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Betty et son passeport/Traduction
Message de lucile83 posté le 30-03-2007 à 15:18:30 (S | E | F | I)

Enfin des nouvelles ! que vous devez traduire bien sûr
correction par mp
See you

Je n’ai pas eu de nouvelles de Betty depuis 1 mois car elle était bloquée à Punta Cana sans son passeport. Elle a dû trouver un travail pour gagner de l’argent et vivre tout ce temps ! Elle a attendu Bobby aussi en espérant qu’il l’aiderait ; mais rien ! elle se sentait seule au monde et abandonnée. Bobby est enfin arrivé hier et elle a couru vers lui pour lui demander de l’aide mais il lui a dit qu’il était trop fatigué et qu’elle devait attendre le lendemain. Elle n’a pas osé le contrarier. Ce matin Bobby est passé la voir à son travail et lui a donné son passeport qu’un de ses amis avait pris dans la chambre de Betty sans qu’elle s’en aperçoive. Il lui a dit qu’il s’était vengé de cette façon et qu’il espérait qu’elle serait plus aimable avec lui la prochaine fois. Betty n’a eu aucune réaction sauf de lui faire un bisou et lui dire qu’elle voulait rentrer à Paris avec lui.

Réponse: Betty et son passeport/Traduction de frapedur, postée le 30-03-2007 à 16:31:53 (S | E)
Helloooo Lucile, I try

I haven't got Betty's news for one month because she was blocked in Punta Cana without her passport. She musted find an employment to get money and live during this long time. She has waited Bobby because she wants that he helps her too; but nothing! She feels alone over the world and abondened. Bobby is arrived yesterday so, she has run to him to ask help but he has sayed that he was exhausted and she must wait the next day. She hasn't dared to vex him. This morning Bobby has been see her at the work and she gives her passport that one of their friends has taken in Betty's bedroom without she sies anything! He tells her that he was avenged and he wants the the next she was more sympatic! Betty hasn't any reaction, she kissed him and says that she wants go back to Paris with him.

Many thanks Lucile but I think they have there are many mistakes. It's too hard for me
Modifié par lucile83 le 30-03-2007 16:57
You will manage it, I'm sure !

Réponse: Betty et son passeport/Traduction de vero7000, postée le 30-03-2007 à 16:51:15 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile,
J'ai trouvé ton histoire plus compliquée que les précédentes!!!
Enfin, Bobby réagit.
I didn't receive ...any news from Betty for.. one month because she was blocked in Punta Cana without passport. She had to look for a job to earn money and live all this time!
She waited for Bobby too, she hoped that he would help her; but nothing! She felt alone in the world and abandoned. At last, Bobby came yesterday and she ran to him and asked ..for.. some help but he said that he was too tired and that she had to wait the morning after .
She didn't dare to upset him. This morning, Bobby went to meet Betty at her work and gave her passport which one of his friends had stolen in Betty's room in secret.
He told her that was his revenge and he hoped that she would be more lovable the next time. Betty had no reaction except to kiss him and told him that she wanted to go to
Paris with him.
et à bientôt

Modifié par vero7000 le 01-04-2007 15:28
texte corrigé

Réponse: Betty et son passeport/Traduction de solmaz, postée le 30-03-2007 à 17:46:15 (S | E)

I haven't heard from Betty for a month since she was stuck in Punta Cana without her passport. She must have found a job to earn a living! She waited for Bobby hopping he'd help her; but fruitlessly! She felt lonely and left out. Bobby showed up yesterday and she rushed at him begging him for help, but he told her he was exhausted and that she would have to wait for the following day. She didn't dare to get him upset. This morning Bobby swang by Betty's office and gave her her passport back that one of his friend had taken in Betty's room secretly. He told her he got even this way and hoped she'd be nicer to him the next time. Betty remained shocked, gave him a kiss and told him she wanted to go back to Paris along with him.


Réponse: Betty et son passeport/Traduction de misterx, postée le 30-03-2007 à 18:58:01 (S | E)

Bonjour Lucille,

J'espère être à la hauteur de ton texte ,enfin je me lance:

I haven’t heard from Betty for one month for she was stuck without her passport in Punta Cana.
She had to find a job to earn money and to live all that time! She waited for Bobby to help her as well, but nothing! She felt lonely in the world and abandoned. Bobby finally arrived yesterday and she ran towards him to ask him for help but he told her he was too tired and she should (had to) wait for the next day. She daren’t (dared not) annoy him. This morning Bobby came and see her at work and given her her passport that a friend of his took in the Betty’s room without her noticing. He said he was revenged in this way and was expecting to her to be more pleasant to him next time. Betty didn’t have any reaction except for giving him a kiss and saying she wanted to come back to Paris with him.

