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'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 (1)

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'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2
Message de violet91 posté le 13-01-2008 à 19:31:47 (S | E | F)

Bonsoir, mes amis..superstitieux ou pas ,nous voilà partis à cette fameuse soirée.

Vendredi 13 chez les Castevet .
- ----- Pour commencer,il avait fallu franchir la porte d'entrée de leurs hôtes, en passant sous une grande échelle. Une fois dans le vestibule,on ne pouvait manquer l'inquiétant chat noir aux yeux verts énigmatiques, braqués sur soi, l'animal par ailleurs installé confortablement sur les coussins violets du fauteuil des ancêtres. Quelque invité avait préconisé d'apporter un cadeau original et "maudit" . Chacun usa de son imagination.

Marion venait d'être placée à la gauche de la maîtresse de maison dont la chevelure était d'un roux flamboyant. Heureusement, Sam fit en sorte d'être assis au plus près de la jolie blonde qu'il avait immédiatement repérée. Ils étaient treize à table. Certains firent mine de n'en faire aucun cas , d'autres en éclatèrent de rire ! La meilleure amie de l'hôtesse, une certaine Joan,lui avait offert des couteaux. Ils parlèrent à feu-roulant de ces superstitions idiotes dont beaucoup s'encombraient, qui les faisaient,eux, tous ricaner et même des variantes étonnantes de pays à pays. Tous ricaner ? Etait-ce bien le cas ? Tout fut fait ,de toute façon , pour provoquer quelque malédiction.

Pendant ce temps-là,le charme de Sam opérait à merveille. Marion, enjouée, grisée par ce fin champagne français qu'elle découvrait ..buvait ..les paroles du beau brun. Au diable , la superstition ! D'un côté , la candeur chancelait, de l'autre l'attirance était réciproque.

Sam fixa à Marion un rendez-vous téléphonique pour le lendemain. Ils conviendraient ensemble d'un jour très proche,d'une heure agréable et d'un lieu douillet où nicher leur premier tête-à-tête....

" Et v'là l'travail!.! " Bon courage.. A vos plumes d'oie, bien évidemment! violet
Correction prévue le lundi 21 janvier.
Modifié par bridg le 23-01-2008 20:21

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de gee, postée le 14-01-2008 à 16:36:42 (S | E)
Friday 13 at the Castevet’s
------To start, they had had to go through the front gate of their hosts’ by walking beneath a tall ladder. Once in the hall, they couldn’t miss the disquieting black cat with puzzling green eyes staring at them, a beast furthermore well settled in the purple cushions of the ancestors’ armchair. Some guest had suggested they brought a present that be odd and cursed. Each of them applied their own imaginings.

Marion had just been seated on the left hand side of the flaming-red-haired hostess. Fortunately Sam managed to sit as close as by the bombshell he had right away spotted. They were thirteen sitting round the table. Some pretended that they couldn’t care less, others burst out laughing! The hostess’ closest friend, going by the name of Joan, had given knives as a present. Their talks got running over that stupid superstitions which so many were overwhelmed with, and which, as for them, made them tittering, even more so that surprising divergences stood out depending on the countries. All of them tittering? Was is really so? Anyhow, everything was done to cast a curse.

In the mean time, Sam’s charm was working wonders. Marion, cheerfully tipsy by that fine French champaign she was discovering, was drinking ….the good-looking guy’s words. The devil take superstition! Innocence was flagging, mutual draw growing.

Sam fixed Marion a phone-call date for the next day. Together they would agree upon an upcoming day, an ideal time and a cosy cranny where to snugly knock their first tête-à-tête.

This is the way I got a kick out of it, guileless Violet!
Guileless? My foot!

As snug as a bug in a rug, they’ll be. Yeah!
About a plain tête-à-tête, I bet they’re gonna knock something more.
Let’s take a wait and see stance.

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de marie11, postée le 14-01-2008 à 20:24:17 (S | E)
Bonjour Violet91.

At the Castevet’s on this Friday 13th.

For a start, they had had to walk under a high ladder before going through the entrance of their hosts'house. Once in the hall, they couldn’t fail to see the disquieting black cat which was gazing at them with its enigmatic green eyes. Besides, the animal was comfortably settled in the purple cushions of the ancestors’ armchair. Some guest had even suggested bringing an original and cursed present. Each made use of their imigination .

Marion had just been allocated a seat on the left side of the hostess whose hair was burning red. Fortunately Sam succeded in sittting very close to the pretty blonde he had at once spotted. They were thirteen of them sitting around the table. Some acted as if they didn't take care of it, and that made the others burst into laughing! The hostess’s best friend, a certain Joan, had presented her with knives. They kept talking in a steady way over these silly superstitions that a lot of people were burdened with, and which made them giggle. All of them were giggling? Was it the very case? Anyhow, everything was done to put a spell on.

