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LS60/let's have a break 7

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LS60/let's have a break 7
Message de here4u posté le 15-04-2024 à 17:45:32 (S | E | F)
Hello dears,

This is an easy exercise that everyone can do.

Toujours en pause sur l’ exercice d’EXPRESSION Let's Suggest tel qu’il était…
C'est à nouveau la " nouvelle formule ", surtout que les vacances reviennent... JE SAIS, JE CROIS que vous pouvez être beaucoup plus nombreux à essayer d'aider tout le monde par vos travaux et vos corrections.

Certains m’ont dit être gênés d’exprimer des idées personnelles (surtout qu’ils avaient l’impression – souvent fausse – de les exprimer maladroitement.) Cependant, je ne vous demande pas de " raconter votre vie " si vous ne le désirez pas... Je souhaite juste vous voir vous exprimer sur tout sujet aussi " librement " que possible.
De plus, je pense que vous aurez maintenant compris que pour moi, toute expression, même maladroite, est intéressante et a de la valeur. Elle nous stimule tous à " trouver mieux " !

Voici les questions auxquelles vous devrez répondre en utilisant une forme exclamative par réponse.

1. Do you understand and like «British humour»?

2. Do you believe in Fate?

3. Who is your favourite hero?

4. Are you a fan of TV series?

Vous pouvez choisir 1 ou 2 questions au choix – en notant bien les références et développer celle(s) que vous voulez jusqu’à atteindre en tout un maximum d’environ 130-150 mots.

Envoyez-moi vos réponses en mp et je publierai une série que vous 'corrigerez' (en bleu d’abord pendant deux jours) puis en vert… et je publierai ensuite la deuxième série... (sans changements donc !) Vous gagnez de la liberté (celle de ne pas parler d'un ou plusieurs sujets, ceux qui ne vous " inspirent pas "... Vous écrivez la longueur que vous voulez, vous pouvez choisir d'inventer, de plaisanter, ou de répondre avec sérieux... Nous vous suivrons !

Cet exercice sera pour vous un ou en fonction de la qualité de vos écrits et des difficultés (surmontées) de la prestation...
Cet exercice sera corrigé le vendredi 26 avril 2024 ! Go for it! with THE FORCE.

Réponse : LS60/let's have a break 7 de here4u, postée le 16-04-2024 à 18:08:47 (S | E)
Hello dears!

A fast worker has already sent me an ANSWER to let's Suggest!

Topic 4: Are you a fan of TV series?

I used to be a true fan of TV series, but now I am no longer as fond of them. Actually, in the beginning, I thought series were some « underproduct » of films, and I was rather skeptical; then, my daughters introduced me to a French series called « 10 % », which I found smart and funny, with a nice storytelling, and I was surprised by HOW TALENTED THE ACTORS WERE! So I took the habit of watching more and more of them, because some are really extraordinary ones, and following the characters prompts you to « binge-watch » all the seasons; and suddenly I became aware that this had almost stopped my reading and going to the cinema; therefore now, although I still think highly of good and creative series, I have so far largely stopped to watch them... But maybe, sooner or later... 149 words

Not much to suggest... but a little mistake... for your help!

Réponse : LS60/let's have a break 7 de gerold, postée le 16-04-2024 à 20:10:31 (S | E)

Topic 4: Are you a fan of TV series?

I used to be a true fan of TV series, but now I am no longer as fond of them. Actually, in the beginning, I thought series were some « underproduct » of films, and I was rather skeptical; then, my daughters introduced me to a French series called « 10 % », which I found smart and funny, with a nice storytelling, and I was surprised by HOW TALENTED THE ACTORS WERE! So I took the habit of watching more and more of them, because some are really extraordinary ones, and following the characters prompts you to « binge-watch » all the seasons; and suddenly I became aware that this had almost stopped my reading and going to the cinema; therefore now, although I still think highly of good and creative series, I have so far largely stopped to watch watching them... But maybe, sooner or later... 149 words

(to stop to watch: s'arrêter pour regarder)

Réponse : LS60/let's have a break 7 de here4u, postée le 18-04-2024 à 12:36:00 (S | E)
Topic 4: Are you a fan of TV series?

