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Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
Tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'apprentissage de l'anglais: grammaire, orthographe, aides aux devoirs, phrases etc.


Message de hasnacha posté le 07-05-2007 à 20:37:58 (S | E | F | I)

Voici un dialogue que j'ai fait ; pourriez-vous me dire ce que vous en pensez ? En espérant qu'il y a peu de fautes ! Merci! :

A: hello Mister the police officer!
T: hello Mister!
U: Hello messior( messieurs)! You can begin to tell me what you saw. What did you there?
T: we were to buy some provisions, therefore with Tommy we passed to the store.
U: you summers left both?
A: Not, me I remained close to the car, while waiting for that Tommy returns.
U : then?
A: I saw of my car a girl who was odd. she looked at people in an odd way.
P: and you?
A : yes me too
U: and you did Tommy, you see some things?
T: yes, when I saw this girl, she my looked at maliciously and to seem strange.
U : but why strange?
T: because she was afraid, she trembled.
U: and she to carry some things on she?
T: not, I do not have anything considering.
But it is possible that she have some things.
A: me she seemed me to see that she carried a bag, but I do not know what there was inside.
T: me I did not see a bag Roy?
A : me I saw she
T: not me
U: good, it is not serious!and if not do you have another thing to say to me?
A: yes! this girl was in my college.
U : and?
A: she was known to be a calm girl, because her supervised parents, but more she grew more she seemed to disobey her parents.
U : ok ! another thing?
A: me I do not have anything any more to say. T : me too. P: thank you for your testimony!if you think of another thing of calling me!
A andT: ok! no the problem! Goodbye messior the police officer
U: goodbye messior!


Réponse: dialogue de hasnacha, postée le 08-05-2007 à 18:36:57 (S | E)
Pouvez-vous m'aider, s'il vous plaît, car je ne sais pas si j'ai fait beaucoup de fautes.

Réponse: dialogue de hasnacha, postée le 09-05-2007 à 17:48:54 (S | E)
Répondez-moi, s'il vous plaît, car je suis très embêtée!

Réponse: dialogue de TravisKidd, postée le 09-05-2007 à 18:09:19 (S | E)
Désolé mais franchement il y a trop de fautes pour vous aider effectivement, et je soupçonne que vous avez essayé d'utiliser un traducteur électronique.

Obtenez une base suffisante de grammaire, et après on peut peut-être vous aider.

Réponse: dialogue de hasnacha, postée le 09-05-2007 à 20:19:33 (S | E)
Oui je sais j'ai beaucoup de mal, je n'y arrive pas du tout.Je traduis mot à mot.
Vous pourriez au moins me dire, les fautes les plus grosses à ne pas commettre?

Réponse: dialogue de marlond, postée le 09-05-2007 à 22:14:16 (S | E)
Sorry, there's more wrong than there is right - I'd be totally rewriting it if I corrected it...

Looks like an online translator job to me too.

Think about it more, then rewrite it (note that there are pretty big mistakes in [almost] every line), then we'll take a look at it.

Bonne chance

Réponse: dialogue de hasnacha, postée le 11-05-2007 à 20:07:49 (S | E)
J'ai recommencé tout le dialogue et j'espère avoir fait moins de fautes:

A: hello Mister the police constable!
T: hello Mister!
U: Hello mister! You can begin to tell me what you saw. why were you there?
T: we were to buy some shopping, therefore with Tommy we did passed in a magasin.
U: You left both?
A: Not, me I remaining near to the car, while waiting for that Tommy returns.
U : then?
A: I saw of my car a girl who was odd. She looked at people very oddly.
P: and you A?
A : yes me too
U: and otherwise Tommy, you saw another thing?
T: yes, when I saw this girl, she my looked at maliciously and to seem strange.
U : but why strange?
T: because she was afraid, she trembled.
U: Have it we saw to do something in particular?
T: not, I do not have anything saw.
But it is possible that she have some thing.
A: me he seemed me that she carried a bag, but I know not what there was inside.
T: me I saw not a bag A?
A : me I saw him. You want it defend because you are afraid that or (au) college everyone will be informed( sera au courant).
U: You are in the same college?
A: yes! This girl was in my college.
U : and?
A: she known for be a girl calm, because one's(ses) parents her supervised, but more she grows more she seems to disobey at one's(ses)parents.
U : ok ! another thing?
A: yes! I want you to ask if the conversation that you do is confidential?
U: Why?
A because I want not to be a bring (rapporteur, dénonciateur), I want not that it is know that I came to show(temoigner).
U: it is agree! If you wished it, your testimony will be confidential!
A: thank you Mister the police constable, it is very nice.
U: It is your right to require the confidentiallity misters.
T : thank you mister, and I had say you that A was had a little afraid to say that she carried a bag.
U: she had a bag.
P: Ok thank you A. and thank you for your testimony! if you think of another thing calling me!
T: ok! No of problem! Goodbye mister the police constable
U: goodbye mister!
P: goodbye!