Meanwhile, Sam’s seduction was doing wonders. Marion was cheerful. The fine champagne she had just discovered and she was drinking, as well as the handsome brown-haired guy’s words, had made her tipsy . The devil take superstition! On one side, ingenuousness was staggering , on the other side, attraction was mutual.

Sam arranged a phone-call tryst with Marion for the day after. Together they would agree upon an imminent day, a pleasant time and a cosy spot where the could hide their first rendezvous.

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de lakata, postée le 14-01-2008 à 22:50:44 (S | E)
Bonjour Violet !

(The devil take "my Triplets" ? Not yet ! Just for a while...)

At the Castevet's on a Friday 13th.

For a start, they had had to go through their hosts' threshold by passing under a high ladder. Once in the hall, no way to miss the disturbing black cat with enigmatic green eyes staring at them while sprawling on the purple cushions of the ancestors' armchair. Some guest had said it would be a very good idea to bring an original beastly present. Everyone giving free rein to their imagination.

Marion had just been given a seat on the left side of the flaming red-headed hostess. Luckily, Sam arranged it so that being as close as possible to the attractive blonde he had immediately spotted. There were thirteen of them around the table. Some acting as if they didn't care about it, the others bursting out laughing. A certain Joan, the hostess's best girlfriend, had given her some knives.They kept talking about these silly superstitions which many people were loaded with, whereas they made themselves all giggle, and even talked about the amazing variants from one country to another. All giggling ? Was that really the case ? Everything was done to trigger off a malediction...

Meanwhile, Sam's spell was perfectly working. Marion, cheerful and made tipsy by this fine French champagne which was new for her, was drinking (not only the champagne but also...) the handsome dark-haired man's words. The devil take the superstition ! On one hand, wavering was the ingenuousness, on the other hand, mutual was the attraction...

Sam fixed with Marion a phone-call date for the day after. They would both agree upon a very close day, a pleasant time and a cosy spot where they could be alone together for the first time.

Et v'là l'travail ! Bon courage à toi, violet, pour la correction ! Et merci !

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de johannes, postée le 14-01-2008 à 23:10:40 (S | E)
Hello again, Violet !

your imagination is fascinating, dear...some "Freud" instinct there?he he he

here we go :

For/As a start, they had to cross their hosts'threshold, (by?) walking/and walk under a high ladder. Once in the entrance-hall (lobby?), they could not avoid the mysterious and fearful (intent) gaze of a green-eyed black cat, sitting comfortably on the velvet cushions of the ancestral armchair.

(One of the) a/some guest(s) had recommended to bring along an unusual and "damned" present.

Eachone ... (heuh, là, je donne ma langue à ce foutu chat...noir!)

Marion had just been put at the mistress'left-hand side, mistress whose the hair was blazing (russet-)red. Fortunately, Sam managed to be seated close to the pretty fair woman whom he had immediately noticed.

There were thirteen of them at (round?) the table. Some pretendend to care not, others bursted out of laughing at it !

The hostess'best friend, Joan or so, had offered her knives. They were rambling on about those silly superstitions encumbering many people's mind and varying astonishingly from one country to another.

They were all indulging in mocking...all of them ? Was it really so ?
Anyway, they did everything to cause some calamity.

In the meanwhile, Sam's seductiveness/attraction/spell worked perfectly. Marion, playful and inebriated by this first-class French champagne new for her, was "drinking" the handsome dark-haired lad's words.
The hell with the superstition ! (????)
On one hand, her ingenuousness was tottering (aside), on the other hand, they were feeling attracted by eachother.

Sam and Marion agreed of a phone conference on the day after, in order to fix a day at very hand, an agreeable hour and a downy nest for their first date.

Ouch, frankly, I have been thinking a lot on this one...but very confused about the result.



Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de johannes, postée le 14-01-2008 à 23:12:02 (S | E)
oups, dear, i forgot my title : Friday 13th at Castevet's (place)

good night..

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de sophie389, postée le 15-01-2008 à 06:14:59 (S | E)
Hi Violet,

Friday 13th at Castevet's

For a start, we had to step across our host’s doorway by passing underneath a high ladder. Once in the hall, we could not ignore the worrying black cat with enigmatic green eyes, staring at us, the animal was comfortably settled on the purple cushion of the ancestors’ armchair. Some guests had advised to bring an original and “cursed” gift. Everyone used his own imagination.