I used to be a true fan of TV series, but now I am no longer as fond of them. Actually, in the beginning, I thought series were some « underproduct » of films, and I was rather skeptical; then, my daughters introduced me to a French series called «10 %», which I found smart and funny, with a nice storytelling, and I was surprised by HOW TALENTED THE ACTORS WERE! So I took the habit of watching more and more of them, because some are really extraordinary ones, and following the characters prompts you to «binge-watch» all the seasons; and suddenly I became aware that this had almost stopped my reading and going to the cinema; therefore now, although I still think highly of good and creative series, I have so far largely stopped to watch them... But maybe, sooner or later... 149 words

Green allowed!

Réponse : LS60/let's have a break 7 de happynutmeg13, postée le 19-04-2024 à 19:38:51 (S | E)
Hello !
My suggestion for answer A :

Topic 4: Are you a fan of TV series?

I used to be a true fan of TV series, but now I am no longer as fond of them. Actually, in the beginning, I thought series were some « underproduct » of films, and I was rather skeptical; then, my daughters introduced me to a French series called «10 %», which I found smart and funny, with a nice storytelling (with an astute screenplay, and I was surprised by HOW TALENTED THE ACTORS WERE! So I took the habit of watching more and more of them, because some are really extraordinary ones, and following the characters prompts you to «binge-watch» all the seasons; and suddenly I became aware that this had almost stopped my reading and going to the cinema; therefore now, although I still think highly of good and creative series, I have so far largely stopped to watch them...(stopped watching But maybe, sooner or later... 149 words

Gerold a raison "stopped watching" et non "stopped to watch"

Réponse : LS60/let's have a break 7 de here4u, postée le 19-04-2024 à 22:13:21 (S | E)
Hello dears!

for your help!

Here are ANSWERS B: please, indicate errors and underline what you think is clumsy.

Topic 2: It is possible that part of our destiny is already mapped out. However, I believe that we also have free will and that we can shape our own destiny. In life, everyone has chances and pitfalls, there are many roads open to us, we have choices and decisions to make. No one has a straight, flat path.
You will say:" but Why SUCH YOUNG children dead, it is not what they want." I will answer: "it is Nature contingencies."
To sum up, my idea is that destiny or natural law should not be used, as an excuse to give in to discouragement, in the face of adversity.106 mots

Topic 3: My favorite hero is Superman. WHAT SUCH A HANSOME MAN.
Superman is beautiful, tall, strong, slim and muscled, brown haired and blue eyed.
I love him because in his every day life, he doesn't show off- he seems to be shy and nondescript.- However as soon as, he put on his blue suit with his cape, he is flying in airs and running to save people in difficulties and he has never failed. 74 mots

for your help!

Réponse : LS60/let's have a break 7 de gerold, postée le 20-04-2024 à 08:14:10 (S | E)
Hello you all!

Here are ANSWERS B: please, indicate errors and underline what you think is clumsy.

Topic 2: It is possible that part of our destiny is already mapped out. However, I believe that we also have free will and that we can shape our own destiny. In life, everyone has chances and pitfalls, there are many roads open to us, we have choices and decisions to make. No one has a straight, flat path.
You will say:" but Why SUCH YOUNG children dead (a verb is needed), it is not what they want." I will answer: "it is Nature contingencies."
To sum up, my idea is that destiny or natural law should not be used, (no comma)as an excuse to give in to discouragement, in the face of adversity.106 mots

Topic 3: My favorite hero is Superman. WHAT SUCH ("what" and "such" don't go together) A HANSOME (spelling) MAN.
Superman is beautiful, tall, strong, slim and muscled, brown haired and blue eyed (better with hyphens).
I love him because in his every day (one word) life, he doesn't show off- he seems to be shy and nondescript.- However as soon as, no comma he put (conjugation) on his blue suit with his cape, he is flying in airs and running to save people in difficulties and he has never failed. 74 mots

Réponse : LS60/let's have a break 7 de here4u, postée le 22-04-2024 à 12:48:49 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Green allowed!

Réponse : LS60/let's have a break 7 de magie8, postée le 25-04-2024 à 10:28:20 (S | E)
Here are ANSWERS B
Hello! Correction en vert avec l'aide precieuse de Gerold que je remercie .

