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Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
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suite exposé
Message de tensinhan789 posté le 25-03-2007 à 19:27:58 (S | E | F | I)

That’s all i have to say about the extreme-left , Now we will move on to ecology with Dominique Voynet. She is the candidate of : Green Party , which defends nature , animals , fauna and flora. She is against nuclear energy and fights against pollution of environment. Nicolas Hulot , who is known to be a major of ecology , decided not to be candidate because a lot of politics signed his presidential pact . However , Voynet have many difficulties to make your voice heard whereas ecology is an important issue.

Turning to Ségolène Royal was selected by the French Socialist Party on 17 November 2006 to be the party's candidate for the election. She won 60% of the votes in a ballot of party members to choose their candidate, against 20% for Dominique Strauss-Kahn and 18% for Laurent Fabius. She is the first woman to represent a major French party in a Presidential contest. Thanks to a good strategy of marketing , She has increased his influence in this party since she is the president of poitou charentes region. She suggests to have more participatory democraty by giving more importance to citizens. She maked 100 suggestions to revive the economy of France and to kick againt poverty. Among these propositions , we find the revaluation of old age pensions , the budget’s increase of research and development. She is one of favourite to access to second balloy with Nicolas Sarkozy

Now’s let’s examine the third point concerning center and right politicians I give way to Ding

François Bayrou was nominated by the Union for French Democracy (UDF) on 2 December 2006. The centrist party, a longtime ally of the UMP, has now embarked on a course of more marked independence. For 2 months he increase in polls opinion. He is called the third man. He wants to create a big party social democrat with people of left-center and right-center.
Frédéric Nihous: Hunting, Fishing, Nature, Tradition Party

Nicolas Sarkozy was nominated by the Union for a Popular Movement on 14 January 2007. He is the leader of the UMP and the current Interior Minister. For him , Working is the method to relaunch economy. , as a consequence he will reward all those who work hard. Furthermore , Security is central for him because he said that it’s a necessary condition for liberty, and respect is the pillar of our society. He is the other favorite to this election.

Philippe de Villiers: president of the Movement for France party will run on a traditionalist Catholic and eurosceptic platform, and also a firm anti-Islamic message.

Jean-Marie Le Pen will run for the National Front, a far-right party which promotes policies of strong law enforcement and strong measures to control immigration. In 2002 He reached the second balloy to the election. He is dangerous for the liberty. He said that immigration is the only problem to the french crisis. He privileges French people and wants to eject the others.

merci beaucoup pour votre correction a venir



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