Marion had just been seated on the left side of the hostess who had flaming red hair. Fortunately, Sam made sure to be seated at the closest of the good looking blonde that he had immediately spotted. There were 13 people around the table. Some people pretended not to notice while others burst out laughing. The hostess’ best friend called Joan had offered her some knifes. They talked about all these stupid superstitions that some people burden themselves with, that made them all laugh at and with even amazing variants from one country to another. Were they all laughing? Was it really the case? In any way, everything was done to arouse maledictions.

Meanwhile, Sam’s charm was working wonderfully. Marion, cheerful, delighted by this fine French champagne that she was discovering, listened captivated by the speech of this handsome man with dark hair. To hell with superstitions! On one side the naivety faltered, while on the other the attraction was reciprocal.

Sam set up a phone meeting with Marion for the next day. They would agree on a soon-coming date, a suitable time and a cosy bed to host their first private meeting.

Merci !

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de olisan, postée le 15-01-2008 à 10:12:34 (S | E)
Bonjour Violet91

Merci pour ces maux de tête à répétition...
Le ridicule ne tue pas paraît-il...

Friday on thirteenth at the Castevet.

For a start, it had made to cross the front door of their guests, via an under ladder. Once time in the hall, one cannot fail to notice disquieting black cat with her green mysterious eyes, which was staring straight at me, also this animal comfortably on the purple cushions of the armchair of ancestors.
A guest has advocated to bring an original present and “cursed”. Each used one’s imagination.
Marion had just been on the left of the lady of the house whose the hair was ginger and blazing. Fortunately, Sam made so as to be sat nearest of the blonde pretty whom he had immediately spotted. They were thirteen on the table.
Some of them, made to take no notice of. Others burst out laughing ! The best friend of hostess, a someone Joan, gave her knives. They talked with passion about this stupid superstitions which a lot burdened onseself which made all them to giggle and even of the variant surprising according to the courntries.
Everybody to giggle? Was this the well case ? All had made in any case, for to cause some malediction.
In the meantime, the attractive of Sam worked wonderfully. Marion, cheerfull and fascinated by the extradry French champagne which she discovered, was lapping up everything of the brown handsome. Hang the superstition! On the one hand, the naivety faltered, on the other hand the attraction was mutual.
Sam arranged a meeting with Marion by phone for tomorrow. They will to agree together one a next day, one a nice hour and one a cosy place where to nest them first private talk.

et voilà première version, je ne doute pas que j'en aurai d'autre à faire
Bon sans rancune, Merci beaucoup et bonne journée.

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de gee, postée le 15-01-2008 à 10:55:39 (S | E)
After posting my homework - the first here above -, I wanted to express my joy. Grateful towards Violet, I used an unfortunate ambiguous predicate about a hint of lack of guilelessness. Even though jesting, it was a blunder as I later learned that guileless first of all means frank. Reliable dictionaries define guileless as free from deceit, cunning but I had been mislead by only looking up in short dictionaries like the Webster’s which defines guileless only by these synonyms INNOCENT, NAÏVE and the Robert & Collins which translates it as "candide, sans malice".
That Violet be frank, there is no doubt about that.
That she be de l’innocente candeur de son héroïne, sûrement pas. Ce n’est pas par ingénue naïveté that she spends so much time writing, translating, providing umpteen details and shades of meanings, correcting our works. Such unselfish persons can be met only on
I wanted to apologize in the public eye.

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de TravisKidd, postée le 15-01-2008 à 16:28:49 (S | E)
"White goose, black undies 2" (a more or less literal translation )

Friday the 13th at the Castevets'

- ----- To start with, they had to go through their hosts' front door, passing under a big ladder. Once in the vestibule, they couldn't miss the troublesome black cat with enigmatic green eyes, pointed at each other, the animal otherwise installed comfortably on the purple (or should I say, violet ) cushions of the ancestral armchair. Some guest had recommended bringing an original and "cursed" gift. Each used his imagination.

Marion had just been placed to the left of the mistress of the house whose hair was of flamboyant red. Fortunately, Sam managed to get himself seated as near as possible to the pretty blonde whom he had immediately set in his sights. There were thirteen at the table. Some looked indifferent, others were laughing up a storm. The hostess's best friend, a certain Joan, offered her some knives. They talked around the fire about these idiotic superstitions which many people were caught up in, which made all of them (the guests) giggle and even about amazing variations from country to country. All of them giggle? Was that really the case? Everything was done, in any case, to provoke some curse.

During this time, Sam's charm was working marvelously. Marion, cheery, intoxicated by this fine French champagne that she was discovering ..drank ..her words rather impolite. To hell with superstition! On the one hand, the candor was staggering; on the other the attraction was mutual.

Sam set up a time to call Marion the next day. They would agree together on a day very soon, an agreeable time, and a cozy place to nest their first tête-à-tête....

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de ndege, postée le 15-01-2008 à 18:49:58 (S | E)
Hi Violet!