Topic 2: It is possible that part of our destiny is already mapped out. However, I believe that we also have free will and that we can shape our own destiny. In life, everyone has chances and pitfalls, there are many roads open to us, we have choices and decisions to make. No one has a straight, flat path.
You will say:" but Why SUCH YOUNG children ( DIE, it is not what they want." I will answer: "it is Nature's hazards ."
To sum up, my idea is that destiny or natural law should not be used (no comma)as an excuse to give in to discouragement, in the face of adversity.106 mots

Topic 3: My favorite hero is Superman. (WHAT A HANDSOME MAN he is . or ( He is such a handsome man.
Superman is beautiful, tall, strong, slim and muscled, brown-haired and blue-eyed.
I love him because in his (everyday life he doesn't show off- he seems to be shy and nondescript. However as soon as he puts on his blue suit with his cape, (he flies off and rushes to the rescue of people in difficulty. He has never failed. 74 mots

Réponse : LS60/let's have a break 7 de gerold, postée le 26-04-2024 à 12:18:20 (S | E)

Topic 2: It is possible that part of our destiny is already mapped out. However, I believe that we also have free will and that we can shape our own destiny. In life, everyone has chances and pitfalls, there are many roads open to us, we have choices and decisions to make. No one has a straight, flat path.
You will say:" but why do SUCH YOUNG children ( DIE, it is not what they want." I will answer: "it is Nature's hazards ."
To sum up, my idea is that destiny or natural law should not be used (no comma)as an excuse to give in to discouragement, in the face of adversity.106 mots

Topic 3: My favorite hero is Superman. (WHAT A HANDSOME MAN he is . or ( He is such a handsome man.
Superman is beautiful, tall, strong, slim and muscled, brown-haired and blue-eyed.
I love him because in his (everyday life he doesn't show off- he seems to be shy and nondescript. However as soon as he puts on his blue suit with his cape, (he flies off and rushes to the rescue of people in difficulty. He has never failed. 74 mots

Réponse : LS60/let's have a break 7 de here4u, postée le 27-04-2024 à 14:53:13 (S | E)
Hello dears,

I've been lost in Time again! The work was ready, but last night, we had a hard time, dear Lucile and I, looking for a bug in my latest test... in vain! I've just passed the search on to Laurent, our Webmaster...

Here are your corrections:

ANSWER A: topic 4: are you a fan of TV series? initial text and my preliminary indications:

I used to be a true fan of TV series, but now I am no longer as fond of them. Actually, in the beginning, I thought series were some « underproduct » of films, and I was rather skeptical; then, my daughters introduced me to a French series called « 10 % », which I found smart and funny, with a nice storytelling, and I was surprised by HOW TALENTED THE ACTORS WERE! So I took the habit of watching more and more of them, because some are really extraordinary ones, and following the characters prompts you to « binge-watch » all the seasons; and suddenly I became aware that this had almost stopped my reading and going to the cinema; therefore now, although I still think highly of good and creative series, I have so far largely stopped to watch them... But maybe, sooner or later... 149 words.

Bon texte !
Peu de corrections nécessaires.

ANSWER A: topic 4: are you a fan of TV series? Gerold’s indications N°1:

I used to be a true fan of TV series, but now I am no longer as fond of them. Actually, in the beginning, I thought series were some « underproduct » of films, and I was rather skeptical; then, my daughters introduced me to a French series called « 10 % », which I found smart and funny, with a nice storytelling, and I was surprised by HOW TALENTED THE ACTORS WERE! So I took the habit of watching more and more of them, because some are really extraordinary ones, and following the characters prompts you to « binge-watch » all the seasons; and suddenly I became aware that this had almost stopped my reading and going to the cinema; therefore now, although I still think highly of good and creative series, I have so far largely stopped to watch watching them... But maybe, sooner or later... 149 words

(to stop to watch: s'arrêter pour regarder) Une très bonne remarque et correction suggérée.

ANSWER A: Topic 4: Are you a fan of TV series? My indications. N°2.

