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A talk about San Francisco (1)

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A talk about San Francisco
Message de chtiteci67 posté le 23-11-2007 à 20:53:20 (S | E | F | I)

Hello, my name is Céline and I'm French and 15years old. I have to do a talk in English and I think I've done some mistakes... If this topic interests somebody and wanted to help me,it would be very nice to you to correct my mistakes. It's not the full text but it's enough for the moment. I've not searched the traduction in Internet, it's not my kind and it's a long long work, you can believe me! Thanks to all your answer ...

The city :

Located about 400 miles north of Los Angeles, San Francisco is a little bit its antithesis. Population’s mosaic, this city symbolize, till the sixties , the departure towards a better life for certain ethnic and sexual minorities. San Francisco is a unique city, where you feel elsewhere.
You won’t find, in the U.S.A, another city with such a cultural diversity and such tolerance. It’s one of its ethnic diversity’s result : over 750 000 inhabitants, around 200 000 are Chinese, 100 000 Latinos and a lot of Blacks, Italian, Japanese, etc…
S.F can too, make proud of being one of the nicest country’s city. We find there few skyscrapers in the center, and at the place, the city stretched over a lot of abrupt hills with the famous descending streets. We discover with happiness some picturesque quarters, like Chinatown, the latino quarter of the Mission or the gay quarter of Castro, and famous places such as Alcatraz ( the jail-island ) or the Golden Gate Bridge.
Add to this an exceptional natural site, a human size, parks and museum in a mess, and streets where you can walk without it seems suspect, and you will understand why Americans nicknamed it “The most adored city of everyone” …
In brief, San Francisco is a town to unwind from America.

Activities :


S.F. is assuredly the shopping’s cult-city in California. Generally speaking (d’une manière générale), take advantages of sales(profitez des soldes) to go shopping. The factory outlets are huge commercial centres located at the edge of the city indicated by advertising notice (panneaux publicitaires) the long of the interstates (autoroutes). The articles are sold by prices that are unbeatable (defiant toute concurrence). (until 75% of reduction in period of sales)

Feasts, festivals, event:

At S.F., moreover the national days, each commons (communes) has its parade. The inhabitants are very keen on this, thus, when it’s the occasion, they swagger noisily. (parader en fanfare)

Nocturnal life:

The Castro’s gay quarter is of course a bustling quarter the night, with young people in the bars on Upper Market. But if you wanna go out on evening, it’s to Castro or to Soma you have to go. These are the trendiest ( branché ) of S.F. with many clubs and discothèques and renowned Djs.
Modifié par bridg le 23-11-2007 20:54
Forum principal

Réponse: A talk about San Francisco de martin234, postée le 23-11-2007 à 22:43:07 (S | E)

The city :

Located about 400 miles north of Los Angeles, San Francisco is a little bit more or less its antithesis.

Population’s mosaic (vouz deviez expliquer plus ce que vouz voulez dire ici), this city symbolized (passé), till (till = langage courant, mais je pense qu'il est acceptable pour une presentation orale!) the sixties , the departure towards a better life for certain ethnic and sexual minorities.

San Francisco is a unique city, where you feel elsewhere.

You won’t find, in the U.S.A, another city with such a cultural diversity and such tolerance. (pour résonner plus couramment on peut dire 'you won't find another city in the USA...)

(It’s one of its ethnic diversity’s result) : over 750 000 inhabitants, around 200 000 are Chinese, 100 000 Latinos and a lot of Blacks, Italian, Japanese, etc…
(pensez a reformuler le debut de la phrase)

S.F can too, (make proud of) being one of the nicest country’s city.
(normalement on dit ‘too’ a la fin de phrases, ‘also’)
(verb = to be proud of, not make proud)

We find there few skyscrapers in the center, and at the place, the city is stretched over a lot of abrupt hills with the famous descending streets.

You can We discover with happiness some picturesque quarters, like Chinatown, the latin(o) quarter of the Mission or the gay quarter of Castro, and famous places such as Alcatraz ( the jail-island ) or the Golden Gate Bridge.

