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Description d'un tableau
Message de chach11 posté le 04-01-2008 à 14:34:03 (S | E | F | I)

Hello everybody...
Je voudrais que l'on m'aide à corriger mes erreus S'il-vous plaît...
Merci beaucoup =)

The painter of this picture is François Biard.
HE was born in 1799, and died in 1882.
The tittle of this painting is "The abolition of salvery in the french colonies on april 27, 1848".
This picture is a seascape, because it's on the beach where set the scene, I know it, because they are palm-trees and sand.

Is going on abolition of slavery..
In the lower part, I see blac people who are lay down on the ground, there is also a hat.
In the foreground, there is a melting pot on the right, but there are a lot of black people.Contrarily on the left there aren't black people.
I think people on th left who are dressed in white is an army officer white men.
Before them, a man who is dressed in black, is whatching the scene, he must be a politican.
The politican isn't on the sand like black pepole, he's on steps, that mean to say he feels better than them, he feels superior in comparison with the blacks.
Behind this man, there is a flag french which is held by an officer.
The focus of this picture is the two men who are huging, they are the tallest.
They are peas in a pod ,they are delighted.
They are holding chians, but the chains are broken, that wich mean they are free.
Garden wall them they are black and white woan, the major part is dressed in white; ithink they want the peace.
At the top there are palm-trees, muntains, the sky is cloudy, and there is the sea.

The picture shows evolution because little by littlemen get off the ground; on the left the black man is sitting, when move along the rigth people are higher than those on the left; futher on the middle there are the two who are giant.

The colors of this painting are mixed.
The most importante thing in the painting is the middle.
This picture expresses pride and joy.
I understand the joy of slaves because during long-years the slaves were humbles, beaten up, sold and bought as cattle, tortured, and the used to served the colonist.But by dint of Vistor Schoelcher a rich republican the slavery was desegregated by a decree.
Why the Blacks ? We don't know precisely !

I find this picture all-interesting, and such afecting.

Modifié par bridg le 04-01-2008 15:09
Il est demandé aux membres qui auront la gentillesse de répondre de signaler les fautes, d'aider le demandeur à se corriger mais de ne jamais faire le travail à sa place. Cette règle est incontournable sur ce site d'apprentissage. Merci de votre participation.

Réponse: Description d'un tableau de gee, postée le 06-01-2008 à 01:26:05 (S | E)
Poor little Chach,
Your requests has been left stranded for 36 hours or so. What a pity. As you possibly know I can only give you some suggestions.
(...)remplace un mot ou des mots à corriger.
(x) mot manquant
(le mot de ton texte) mot à supprimer.
Cela ne veut pas dire que ton texte ne puisse encore être amélioré. Par exemple, dès les premières phrases tu emploies sans cesse le démonstratif "this" qui pourraiot bien faire place au simple article "the".

The painter of this picture is François Biard.
He was born in 1799, and died in 1882.
The (...) of this painting is "The abolition of salvery in the (...) colonies on (...) 27, 1848".
This picture is a seascape, because it's on the beach where (...) the scene, I know (it), because (...) are palm-trees and sand.

(x) Is going on abolition of slavery..
In the lower part, I see [can see, serait mieux] (...) people (who are) (lay) down on the ground; there is also a hat.
In the foreground, there is a melting pot on the right, but there are a lot of black people. Contrarily on the left there aren't black people.
I think (...) on the left who (...) dressed in white, is a white army officer (... sing.). [color predicate before the rest]
Before them, a man who is dressed in black, is (...) the scene, he must be a politican.
The politican isn't on the sand like black peole, he's on steps, that (...)to say he feels better than them, he feels superior in comparison with the blacks.
Behind this man, there is a (... French with capital letter, preterit French before the noun flag) which is held by an officer.
The focus of this picture is the two men who are (...), they are the tallest.
(...) are peas in a pod. They are delighted. [Est-ce que ce sont les pois qui sont "delighted"?]
They are holding channs, but the chains are broken, (that)(...) (...) they are free.
[je ne comprends pas ce que cela veut dire] , the major part is dressed in white; I think they want the peace.
At the top there are palm-trees, (...), the sky is cloudy, and there is the sea.

The picture shows evolution because little by little men get off the ground; on the left the black man is sitting, [move along the right people are higher than those on the left: phrase à reconstruire, je ne comprends pas; (...) on the middle there are the two who are giant.

The colors of this painting are mixed.
The most (...) thing in the painting is the middle.
This picture expresses pride and joy.
I understand the joy of slaves because (during long-years > years long?) the slaves were (... humble est un adjectif, donc invariable), beaten up, sold and bought as cattle, tortured, and (... see below) the colonist.But (... see below) of Vistor Schoelcher a rich (...) the slavery was (desegregated.. are you sure that words does exist?) by a decree.
Why the Blacks ? We don't know precisely !

I find this picture all-interesting, and such (...).

I am used to something or to doing something, I was used to ...
or, I use to do something.

By dint of doing something, (à force faire quelque chose) ne peut introduire une personne.

Bon travail (= plaisir j'espère).



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