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The woman (correction) (1)

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The woman (correction)
Message de zivalouna posté le 02-12-2007 à 13:24:22 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour(s) ,
j'aurais besoin que quelqu'un me corrige mon texte SVP s'il vous plaît!(désolée pour le nombres de fautes mon niveau est très faible!) Je vous remercie d'avance!

It can be assumed that the woman was in fact the wife of the murdered man. The woman reportedly discovered the infidelity of her husband on Christmas Eve, feeling humiliated, it would concoct a plan to take revenge on his man and forced him to confess his infidelity. His plan was simple: she wanted the scare by threatening with a gun to get him to tell the truth. On Christmas Eve she put his plan into effect she waited with her husband, absent a few moments to catch his pistol that's when she heard noises coming from the living room resembled those in a dispute between two people, it felt distinctly the voice of her husband and that of a woman, then all a sudden there was a shot, she came down in haste, the weapon in his hand and saw with horror her husband extended to the ground, murdered. She had time to see the silhouette of the murderer to flee, a feminine silhouette. Blinded by fear she instinctively fired on it and saw with amazement the latter was captured and fell to the ground. She remained paralyzed and could not make any gestures, holding the handgun with full force in his hand. With a burst of lucidity woman decided to alert the authorities, but before that, she deleting all the evidence which proved that she had murdered the woman. As coroner she had no trouble erasing his fingerprints. Indeed after conducting their investigation police found no evidence of any murder had committed the wife and concluded that after the man killed the other woman had committed suicide. The widow discredited pulled them all suspicions.

The message of the artist was I think the possibility of creating a perfect murder, establishes a woman who usually plays the role of the victim instead of the murderer. And also I think the artist wanted to show that revenge may lead anyone to commit the irreparable.

Modifié par bridg le 02-12-2007 13:25
+ titre

Réponse: The woman (correction) de williamengland, postée le 03-12-2007 à 22:52:00 (S | E)
One major point.

Hi Ziv,

Le fils de son père - Son fils, His son.
Le fils de sa mère - Son fils, Her son.
La fille de sa mère - Sa fille, Her daughter.
La fille de son père - Sa fille, His daughter.




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