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Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
Tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'apprentissage de l'anglais: grammaire, orthographe, aides aux devoirs, phrases etc.


Message de rod777 posté le 21-05-2007 à 12:52:31 (S | E | F | I)


Can you check my exercise , please ?

1. I took a taxi in the airport. If I _____ the traffic was heavy . I would have taken the train.(I think 1)
1.had known
2.could know
3.were knowing

12. It is important that a staff member ______ his badge on arrival.(I think 1)
2.present present presenting

13. We have added 2 flights to Hong Kong ______ we can handle the increased passenger volume.(I think 4)
1.for that that order to

14. Don’t _____ please I will put you through to the manager immediatlely ( I think 3)
1.hang out
2.hold up
3.hold on
4.hang up

15. The total cost, including accommodation ______ 1,970 euros.(I think 2)
1.adds up to
2.adds to
3.adds up
4.adds at

16. Services to ________ Taiwan and ________ Philippines have been cancelled.(I think 2)
1.the / the article / no article
3.the / no article article / the

17. I am carrying a lot of luggage _______ you open the door, please ? ( I think 4)

18. When _________ make the announcement ? ( I think 2) are going
2.are you going to are going to
4.are you going

19. ______ new passengers aboard this flight ? ( I think 4)
1.Has there any
2.Are there any
3.Is there some
4.Have there some

20. Did Jane receive the passenger list ? Yes, I gave ______ yesterday.( I think 1) to her
2.him to it
3.her to him to it

Thanks a lot.

Modifié par bridg le 21-05-2007 13:02

Réponse: QCM2/correction de willy, postée le 21-05-2007 à 13:01:15 (S | E)
Hello !

Sont correctes les phrases 1, 18 et 20.

Réponse: QCM2/correction de marlond, postée le 21-05-2007 à 13:45:53 (S | E)
12's right too. You could argue that it should be 'present' (subjunctive) but that would be very very old-fashioned, so 'presents' is right.

Modifié par willy le 21-05-2007 16:33
As it is a grammar exercise, they expect a subjunctive (formal style) even if it may be unusual in conversations! I'd have expected a should-structure instead or better still an infinitive clause (for ... to ...).

Réponse: QCM2/correction de TravisKidd, postée le 21-05-2007 à 22:08:24 (S | E)
In fact the only correct answer is "present". There is nothing old-fashioned about using the subjunctive after "It is important that...". The subjunctive, rather than the indicative, is required here because you are saying that the staff member should present his badge, not that he does present it.

"It is important that a staff member presents his badge" is also grammatically correct, but means "A staff member presents his badge, and that is important." And this is vague, because it's not clear whether every staff member presents his badge, or just some particular but non-specified staff member.
But this is a moot question since it is highly doubtful that either is the intended meaning of the sentence as given in the exercise.

As willy points out, the subjunctive can be avoided by using an infinitive clause ("It is important for a staff member to present his badge") but an indicative cannot be so rephrased. Hence if one could make this change (were it an option), he should use the subjunctive.

The only thing "formal" about using the subjunctive is that it is correct. Unfortunately, people's mastery of language has deteriorated to the point where actually using the correct mood and tense is seen as a formality.

Réponse: QCM2/correction de rod777, postée le 22-05-2007 à 09:30:35 (S | E)

Thanks a lot again to correct my exercice.

13.We have added 2 flights to Hong Kong for that we can handle the increased passenger volume.
14.Don't hold up please I will put you through to the manager immediatly.
15.The total cost, including accomodation adds up 1,970 euros.
16.Services to Taiwan and the Philippines have been cancelled.
17.I am carrying a lot of luggage could you open the door, please
19.Are there any news passengers aboard this flight?

Thanks . See you later.



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