I used to be a true fan of TV series, but now I am no longer as fond of them. Actually, in the beginning, I thought series were some « underproduct » of films, and I was rather skeptical; then, my daughters introduced me to a French series called «10 %», which I found smart and funny, with a nice storytelling, and I was surprised by HOW TALENTED THE ACTORS WERE! So I took the habit of watching more and more of them, because some are really extraordinary ones[, and].* following the characters prompts you to «binge-watch» all the seasons; and suddenly I became aware that this had almost stopped my reading and going to the cinema; therefore now, although I still think highly of good and creative series, I have so far largely stopped to watch them... But maybe, sooner or later... 149 words

* je crois qu’ici, j’aurais mis un point... La phrase est trop longue

Topic 4: Are you a fan of TV series? Happynutmeg’s suggestions:

I used to be a true fan of TV series, but now I am no longer as fond of them. Actually, in the beginning, I thought series were some « underproduct » of films, and I was rather skeptical; then, my daughters introduced me to a French series called «10 %», which I found smart and funny, with a nice storytelling (with an astute screenplay/ with a great plot ( ?)( , and). I was surprised by HOW TALENTED THE ACTORS WERE! So I took the habit/(I got used to watching) of watching more and more of them, because some are really extraordinary ones, and (un VRAI mot de liaison serait mieux...)following the characters prompts you to «binge-watch» all the seasons; (and ) suddenly I became aware that this had almost stopped my reading and going to the cinema; therefore now, although I still think highly of good and creative series, I have so far largely stopped to watch (stopped watching them... But maybe, sooner or later/[one day]? ... 149 words

Gerold a raison "stopped watching"[ arrêter de regarder ] et non "stopped to watch" [arrêter pour/ afin de regarder]

Il y avait peu de choses à « corriger »… et vous l’avez très bien fait ! BRAVO ! De plus, l’erreur de l’emploi du gérondif m’a donné l’idée du test que je suis en train de concevoir ! Un grand MERCI à tous les deux !


ANSWERS B: initial text and my preliminary indications:

topic2: It is possible that part of our destiny is already mapped out. * However, I believe that we also have free will and that we can shape our own destiny. In life, everyone has chances and pitfalls, there are many roads open to us, we have choices and decisions to make. No one has a straight, flat path.
You will say:" but Why SUCH (YOUNG children dead, it is not what they want." I will answer: "it is Nature contingencies."
To sum up, my idea is that destiny or natural law should not be used(, )as an excuse to give in to discouragement, in the face of adversity.106 mots
Topic3: My favorite hero is Superman. (WHAT SUCH A (HANSOME MAN.
Superman is (beautiful, tall, strong, slim and muscled, (brown haired and (blue eyed.
I love him because in his (every day life, he doesn't show off- he seems to be shy and nondescript.- However as soon as, he (put on his blue suit with his cape, he is (flying in airs and running to save people in difficulties and he has never failed. 74 mots

Here are ANSWERS B: gerold’s indications.

Topic 2: It is possible that part of our destiny is already mapped out.* However, I believe that we also have free will and that we can shape our own destiny. In life, everyone has chances and pitfalls, there are many roads open to us, we have choices and decisions to make. No one has a straight, flat path.
You will say:" but Why SUCH YOUNG children dead (a verb is needed.Beware of the form too...), it is not what they want." I will answer: "it is Nature contingencies."
To sum up, my idea is that destiny or natural law should not be used, (no comma)as an excuse to give in to discouragement, in the face of adversity.106 mots

Topic 3: My favorite hero is Superman. WHAT SUCH ("what" and "such" don't go together) A HANSOME (spelling) MAN.
Superman is beautiful, tall, strong, slim and muscled, brown haired and blue eyed (better with hyphens).
I love him because in his every day (one word) life, he doesn't show off- he seems to be shy and nondescript.- However as soon as, no comma he put (conjugation) on his blue suit with his cape, he is flying in airs and running to save people in difficulties and he has never failed. 74 mots

Here are Magie's suggestions: Correction en vert avec l'aide precieuse de Gerold que je remercie .

Topic 2: It is possible that part of our destiny is already mapped out*. However, I believe that we also have free will and that we can shape our own destiny. In life, everyone has chances and pitfalls, there are many roads open to us, we have choices and decisions to make. No one has a straight, flat path.
**You will say:" but Why SUCH YOUNG children ( DIE, it is not what they want." I will answer: "it is Nature's hazards ."
To sum up, my idea is that destiny or natural law should not be used (no comma)as an excuse to give in to discouragement, in the face of adversity.106 mots

Topic 3:
My favorite hero is Superman. (WHAT A HANDSOME MAN he is . or ( He is such a handsome man.
Superman is beautiful, tall, strong, slim and muscled, brown-haired and blue-eyed.
I love him because in his (everyday life he doesn't show off- he seems to be shy and nondescript. However as soon as he puts on his blue suit with his cape, (he flies off and rushes to the rescue of people in difficulty. He has never failed. 74 mots

