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Randolph Caldecott, The queen of hearts (1)

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Randolph Caldecott, The queen of hearts
Message de capucinej posté le 05-01-2008 à 21:47:40 (S | E | F | I)

Hi everyone!

I have a press article to translate from English to French. This article is about Beatrice Potter whose work has been inspired by Randolph Caldecott's one, and in particular, his book 'The queen of hearts".
I have to translate the following sentences:

Beatrix Potter's father presented her early on with books by Caldecott, and you can spot the influence immediately. The pointing cat in his Queen of Hearts is surely the model for that brilliant moment of terror when a petrified Tom Kitten confronts Samuel Whiskers, while the dancing pigs in "Hey Diddle Diddle" look as if they have been reworked in The Tale of Pigling Bland. But one area in which Caldecott and Potter stayed far apart was in their capacity for casual cruelty."

My question is: how could I translate "the pointing cat" into French?

Réponse: Randolph Caldecott, The queen of hearts de jean31, postée le 06-01-2008 à 11:01:00 (S | E)

If the cat were a dancing one, could it be "le chat qui fait des pointes"?
Does it make sense?

Réponse: Randolph Caldecott, The queen of hearts de williamengland, postée le 06-01-2008 à 17:11:39 (S | E)
Je ne connais pas l'image, but at a guess ;
"Le chat qui montre du doigt ..."



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