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Help prepositions (1)

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Help prepositions
Message de john1963 posté le 09-01-2008 à 16:12:47 (S | E | F | I)

Do you like it correct? With prepositions.

I took the photo in the summer of 1994 when I was in holiday in Africa .
We were in Zanzibar, and we were sailing round the Islands. We caught some fish, and then landed in one of the Islands, and our guide made a fire and cooked the fish.
Richie , the guide was a wonderful person. he became a good friend.
he was also a fantastic cook.
I can't remenber exactly what fish he was cooking in the photo, but it tasted delicious!
I keep this photo on the wall in my studio . In the grey, rainy day in London , I just have to look at it and the memories of a wonderful adventure come back , and i can imagine that I'm in sunny Africa again.

I thank you in advance


Modifié par lucile83 le 09-01-2008 16:18

Réponse: Help prepositions de gee, postée le 09-01-2008 à 16:53:11 (S | E)
Hello John,
You seek advice about the use of prepositions.
Hence here are the concerned passages with my opinion.

in the summer (correct)
I was in holiday (wrong)
We were in Zanzibar (correct)
sailing round the Islands (correct)

landed in one of the Islands (wrong)
[an aircraft lands on a runway; if, due to a breakdown, it ditches i.e. it touches down the sea, it is said landing in the sea; I fear that this last case is perhaps the only one where someone or something lands in something. If your boat drew alongside an island, I think you can use "to land" by analogy but you should land on an island.]

what he was cooking in the photo [maybe it's correct even though I'd rather speak of what I see on a photograph.]
on the wall (correct)
in my studio (correct)
I'm in sunny Africa again.(Lucky you!)

With all proper reserve.



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