See you soon

Réponse: Betty et son passeport/Traduction de ubu, postée le 30-03-2007 à 19:17:04 (S | E)
Hello Lucile
I have had no news from Betty because she was stuck in Punta Cana without her passport. She had to find a job to earn money and so to live all this time! She waited for Bobby too because she was hoping he would help her; but nothing! she felt lonely in the world and abandoned. Bobby arrived eventually yesterday and she ran toward him to ask his help but he told her he was so tired that she would have to wait for the next day. She didn't dare to annoy him.
Bobby dropped by Betty's work this morning and gave to her her passport which one of his friends had taken in Betty's bedroom without her knowing. He told her he got revenge on her by this way and hoped she would be kinder the next time. Betty had no reaction except a kiss for him and she said she wanted to come back to Paris with him.

Réponse: Betty et son passeport/Traduction de silsilay, postée le 30-03-2007 à 19:35:02 (S | E)
Hi Lucile,

I didn't have news about Betty since one mont because she was blocked in Punta Cana without her passport. She had to find a job to make money and live all this time ! She waited for Bobby to help her ; but nothing ! She felt herself alone in the word and abandoned.
Finally, Bobby arrived yesterday and she ran towards him to ask him for help but he told her he was too tired and she had to wait the following day. She didn't want to annoy him.
This morning, Bobby came and see her in her job and gave her her passport which one of his friends have stolen in the Betty's room secretly. He told her that he was revenged in this way and he hoped that she became more nice with him next time. Betty didn't have any reaction except to kiss him and to tell him she wanted to come back to Paris with him.

Réponse: Betty et son passeport/Traduction de bridg, postée le 30-03-2007 à 22:52:43 (S | E)

Modifié par lucile83 le 31-03-2007 07:33

Réponse: Betty et son passeport/Traduction de maya13, postée le 31-03-2007 à 11:35:23 (S | E)
hello Lucile,

I've not got any news from Betty for one month since she was stuck in Punta Cana without her passport. She had to find a job to earn some money in order to subsist all that time ! She has waited for Bobby hoping he could help her, but no way ! She felt alone in the world and left out. Bobby finally showed up yesterday and she ran to him calling for help, but he said he was too tired and she will have to wait until the next day. She dared not annoy him. This morning, Bobby popped in at her work to give back her passport pinched by a friend without her having noticed. He told her he did it out of revenge and hoped she would be kinder to him next time. Betty showed no reaction except to give him a kiss and tell him she wanted to go back to Paris with him.

thank you Lucile. Is this the end of this strange love story ?
Modifié par lucile83 le 31-03-2007 13:32
Don't worry ! Betty is a young girl and I'm still alive

Réponse: Betty et son passeport/Traduction de nick27, postée le 31-03-2007 à 11:53:39 (S | E)
Hello Lucile !

I haven't heard from Betty for one month because she was stuck in Punta Cana without her passport. She had to find a job in order to earn money and live all that time ! She also waited for Bobby hoping he would help her, but he did not ! She felt lonely and left out. Bobby finally arrived yesterday and she ran toward him to ask him some help but he told her he was too tired and she had to wait until the next day. She didn't dare to annoy him. This morning Bobby went to see her at work and gave her the passport that had been taken away by one of his friends in her room without her noticing it. He told her that he had taken his revenge this way and that he was hoping she would be nicer to him next time. Betty didn't do anything apart from kissing him and telling him she wanted to go back to Paris with him.

Thanks a lot !

Réponse: Betty et son passeport/Traduction de aud18, postée le 31-03-2007 à 13:07:34 (S | E)
hello !
I didn’t have news of Betty since one month because she’s blocked at Punta cana without his passport. She might has found a work in order to earn money and leave all this time ! She has waiting for Bobby also , wishing he would help her ; but nothing ! She fells herself lonely in the world and abandonned. Bobby has come finally yesterday and she has run to him for ask him help but he’s said he was too tired and she must wait until tomorrow. She hasn’t dare annoy him. This morning Bobby has dropped in on her at his work and give her passport that one of his friend had taken in Betty’s bedroom without she notice it. He said to her he gets his revenge like this and he hoped that she’ll be more nice with him the next time. Betty has had no reaction except kiss him and say him she would like to come back at Paris with him .