* Ici, je préfèrerais l’usage d’un modal…
- Attention ! confusion entre ‘dead’ [ADJECTIF : l’état d’être mort] et ‘die’.[VERBE] mourir, l’action de mourir.
- chances and pitfalls : the highs and lows/ ups and downs Att : chance signifie le hasard. Une chance : luck/ opportunity… Pitfalls: conjures up the image of a trap covered with branches...
- "it is Nature contingencies." : nature’s contingencies ? the contingencies of Nature ? / the unexpected/ unpredictable events of life.
- in the face of adversity/ facing adversity/ in adversity/

- Lien internet
Ah! Superman is beautiful... In other times, I was told, and I always (provocatively) used to tell my students when they used 'beautiful' for a man :'A man CAN'T BE beautiful!'and of course, a discussion started... We gave 'handsome and good-looking'. Times were changing then and they have changed now. (But not every man would agree to be qualified as 'beautiful'...)
- brown-haired and blue-eyed : ne pas oublier les traits d’union.

** problème de choix entre interrogative directe ou indirecte :
Interrogative directe : You will say:" (but) Why XX SUCH YOUNG children DIE, » mais dans ce cas, il FAUT UN AUXILIAIRE, une inversion du sujet+ un point d’interrogation.
Interrogative Indirecte : You may wonder Why SUCH YOUNG children DIE, mais dans ce cas, il faut un verbe introducteur + une forme affirmative (pas d'inversion du sujet !)+ pas de point d’interrogation.
Dans cette phrase, il y avait un(e) (horrible) mélange des deux formes.
- a hazard: un danger, un risque=> hazardous.

Voilà ! Ensemble vous avez fait une bonne correction. et mais attention, toutefois aux interrogatives directes et indirectes. (erreur indigne de vous !)

Courage pour la suite, et encore

Réponse : LS60/let's have a break 7 de magie8, postée le 28-04-2024 à 10:29:15 (S | E)
Follow up up LS60
Topics2 and3
HELLO DEARS thank you for your comments


Topic 2: It is possible that part of our destiny might be already planned*. However, I believe that we also have free will and that we can shape our own destiny. In life, everyone has ups and downs, there are many roads open to us, we have choices and decisions to make. No one has a straight, flat path.
**You will say:" but Why do SUCH YOUNG children die?, it is not what they want." I will answer: "it is nature's hazards."
To sum up, my idea is that destiny or natural law should not be used as an excuse to give in to discouragement, facing adversity.

Topic 3: My favorite hero is Superman. ( what a handsome man he is.
Superman is good-looking, tall, strong, slim and muscled, brown-haired and blue-eyed.
I love him because in his (everyday life he doesn't show off- he seems to be shy and nondescript. However as soon as he puts on his blue suit with his cape, (he flies off and rushes to the rescue of people in adversity. He has never failed.

Réponse : LS60/let's have a break 7 de here4u, postée le 29-04-2024 à 00:08:51 (S | E)
Hello dear magie!

J'ai oublié de spécifier qu'il est toujours possible de faire un Follow Up Work, mais toi, tu ne l'as pas oublié !


Topic 2: It is possible that part of our destiny might be already planned*. However, I believe that we also have free will and that we can shape our own destiny. In life, everyone has ups and downs, there are many roads open to us, we have choices and decisions to make. No one has a straight, flat path.
**You will say:" but Why do SUCH YOUNG children die?, it is not what they want." I will answer: "it is nature's hazards."
To sum up, my idea is that destiny or natural law should not be used as an excuse to give in to discouragement, facing adversity.

Topic 3: My favorite hero is Superman. ( what a handsome man he is.
Superman is good-looking, tall, strong, slim and muscled, brown-haired and blue-eyed.
I love him because in his (everyday life he doesn't show off- he seems to be shy and nondescript. However as soon as he puts on his blue suit with his cape, (he flies off and rushes to the rescue of people in adversity. He has never failed.

"It is possible that part of our destiny might be already planned". Cette phrase est un peu étrange.

It is possible that: qui s'entend, il est vrai, me semble un peu trop calqué... sur "il est possible que ..." et c'est cette partie de la phrase que j'aurais bien changé pour un modal : Part of our destiny may/ might have already been planned... // Part of our destinay may already be planned.

Parfait ! Well done, Magie !


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