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Made of /made from

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Made of /made from
Message from mohammad51 posted on 17-07-2023 at 20:02:27 (D | E | F)
Here in the exercise : Link

I think the answer is wrong by the page or printed in error

Fewer and fewer bottles are made from glass these days.

It should be (made of) as it is a common answer everywhere.

Fewer and fewer is just a camouflaging phrase.

please check it

Thank you in advance

Re: Made of /made from from lucile83, posted on 18-07-2023 at 07:38:07 (D | E)

You should read the instructions carefully:

Made from:
Made from is often used when talking about how something is manufactured.
-The earliest cutting tools were made from rocks.
-Plastic is made from oil.

Made of:
Made of is used when talking about the basic material or qualities of something. It has a meaning similar to "composed of".
-He gave her a beautiful ring made of gold.

Re: Made of /made from from mohammad51, posted on 18-07-2023 at 08:49:12 (D | E)
I know your examples are right
Made from:
Made from is often used when talking about how something is manufactured.
-The earliest cutting tools were made from rocks. ( perhaps something new is added )
-Plastic is made from oil.

Made of:
Made of is used when talking about the basic material or qualities of something. It has a meaning similar to "composed of".
-He gave her a beautiful ring made of gold.

We use Made from to talk about manufacturing YES But during the process of manufacturing either physical property or chimerical will change

I see neither choices (made with nor made from ) is right. Simply you can see by your naked eyes the material of glass is obvious on bottles.

if we say Glass is made from sand= Right ( You can't see the material of sand is obvious on glass.

Moreover, I noticed many grammar books mention it as ( bottles are made of glass) Just go to Google books and search

Re: Made of /made from from mohammad51, posted on 18-07-2023 at 09:49:57 (D | E)
in this book of grammar, it is mentioned ( bottles are usually made of glass)

Google books : Link

Primary Grammar Box: Grammar Games and Activities for ... - Page 44

Re: Made of /made from from lucile83, posted on 18-07-2023 at 20:49:02 (D | E)

Have a look at this link:

Re: Made of /made from from mohammad51, posted on 19-07-2023 at 12:41:30 (D | E)
Thank you dear teacher lucile83

I have read this content in Cambridge many times.
Made from
We often use made from when we talk about how something is manufactured:

Plastic is made from oil.

The earliest canoes were made from tree trunks.

Made of
We use made of when we talk about the basic material or qualities of something. It has a meaning similar to ‘composed of’:

She wore a beautiful necklace made of silver.

What’s this table made of?

It’s oak, American white oak.

It’s lovely.

Made out of


Anyway, it sometimes gets complicated whether we focus on material or on manufacture.

One important idea, I want to add.

If any substance during the manufacturing process changes its property or loses its basic characteristics then the option is usually made from

Plastic is made from oil. We can't say made of oil because it is changed ( plastic material is different from oil ( at least by shape, odor etc...)

The result = mew material is manufactured

The earliest canoes were made from tree trunks. here perhaps one would ask why not made of ?

it also tree trunks have been changed to boards and perhaps some glue is added; so the tree trunks cannot be seen after making the canoes.

Lastly, I see sometimes both ( made of and made from ) can be used with no wrong in grammar, but there is always preference.

Another simple example , when people made alcohol from grapes ... we don't say made of .. the grape does not look like alcohol ( changes)

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Forum > English only


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