Add to this an exceptional natural site, (a human size, parks and museum in a mess, and streets where you can walk without it seems suspect,) and you will understand why Americans nicknamed it “The most adored city of everyone” …
(je ne sais pas ce que vous voulez dire ici)

In brief, San Francisco is a town in which to unwind from America.

Activities :


S.F. is assuredly the shopping’s cult city in California. Generally speaking you can take advantages of (besoin d'article, les soldes, the sales) sales (when shopping) to go shopping.

The factory outlets are huge commercial centres located at the edge of the city indicated by (panneaux publicitaires = bill boards) the long of (on ne peut pas traduire 'le long de' directement) along the interstates. The articles are sold at by prices that are unbeatable. until 75% of reduction in period of sales up to reductions of 75% during the period of the sales

Feasts, festivals, event:
inAt S.F., moreover during the national days, each commons (districts ou neighbourhoods = communes) has its own parade.

The inhabitants are very keen on this, thus, when it’s the occasion, they swagger noisily. (parader en fanfare = parade in spectacular fashion(v)/lively parades (nom))

Nocturnal life:

The Castro’s gay quarter is of course a bustling quarter (by) (at) the night (on peut dire 'by night' or 'at night' mais sans l'article (the), with young people in the bars on Upper Market. But if you wanna go out (in the) evening, it’s (you have to go)to Castro or to Soma .

These are the trendiest( branché ) areas of S.F. with many clubs and discothèques and renowned Djs.

Réponse: A talk about San Francisco de chtiteci67, postée le 25-11-2007 à 14:37:38 (S | E)
Thank you very much for your answer and to have me devoted a bit of your time.
I know you are 20 and it would be a little bit ridiculous to say this but if I can help you in French don't hesitate to ask me...(just send me an e-mail) I would be pleased to help you
See ya Céline

Réponse: A talk about San Francisco de chtiteci67, postée le 25-11-2007 à 15:04:59 (S | E)
Thank you in advance to correct my mistakes Céline <3

San Francisco without its cable-cars would lose a lot of its favor. And it’s not a coincidence if they constitute the only movable system in the world which is a historic building.
To move forward and climb the hills, each car hang itself with the help of a hook (crochet) at an endless steel cable, with a constant speed of 15km per hour in a converted (aménagé) gorge in the ground between the railroads. (rails)
To stop, the driver just has to let go on the cable.
In the downhills, he let him slide, and just use the handbrake. ( Certain slopes can reach until 21% of incline.)
The system has been invented in 1873, and in the nineties, we counted not less than 8 companies in the city, exploiting more than 600 cable-cars and 21 services.

Culinary specialities :

The average American-man eat badly and too much and the base of the standard menu (hamburgers, sandwiches, ice creams, peanut-butter …) stay the same wherever you are in the U.S.A.. It doesn’t mean that there isn’t any traditional food, but in California, it’s in the foreign restaurant that you will eat the best.

Like everywhere in the U.S.A., breakfast is sacred. They can serve you an American breakfast, absolute hearty meal(repas copieux) and varied, or a continental breakfast, which seems to our traditional breakfast.
In the choice: fruit juice, cereal, hash browns (pommes de terre râpées et grillées), pan cakes (petites crêpes épaisses), French toast (pain perdu) and of course, some scrambled (brouillés) or fried (frit) eggs. We can add to this some ham (jambon), bacon, sausages ( saucisses), a lot of ketchup, some buttered toasts and French fries… Don’t forget the muffins, the bagels and the donuts.
Breakfast made in America is one of the best quality-quantity-price ratio we know.


Just after a fatty morning on Saturday or Sunday. It’s typical to take brunch, so a lot of restaurant serve from 10 or 11 to 16h.[ Quand on souhaite un steak bien cuit, on le demande « well done ». En revanche, « medium » signifie à point, et saignant se dit « rare ». ]

Beverages :

Cocktails :
The cocktail which is an American invention.

The Bourbon :
An American whisky called in the past Bourbon County, in honour of the French royal family.

The root beer :
An interesting experience with a taste of medicinal chew gum really appreciated by kids but with no common point with beer.

Frozen water:
In restaurants, usage is to serve a glass of frozen water to every consumer.

Réponse: A talk about San Francisco de chtiteci67, postée le 27-11-2007 à 19:50:11 (S | E)
It's all the text...



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