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Lean on me (1)

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Lean on me
Message de madoda posté le 02-11-2007 à 09:09:24 (S | E | F | I)

Dear friends, in our today's world of selfishness, I would like to share with you all the magnificent Bill Withers' song entitled "lean on me". This song is one of the best I have ever heard. It had been written since 1976, but its message is still up-to-date.

Sometimes in our lives we all have pain,
we all have sorrow.
But if we are wise,
we know that there's always tomorrow.
Lean on me, when you're not strong,
I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
'Til I'm gonna need
somebody to lean on.
Please, swallow your pride
if I have things you need to borrow
For no one can fill those of your needs
that you won't let show.
You just call me on brother when you need a hand
We all need somebody to lean on.
I just might have a problem that you'll understand
We all need somebody to lean on.
If there is a load you have to bear,
that you can't carry,
I'm right up the road.
I'll share your load
if you just call me.

Réponse: Lean on me de chrislondon, postée le 02-11-2007 à 21:30:09 (S | E)
What a lovely song. I remember it well from 1976. You're right, it is something we need to think about in these selfish days. If we all put it into practice the world would be a better place.



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