Here4you, not easy to make these words went go together (even in French).

Nobody could PREDICT such an ACCUSATION, INSTEAD of celebrating its FABULOUS and IMPOSANT POTENTIAL, they didn't allow its development, they would SOONER it BE GIVEN UP. (26 words)

Thanks a lot for your correction.

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-06-2022 08:39

Réponse : Playing with words/ 32 de frezia, postée le 23-06-2022 à 15:24:10 (S | E)
Hello Here4u
Because of the bad forecast PREDICT, you were IMPOSING me to take my raincoat INSTEAD my umbrella, I emit an ACCUSATION against you for mistreatment because you made me carrying my raincoat in my backpack, I think you have a FABULOUS and a high POTENTIAL to annoy people by making them carry unnecessary loads, what ALLOW me to say that SOONER you will be more responsible, better it will be. (70 W)

Réponse : Playing with words/ 32 de melena53, postée le 24-06-2022 à 13:21:14 (S | E)
hello here4u

INSTEAD of ALLOWING us to defend our FABULOUS project with unsuspected POTENTIAL, they PREDICT us a failure and make a false ACCUSATION that the IMPOSING prototype was not Dropped SOONER Off.

31 words
"Dropped off", meaning "delivered", not sure 1OO%
Have a nice weekend

Réponse : Playing with words/ 32 de here4u, postée le 28-06-2022 à 07:53:33 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Wanting to make it short is great!

BUT, don't forget the rules! (No 2 "imposed" words allowed consecutively!) It's (a great) part of the game (and of the pleasure!)

Réponse : Playing with words/ 32 de mad14, postée le 29-06-2022 à 20:24:17 (S | E)
The teacher PREDICTED Peter, a student, a FABULOUS career, as regard with his IMPOSING intellectual POTENTIAL; Peter, INSTEAD dreamed to become a butcher; his parents brought an ACCUSATION against him: to waste his future, SOONER (pioner) Peter is ALLOWED himself not give up his idea.(45 mots)

BonsoirHEREU4, j'ai eu des difficultés à comprendre "passif avec rejet de particule adverbiale"...

Réponse : Playing with words/ 32 de here4u, postée le 29-06-2022 à 21:27:42 (S | E)

Exemple d'un passif avec particule rejetée : They laughed at Jim=> Jim was laughed at. // The students didn't listen to their teacher carefully.= The teacher wasn't listened to carefully.

Facile, non ?
Je collerai les corrections demain après 18H. Courage !

Réponse : Playing with words/ 32 de here4u, postée le 30-06-2022 à 22:14:30 (S | E)
Hello dear and brave workers!

Vous savez que pour cet exercice encore plus que pour les autres, je m'interdis de corriger vos productions trop en profondeur afin de ne pas risquer de trahir ce que vous vouliez dire ...
Cette fois-ci, le tirage étant ce qu'il était ( ), comprendre certaines phrases (ou certaines parties de phrases) pouvait devenir extrêmement hasardeux ...
Vous devez avoir reçu mes remarques, commentaires et essais de retranscriptions ...

Il serait sans doute intéressant de revoir le passif (surtout de lire avec soin le paragraphe 2 de la leçon, où il est question des verbes auxquels sont attachées des particules adverbiales ...
Lien internet

Ceci n'est pas toujours facile et est à pratiquer ...

Voici où je suis arrivée !

- The POTENTIAL of our researchers IS HELD BACK by all these unfounded ACCUSATIONS which do not ALLOW them to work in good conditions; if you do not act SOONER, I can PREDICT some FABULOUS losses INSTEAD of these IMPOSING profits that are expected. ...43 WORDS TTB

- I recognize the POTENTIAL of your IMPOSING knowledge in the theory of black holes, but instead of making unfair ACCUSATION against this FABULOUS young researcher, you had better ALLOW him TO develop his own discoveries; he has PREDICTED they will BE GIVEN AWAY into the scientific world SOONER or later ...50 words TTB

- INSTEAD of drawing conclusions from his FABULOUS agility, his IMPOSING stature and his POTENTIAL for violence, ALLOW me to PREDICT that SOONER or later, the ACCUSATION he was MADE AGAINST will fall through! (33W) TTB

- Nobody could PREDICT such an ACCUSATION: therefore, INSTEAD of celebrating its FABULOUS and IMPOSING personal) POTENTIAL, they didn't allow its development; they would SOONER it BE GIVEN UP. (26 words)TTBien mais attention ! Il faut respecter les règles !

- Because the forecast PREDICTed a storm, you were IMPOSING me to take my raincoat INSTEAD OF my umbrella; I emitted an ACCUSATION against you for mistreatment, because you made me carry my raincoat in my backpack; I think you have a FABULOUS and high POTENTIAL to annoy people by making them carry unnecessary loads, which ALLOWs me to say that the SOONER you will be responsible, THE better it will be. (71 W)B (mais pas de passif avec particule…)

-INSTEAD of ALLOWING us to defend our FABULOUS project with unsuspected POTENTIAL, they PREDICTed us a failure and maDe a false ACCUSATION that the IMPOSING prototype was not dropped off SOONER.
31 words TTB

- The teacher PREDICTED a FABULOUS career to Peter, a student, considering his IMPOSING intellectual POTENTIAL; Peter, dreamt of becoming a butcher INSTEAD; his parents brought an ACCUSATION against him: wasting his future; SOONER Peter ALLOWED himself not TO give up his idea.(42 mots)(OK I’m not sure I’ve understood the end of the sentence …)Où est le passif avec particule?

Encore bravo à tous et pardon pour la torture ...


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