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correction de réponses a des questions (1)

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correction de réponses a des questions
Message de sophie29 posté le 07-10-2007 à 18:07:58 (S | E | F | I)


Voilà, j'avais des réponses aux questions à rédiger. Si vous pouviez jeter un coup d'oeil, ce serait sympathique! Merci d'avance!

What did you think when you read the headline?
When I read the headline, I think of teenagers who drink more and more in France like in Britain.

What springs to mind when you hear about underage drinking?
I wonder why teenagers drink so much that they are violent.

Is underage drinking a problem in your country?
In my country, teenagers drink a lot too and it happens fairly often fights.

Do you think teenagers who drink should be taken into care?
I believe teenagers should be more responsible!

What responsiblities do parents have to stop their children drinking?
Parents should talk to their children and they should deprive them of pocket-money to avoid that they buy alcoholic drinks.

Do you think parents should be punished if they give alcohol to their children?
Yes, I do if parents give strong? alcohol.

Would you tell a gang of drunken youths to leave your property alone?
no,I wouldn't.

Has anything ever happened that rocked your town?
No, has'nt.

What bad things have happened on your doorstep?
Any problem has hapened on my doorstep.

What punishment should the four teenagers receive for murdering the father of three?
I believe this four teenagers should be imprisonned and should learn to behave well.

Modifié par bridg le 07-10-2007 18:13

Réponse: correction de réponses a des questions de jean31, postée le 07-10-2007 à 18:49:26 (S | E)
What did you think when you read the headline?
When I read the headline, I think<=(concordance du temps à respecter) of teenagers who drink more and more in France like in Britain.

What springs to mind when you hear about underage drinking?
I wonder why teenagers drink so much that<=(impropre comme mot charnière) they are violent.

Is underage drinking a problem in your country?
In my country, teenagers drink a lot too and it happens fairly often fights.<=(reconstruis cette proposition en commençant par le véritable sujet fights + adverbe + verbe)

Do you think teenagers who drink should be taken into care?
I believe teenagers should be more responsible! OK

What responsiblities do parents have to stop their children drinking?
Parents should talk to their children and they should deprive them of pocket-money to avoid that they buy alcoholic drinks.OK

Do you think parents should be punished if they give alcohol to their children?
Yes, I do (if parents give strong alcohol).<= (tu aurais peut-être pu imaginer une sanction, non ?)

Would you tell a gang of drunken youths to leave your property alone?
no,I wouldn't.<)(idem. Pourquoi ? à cause des risques etc)

Has anything ever happened that rocked your town?
No, -- has'nt.

What bad things have happened on your doorstep?
Any problem has happened on my doorstep.<=(aucun + verbe affirmatif = ???)

What punishment should the four teenagers receive for murdering the father of three?
I believe these four teenagers should be imprisoned and should learn to behave well. OK
Modifié par jean31 le 07-10-2007 18:46

Réponse: correction de réponses a des questions de sophie29, postée le 07-10-2007 à 19:35:35 (S | E)
Merci j'ai apporté les corrections suivantes:

What did you think when you read the headline?
When I read the headline, I thought of teenagers who drink more and more in France like in Britain.

What springs to mind when you hear about underage drinking?
I wonder why teenagers drink so much they are violent.

Is underage drinking a problem in your country?
In my country, teenagers drink a lot too and they fairly often fight.

Do you think parents should be punished if they give alcohol to their children?
Yes, I do. Police should put them in jail during a moment.

Would you tell a gang of drunken youths to leave your property alone?
no,I wouldn't (enfaite je comprend pas bien cette question??)

Has anything ever happened that rocked your town?
No, it has'nt.

What bad things have happened on your doorstep?
Any problem hasn't happened on my doorstep.

What punishment should the four teenagers receive for murdering the father of three?
I believe these four teenagers should be imprisoned and should learn to behave well.

Réponse: correction de réponses a des questions de jean31, postée le 08-10-2007 à 10:28:51 (S | E)
Quelques détails à revoir encore...

What springs to mind when you hear about underage drinking?
I wonder why teenagers drink so much that they become/turn violent.

Do you think parents should be punished if they give alcohol to their children?
Yes, I do. The police should put them in jail during a moment.

Would you tell a gang of drunken youths to leave your property alone?
no,I wouldn't (en fait, je ne comprends pas bien cette question??) = Est-ce que vous diriez à une bande de jeunes saouls de laisser en paix/respecter vos biens personnels ?

What bad things have happened on your doorstep?
Any problem hasn't happened on my doorstep.
Comment diras-tu : Rien ne s'est jamais produit sur le pas de ma porte ? Attention à ne pas utiliser 2 mots négatifs !

Réponse: correction de réponses a des questions de sophie29, postée le 08-10-2007 à 21:16:49 (S | E)
ok alors donc les deux dernières phrases lol! on va s'en sortir!

Would you tell a gang of drunken youths to leave your property alone?
no,I wouldn't, I will call the police.

What bad things have happened on your doorstep?
Nothing has nevernhappened on my doorstep.

Est-ce que là c'est bon?

Réponse: correction de réponses a des questions de sachouchou, postée le 08-10-2007 à 21:28:48 (S | E)
-no, I wouldn't....ok mais attention à la concordance des temps pour la suite...
-nothing + forme affirmative, pas 2 négations à la suite...
Encore un petit effort...

Réponse: correction de réponses a des questions de sophie29, postée le 08-10-2007 à 21:32:13 (S | E)
alors donc o final: ;)

Would you tell a gang of drunken youths to leave your property alone?
no,I wouldn't, I would call the police.

What bad things have happened on your doorstep?
Nothing has ever happened on my doorstep.

Réponse: correction de réponses a des questions de jean31, postée le 08-10-2007 à 22:00:27 (S | E)
C'est parfait.

Réponse: correction de réponses a des questions de sophie29, postée le 08-10-2007 à 22:11:01 (S | E)
Merci !! parfait mm !! c gentil d'avoir pris le temps de m'aider!!

Réponse: correction de réponses a des questions de jean31, postée le 08-10-2007 à 22:30:29 (S | E)
Nous venons là pour ça.



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