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Phrasal verbs 16
Message de felin posté le 06-05-2007 à 14:23:51 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde

Correction Samedi 12 mai

When you meet a phrasal verb, notice the noun it is used with. This will help you understand and remember the verb much better. Match an item on the right with an item on the left. Use each item once only. Write your answers.

1The sun------ A touched down at the airport two hours late.
2.The building----- B broke down on the journey home.
3.The police------ C pelted down and they got extremely wet.
4.The plane------ D died down and I was able to concentrate again.
5The rain------- E swooped down and took the breadcrumbs from the grass.
6.The birds----- F beat down and we got very hot.
7.The noise------ G cracked down hard to prevent more violence.
8The car-------- H burnt down and all the contents were destroyed.

1.wash down------- A the speaker so he's unable to continue.
2.track down------ B the walls before you start painting
3.set down-------- C the information I was looking for.
4.slam down------- D the phone, looking very angry..
5.pull down-------- E the door to get in.
6.note down -------- F your new address.
7.shout down-------- G minimum standards of hygiene.
8.batter down-------- H the blinds if the sun gets too bright.




Réponse: Phrasal verbs 16 de nick27, postée le 06-05-2007 à 15:47:13 (S | E)
Hello Félin

1. The sun beat down and we got very hot.
2. The building burnt down and all the contents were destroyed.
3. The police cracked down hard to prevent more violence.
4. The plance touched down at the airport two hours late.
5. The rain pelted down and they got extremely wet.
6. The birds swooped down and took the breadcrumbs from the grass.
7. The noise died down and I was able to concentrate again.
8 The car broke down on the journey home.

1. Wash down the walls before you start painting.
2. Track down the information I was looking for.
3. Set down a minimum standards of hygiene.
4. He slammed down the phone, looking very angry.
5. Pull down the blinds if the sun gets too bright.
6. Note down your new address.
7. Shout the speaker down so he's unable to continue.
8. Batter the door down to get in.

For the second exercise, I hope I did it correctly. I just matched the phrasal verbs up with the sentences so the whole sentence makes sense.

Thank you very much for this very interesting exercise

Modifié par felin le 06-05-2007 16:19 Hello nick,tu as bien compris.merci.

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 16 de bobine, postée le 06-05-2007 à 18:10:15 (S | E)
Hello felin,

1==>The sun beat down and we got very hot.
2==>The building burnt down and all the contents were destroyed.
3==>The police cracked down hard to prevent more violence.
4==>The plane touched down at the airport two hours late.
5==>The rain pelted down and they got extremely wet.
6==>The birds swooped down and took the breadcrumbs from the grass.
7==>The noise died down and I was able to concentrate again.
8==>The car broke down on the journey home.
1==>Wash down the walls before you start painting
2==>I finally tracked down the information I was looking for.
3==>Set down minimum standards of hygiene.
4==>She slammed the phone down, looking very angry..
5==>Pull down the blinds if the sun gets too bright.
6==>I'll note down your new address.
7==>Laura is shouting down the speaker so he's unable to continue.
8==>They batter down the door to get in.

thanks a lot

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 16 de maya13, postée le 08-05-2007 à 15:20:54 (S | E)
hello felin,


1 - the sun beat down and we got hot
2 - the building burnt down
3 - the police cracked down
4 - the plane touched down
5 - the rain pelted down
6 - the birds swooped down
7 - the noise died down
8 - the car broke down


1 - They shouted down the speaker
2 - Wash down the walls
3 - I've tracked down the information
4 - He slammed the phone down
5 - He battered down the door
6 - Please note down your new address
7 - You must set down minimum standards of hygiene

thank you felin

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 16 de magstmarc, postée le 08-05-2007 à 23:09:45 (S | E)
Hi again felin

Nice exercise
Here's my try


Thank you

Modifié par magstmarc le 08-05-2007 23:11
I had not read all your I haven't written down the whole sentences - sorry for that
Modifié par felin le 09-05-2007 12:57 Hello magstmarc,don't worry,c'est la meme chose

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 16 de coferam, postée le 11-05-2007 à 14:59:35 (S | E)
Bonjour Felin,

1. The sun beat down and we got very hot.
2. The building burnt down and all the contents were destroyed.
3. The police cracked down hard to prevent more violence.
4. The plance touched down at the airport two hours late.
5. The rain pelted down and they got extremely wet.
6. The birds swooped down and took the breadcrumbs from the grass.
7. The noise died down and I was able to concentrate again.
8 The car broke down on the journey home.

1. Wash down the walls before you start painting.
2. Track down the information I was looking for.
3. Set down a minimum standards of hygiene.
4. He slammed down the phone, looking very angry.
5. Pull down the blinds if the sun gets too bright.
6. Note down your new address.
7. Shout the speaker down so he's unable to continue.
8. Batter the door down to get in.


Réponse: Phrasal verbs 16 de felin, postée le 12-05-2007 à 20:31:13 (S | E)
Bonsoir tout le monde

Voici la correction

1. The sun beat down and we got very hot.
2. The building burnt down and all the contents were destroyed.
3. The police cracked down hard to prevent more violence.
4. The plane touched down at the airport two hours late.
5. The rain pelted down and they got extremely wet.
6. The birds swooped down and took the breadcrumbs from the grass.
7. The noise died down and I was able to concentrate again.
8 The car broke down on the journey home.

1. Wash down the walls before you start painting.
2. Track down the information I was looking for.
3. Set down a minimum standards of hygiene.
4. slam down the phone, looking very angry.
5. Pull down the blinds if the sun gets too bright.
6. Note down your new address.
7. Shout down the speaker so he's unable to continue.
8. Batter down the door to get in.

Merci pour votre participation.



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