I hope Bobby accepts this proposition
thanks a lot and have a nice day .
Modifié par lucile83 le 01-04-2007 14:45

Réponse: Betty et son passeport/Traduction de port58, postée le 31-03-2007 à 15:27:42 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile,
I haven’t had news from Betty since one month because she was being stopped at Punta Cana without her passport. She must have found a job to earn money and live all that time ! She also has waited for Bobby hoping he would help her ; but nothing ! She has felt alone and forsaken. At last Bobby arrived yesterday and she has run to him asking for some help but he told her he was too tired and that she had to wait for the day after. She didn’t dare irritate him.
This morning Bobby went to see her at work and gave her back her passport which one of her friends had taken without Betty pay attention.
He told her that he had taken revenge that way and that he hoped she‘ll be more courteous with him next time. Betty has had no reaction except giving him a kiss and saying that she would like to return to Paris with him.

Réponse: Betty et son passeport/Traduction de coferam, postée le 01-04-2007 à 15:12:28 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile83,

I haven’t had news from Betty for one month because she was impeded in Punta Cana whithout her passport.She must have found a job to earn money and to live all this time!She awaited Bobby also by hoping he would help her;but nothing ! She felt alone in the world and unfed. Bobby finally arrived yesterday and she ran towards him to ask him of the assistance but he told her he was tired too much and that she had to wait the next day. She didn’t dare to oppose him. This morning Bobby visited with Betty at her work and gave her her passport which one of his friends had taken in Betty’s room without that she realize it. He told her that he had been taken revenge this way and he hoped she would be more pleasant with him the next time. Betty did not have any reaction safe to give him a kiss and to say to him that she wanted to return to Paris with him.

Et Merci.

Réponse: Betty et son passeport/Traduction de nanette33, postée le 01-04-2007 à 19:59:01 (S | E)
Hello Betty ! (sorry, Lucile)

I haven't had any news from Betty for 1 month because she was stuck in Punta Cana without her passport. She had to find a job to earn money and live all that time! She also waited for Bobby hoping he would help her. But nothing happened!She felt alone in the world and abandoned. Finally, Bobby arrived yesterday and she ran towards him to ask for some help but he told her that he was too tired and she would have to wait for the next day. She didn't dare to irritate him. This morning, Bobby passed to see her at her job and gave her her passport which one of his friends had taken in Betty's room without she noticed it. He told her he had taken his revenge that way and wished she would be more pleasant with him next time. Betty had no reaction except to give him a kiss and tell him that she would like to return to Paris with him.

What a revenge !

Modifié par nanette33 le 02-04-2007 09:38

Réponse: Betty et son passeport/Traduction de happysmileyface, postée le 01-04-2007 à 23:36:16 (S | E)
Bonsoir Lucille, merci pour ce texte intéressant

I haven't heard from Betty since one month because she had been bloqued at Punta Cana without her passport. She must have found a job to money-earning so she could live during all that period!
She had waited for Bobby and had expected for his help;in vain! she felt so lonely and forsaken.Finally, Bobby arrived yesterday,and she had run to him seeking for his aid, although he told her that he was exhausted and she should wait for next day.She didn't dare to frustrate him. This morning, Bobby passed to see her at work and gave her back her passport which have been hooked secretly from her bedroom,by one of his friends. It was a way to take his revenge on her, hoping she will be more amiable with him next time.Betty hadn't had any reaction except kissing him and telling him that she is willing to go back to Paris with him.

Thanks Hope you will like it

Réponse: Betty et son passeport/Traduction de nicolyon, postée le 02-04-2007 à 09:15:27 (S | E)
Hello !
I haven't heard from Betty's for one month because she was stuck in Punta Cana without her passport. She would have find a job in order to earn money and live all this time. She's waited for Bobby, hopping he would help her ; but nothing. She felt lonely and left out. Eventually Bobby arrived yesterday, she rushed at him and asked for help, but he said he was to exhausted and she had to wait until the day after. She didn't dare to get him upset. This morning Bobby droped in her job and gave her back her passport a friend of her had taken it in her room without she had noticed. He said he has taken revenge in this way and he wish she would be nicer with him next time. Betty didn't react except from giving him a kiss and saying she would come back to Paris with him.


