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sujet sur la violence
Message de lilidoll posté le 18-03-2007 à 15:27:34 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde, pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger les fautes. Voilà le sujet
"Violence is an inevitable feature of our sociey" do you agree?
J'ai commencé mon introduction et la conclusion et un petit passage dans le développement pouvez-vous me dire ce que vous en pensez et avez-vous des idées?

Although we live in 2007, in e "civilised" society, violence is everywhere. It is an obliged feature in the world, it's a trist reality. As a rule , she is associated with affray, terrorism..but she begins whith insults beetween two adults, two teenagers, or a teacher and his pupil.

We live in a society where the sence of pwer is very important. Every one of us wich to grow better, the stronger and that at all times and all ages. In a way it is a driving to the issue, actually the will of domination drag many points ....(war..)

Because the violence is an horrible thing but nervertheless fascinating for his proper nature she isn't wish, but she is inevitable, deep-rooated in the reality.Moreover deeply that we can't admit. And push back a time (je voudrai dire la fera venir et revenir) inexorably

Modifié par bridg le 18-03-2007 15:29
Nous ne pouvons corriger que ce que nous voyons et attendrons patiemment la suite de votre travail.

Réponse: sujet sur la violence de lilidoll, postée le 18-03-2007 à 20:16:58 (S | E)
"violence is an inevitable feature in our society?" do you agree?

Although we live in 2007, in a "civilised" society, violence is everywhere. It is an obliged feature in the world, it's a tryst reality. As a rule, she is associated with affray, terrorism but she begins with insults between two adults, two teenagers, or a teacher and his pupil.

We live in a society where the sense of power is very important. Every one of us wishes to grow better, the stronger and that at all times and all ages. In a way it is a driving to the issue, actually the will of domination drag many points ... the wars are surely the best example of this violence which persist, that it is in the time of the prehistory, at the 16th century, during the world wars in Iraq and all those which are held in this moment.
And any that with a same aim: to win, to be the best, and dominate for
Economic agents, political, or even personnel. The profit is the major cause of violence

Because the violence is a horrible thing but nevertheless fascinating for his proper nature she isn't wish, but she is inevitable, deep-rooted in the reality. Moreover deeply that we can't admit,and push back a time (je voudrai dire la fera venir et revenir) inexorably



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