Réponse: dialogue de aysa, postée le 12-05-2007 à 21:54:35 (S | E)
voici quelques rectifications
A: hello Mister the police constable! hello officer
T: hello Mister!
U: Hello mister! You can begin to tell me what you saw tell me what you saw. why were you there?
T: we were to buy some shopping we were going to buy some groceries and Tommy went in the store, therefore with Tommy we did passed in a magasin.
U: You left both? did you both go in the store
A: Not, me I remaining near to the car, while waiting for that Tommy returns. no, I didn't, I waited for Tommy near the car
U : then?
A: I saw of my car a girl who was odd. She looked at people very oddly. I noticed a strange looking girl, she looked at people in a strange way
P: and you A? how about you A ?
A : yes me too
U: and otherwise Tommy, you saw another thing? did you see anything else ?
T: yes, when I saw this girl, she my looked at maliciously and to seem strange. yes, when I looked at this girl, she looked at me in a very malicious and strange way
U : but why strange? what do you mean by strange ?
T: because she was afraid, she trembled. she looked like she was afraid, she was trembling
U: Have it we saw to do something in particular? did you notice anything in particular ?
T: not, I do not have anything saw. no I didn't
A: me he seemed me that she carried a bag, but I know not what there was inside. to me, it looked like she was carrying a bag but I'm not sure what was inside
T: me I saw not a bag A? I didn't see a bag A
A : me I saw him. You want it defend because you are afraid that or (au) college everyone will be informed( sera au courant). I did ! you don't want to say it because you are afraid that everybody in college will know about it
U: You are in the same college?
A: yes! This girl was in my college.
U : and?
A: she known for be a girl calm, because one's(ses) parents her supervised, but more she grows more she seems to disobey at one's(ses)parents. she is known to be a calm girl because her parents keep an eye on her but as she grows older she seems to disobey her parents
U : ok ! another thing? ok anything else ?
A: yes! I want you to ask if the conversation that you do is confidential? yes I'd like to know if our conversation is going to be confidential
U: Why?
A because I want not to be a bring (rapporteur, dénonciateur), I want not that it is know that I came to show(temoigner). because I don't want to look like a telltale, I don't want anyone to know that I came to testify
U: it is agree!OK If you wish it, your testimony will be confidential!
A: thank you officer, it is very nice.
U: It is your right to require the confidentiallity misters.
T : thank you mister, and I had say you that A was had a little afraid to say that she carried a bag and I told you that A was a little afraid to mention that she was carrying a bag.
U: she had a bag.
P: Ok thank you A. and thank you for your testimony! if you think of another thing calling me if you think of anything else give me a call!
T: ok! No problem! Goodbye officer
U: goodbye mister!
P: goodbye!



Réponse: dialogue de hasnacha, postée le 13-05-2007 à 11:47:19 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup de votre aide!!!

Réponse: dialogue de mp27, postée le 13-05-2007 à 14:44:12 (S | E)
Hello hasnacha!

Une fois de plus (je me souviens d'autres textes du même genre) tu te heurtes aux difficultés des corrections de la correction de ta correction d'une traduction qui ne représente pas ton travail, mais celui d'un traducteur automatique... ce qui fait perdre beaucoup de temps.

En fin de compte, avant de te mettre à “copier automatiquement” les corrections précédentes, données sans explication, il faudrait faire un effort et te demander si tu les as correctement “comprises”.
Par exemple: as-tu compris ce qui n'allait pas dans ---> “with Tommy we did passed in a magasin”.
et pourquoi ---> “you left both” a été remplacé par ---> “did you both go in the store?”

En espérant aussi que tu as également bien compris ce qui n'allait pas du tout dans: “she my looked at maliciously and to seem strange”. etc etc etc

Ces remarques me semblent importantes, pour t'aider à ne pas retomber dans les mêmes fautes.

Réponse: dialogue de hasnacha, postée le 13-05-2007 à 16:28:34 (S | E)
Je pense que cette phrase -> “with Tommy we did passed in a magasin” n'était pas juste car le temps employé n'est pas bon.
“you left both” a été remplacé par-> “did you both go in the store?” car c'est une forme interrogative aux + sujet+... .
Or pour cette phrase “she my looked at maliciously and to seem strange”, je pense que c'est du notamment au temps utilisé.



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