Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
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breaking the news
Message de henry3610 posté le 17-06-2007 à 12:07:54 (S | E | F | I)
Rebonjour tout le monde ! Voilà c'est encore moi qui planche sur le bac de demain! J'ai un autre texte que je viens de réviser ( plus court que l'autre ). J'aimerais connaître mes erreurs pour ne pas apprendre des bêtises ! Voilà ce que j'ai écrit =>
This text is an extract from a novel which is entitled Breaking the news and it was written by Chinua ACHEBE.
This text deals with a conversation between two young nigerian : a man called Nnaemeka and his girlfriend Nene. Nene has always lived in the big city of Lagos whereas Nnaemeka coming from Ibibio-land. They are talking about their marriage.
At the beginning, Nene asks to her boyfriend if he has written to his father about their marriage.
In fact, Nnaemeka should write to his father to break the news about his plan to marry Nene.
But Nnaemeka has not done so yet : indeed, he thinks that his father would not want his son to marry that girl because they do not belong to the same tribe.
No doubt, people living in the country have different castoms from those who live in the city.
So, Nnaemeka prefers to tell his father about his mariage face to face because he thinks this latter will not agree with his plans.
In fact, in Africa more particularly, parents exert a very big authority on their children.
Nnaemeka probably considers that imposing his project on his father would mean a lack of respect on his part.
Toujours en vous remerciant !
Message de henry3610 posté le 17-06-2007 à 12:07:54 (S | E | F | I)
Rebonjour tout le monde ! Voilà c'est encore moi qui planche sur le bac de demain! J'ai un autre texte que je viens de réviser ( plus court que l'autre ). J'aimerais connaître mes erreurs pour ne pas apprendre des bêtises ! Voilà ce que j'ai écrit =>
This text is an extract from a novel which is entitled Breaking the news and it was written by Chinua ACHEBE.
This text deals with a conversation between two young nigerian : a man called Nnaemeka and his girlfriend Nene. Nene has always lived in the big city of Lagos whereas Nnaemeka coming from Ibibio-land. They are talking about their marriage.
At the beginning, Nene asks to her boyfriend if he has written to his father about their marriage.
In fact, Nnaemeka should write to his father to break the news about his plan to marry Nene.
But Nnaemeka has not done so yet : indeed, he thinks that his father would not want his son to marry that girl because they do not belong to the same tribe.
No doubt, people living in the country have different castoms from those who live in the city.
So, Nnaemeka prefers to tell his father about his mariage face to face because he thinks this latter will not agree with his plans.
In fact, in Africa more particularly, parents exert a very big authority on their children.
Nnaemeka probably considers that imposing his project on his father would mean a lack of respect on his part.
Toujours en vous remerciant !
Réponse: breaking the news de mp27, postée le 17-06-2007 à 12:40:04 (S | E)
Hello henry!
Tout comme le texte que tu as remis hier, celui-ci ne contient que très peu de fautes.
---> two young nigerian --> Majuscule "N"- Avec la terminaison en "ian", tu peux simplement mettre "s" -> "2 young Nigerians" = 2 young Nigerian people.
---> whereas Nnaemeka coming from Ibibio-land --> aucune raison ici pour ce "ing", donc, "comes" from...
---> asks to her boyfriend if he... --> to ask somebody if..., -Pas de "to"-
---> mariage --> il y a 2 "r" en anglais.
---> he thinks this latter will not agree --> pas "this latter", mais "his father". Relis ta phrase. Après "his father", il y a tout un long passage ->[about his marRiage, face to face, because he thinks that] donc, tu peux remettre "his father" en fin de phrase.
---> in Africa more particularly --> le "more" me semble superflu.
---> considers that imposing his project on his father would mean -->
- il me semble que "revealing" serait plus approprié ici (au lieu de "imposing").
- il s'agit de "plan" plutôt que de "project".
- avec "revealing", il faudra changer "on" en "to" (revealing his plan to ...)
Good luck!
Réponse: breaking the news de henry3610, postée le 17-06-2007 à 12:49:14 (S | E)
yessss ! merci mp27 !