Réponse: Betty et son passeport/Traduction de mamouzel14, postée le 02-04-2007 à 12:25:13 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,
Toujours un essai. Merci de nous aider avec les histoires fabuleuses de Betty.

I haven't got Betty's news for a month because she was stuck in Punta Cana without her passport. She must have found a job to earn money and live there until now! She waited for Bobby, expecting that he would help her, but nothing, she felt lonely and unassisted. At last Bobby arrived yesterday and she ran towards him to ask him for help but he told her that he was too exhausted and she had to wait the following day. She didn't dare to upset him. This morning Bobby went to meet her at her job and gave her her passport which one of his friends had taken secretly in her bed room. He told her that he had taken his revenge in this way and hoping she would be kind with him for a next time Betty had no reaction except giving him a kiss and told him that he wanted to return with him to Paris.
what a nice revenge.

Réponse: Betty et son passeport/Traduction de adamolma4, postée le 03-04-2007 à 16:59:00 (S | E)
Hello lucile,,I haven't heard from Betty for once month since she was stuck in Punta Cana without her passport. She had to find a job to earn money in order to support herself during this difficult period. She waited for Bobby hoping he would fly to her assistance but nothing! She felt alone in the world and left out. At last, Bobby arrived yesterday and she came running towards him to ask some help from him, but he answered her that he was exhausted and she had to wait till the day after.She didn't dare to upset him.
This morning, Bobby called on her at work and gave back her passport which one of his friends had taken from her room without her realizing it. He told her he did it in revenge and he hoped that she would be kinder with him in the future.
Betty didn't react except to give him a kiss and told him she wanted to go back to Paris with him.

Thank you Lucile.

Réponse: Betty et son passeport/Traduction de strob95, postée le 04-04-2007 à 00:49:24 (S | E)
I haven't had Betty's news for one month because she was blocked in Punta Cana without her passport.
She must have found a job in order to earn money and live all this time!
She was waiting for Bobby too, hoping he could help her but nothing happens!
She felt alone and forsaken.
At last yesterday Boddy came then she ran towards him in oder to ask him his help but he said to her he was so tired and she had to wait the day after.
She didn't dare to upset him.
This morning after boddy went to see her at work and gave back her passport,which was taken by one of her friends in the Betty's room without her glimpsing it.
He told her that he had taken his revenge in this way and he hoped that she will be more friendly with him the next time .
Bretty didn't react except for giving him a kiss and told him that she wanted to come back in Paris


Réponse: Betty et son passeport/Traduction de fenics, postée le 04-04-2007 à 19:49:05 (S | E)
Hello lucile,

Here is my translation:

I haven't got any news from Betty for a month because she was blocked in Punta Cana without her passport. She had to find a job to earn some money and live all this time. She was also waiting for Bobby while hoping he would help her but there was no help. She was feeling alone in the world and abandonned. Bobby finally arrived yesterday and she ran towards him to ask him for help but he answered her he was too tired and she must wait until the next day. She didn't dare to annoy him. This morning, Bobby visited her to her work and gave her her passport that a friend of him had taken in Betty's room without her realizing. He told her he had gotten his revenge like that and he wished she would be kinder to him the next time. Beety had no reaction except for making him a kiss and telling him she wanted to come back to Paris with him.

Thanks a lot.

See you.

Réponse: Betty et son passeport/Traduction de lucile83, postée le 07-04-2007 à 16:05:03 (S | E)
Voici ma proposition:
I haven’t heard from Betty for one month as she was stuck in Punta Cana without her passport. She had to find * a job to earn some money and live all that time ! She also waited for Bobby hoping he would help her ; but in vain ! she felt lonely and forsaken. At last Bobby came yesterday and she rushed to see him and ask for help but he said he was too tired and she had to wait until the following day. She didn’t dare to irritate him. This morning Bobby dropped in on her at her work and gave her back her passport a friend of his had taken in Betty’s room without she noticed it. He told her he had taken his revenge that way hoping she would be nicer with him the next time. Betty had no reaction except giving him a kiss and telling him she wanted to go back to Paris with him.

* ou bien : she must have found , comme certains d'entre vous l'ont compris; les 2 traductions sont possibles et correctes

See you soon



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