Friday the 13th at the Castevets'.

For a start, they had to get through their hosts‘ front door, stepping under a big ladder. When in the hall, one couldn’t miss the uncanny black cat with its mysterious green eyes staring fixedly at oneself. It was comfortably settled on the purple cushions of the elders armchair. Some guest had recommended to bring along an original and “cursed” gift. Everyone made use of one’s imagination.

Marion had just been seated on the hostess ‘s left whose hair was of a shining red. Sam fortunately got placed as near as possible to the pretty blond he immediately spotted. There were thirteen of them around the table. Some acted like they didn’t mind, others burst into laughing! The hostess ‘s best friend, some Joan, offered her knives. They talked relentlessly about these stupid supertitions lots of people burdened themselves with and which made them all sniggering, and even of amazing variants from one country to another. All sniggering? Was it really so? Anyway , everything was done to cause some malediction.

Meanwhile, Sam ‘s appeal worked wonderfully. Marion, lighthearted and intoxicated with that fine french champagne she was discovering… was drinking… the handsome dark-haired ‘s words. To Hell with superstition! On the one hand, candour was staggering and on the other hand the attraction was mutual.

Sam arranged a phone-call with Marion for the day after. They would agree together on a day very soon for a pleasant hour and a cosy place to nest their first face-to-face…

Thank you!

Modifié par ndege le 15-01-2008 23:42

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de maya92, postée le 16-01-2008 à 17:47:43 (S | E)
hello dear violet,

Friday 13th at the Castevet's

To begin with, they had had to go through their host's front door under a high ladder. Once in the hall, they could not fail to notice the disturbing black cat whose green enigmatic eyes were fixed on them. Moreover, the animal was cosily settled down among the purple cushions of the grandfather armchair. One guest had suggested to bring an original and 'cursed' gift. Each made use of their imagination.
Marion had just been seated on the left side of the lady of the house whose hair was of a flaming red. Fortunately, Sam managed to be seated very close to the pretty blonde he had spotted at once. They were thirteen around the table. Some pretended not to pay any attention to that, others burst out of laughing !The hostess's best friend, a certain Joan, had offered her some knives. They spoke passionately about those silly superstitions which overburdened a lot of people and that made all of them giggle ; they also spoke about the amazing fluctuation existing from a country to another one. Did all of them giggle ?
Are you sure ? Anyway anything was done to call down some curse.
Meanwhile, Sam's charm was working wonders. Cheerful Marion, made tipsy by the light French champagne she had just discovered..was drinking..the handsome dark-haired man's words. The devil with superstition ! On one hand ingenuousness was tottering, on the other attraction was mutual.
Sam arranged a date on the phone for the following day. Together they would agree on a very close day, a pleasant time and a cosy place to nestle down their first tête-à-tête.

thank you so much violet

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de ariane6, postée le 16-01-2008 à 23:27:34 (S | E)
Hello Violet!

Friday 13th at the Castevet’s.
To start, they had had to go through the front door of their hosts’ home by walking beneath a tall ladder. Once in the hall, they couldn’t miss the disquieting black cat with enigmatic green eyes staring at them; furthermore it was well settled in the purple cushions of the ancestors’ armchair. Some guest had suggested they bring a present for the occasion, something strange and cursed. Each of them used their own imagination.

Marion had been seated on the left hand side of the hostess with flame red hair. Fortunately Sam managed to sit as close as possible to the pretty blonde he had spotted right away . They were thirteen sitting round the table. Some pretended that they couldn’t care less, others burst out laughing! The hostess’s closest friend, called Joan, had given her knives as a present. Their conversation was about those stupid superstitions which so many people are burdened with, which made them giggle. They also talked about different superstitions in different countries. Were all of them giggling? Was is really so? Nevertheless, everything was done to cast a curse.

In the mean time, Sam’s charm was working wonders. Marion, cheerfully tipsy on fine French Champagne she was tasting for the first time, was absorbing ….the good-looking, dark haired man’s every word. The devil take superstition! Innocence was waning and mutual attraction growing.

Sam arranged a time for a phone call with Marion for the next day. Together they would decide on a day in the near future, a convenient time and a cosy place to have their first get together.

Thank you Violet! When is the next installment of this story ?

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de lucile83, postée le 17-01-2008 à 14:04:32 (S | E)
Hello !
Here's my try....

Friday 13 at the Castevet’s...oops Castevets'
To start with, they had had to go through their hosts’ front door by walking under a big ladder. Once in the hall they could not miss the worrying black cat and its mysterious green eyes staring at them, comfortably settled on the purple cushions of the ancestors’ armchair in addition. Some guest had suggested they would bring an original damned present. Each of them made use of imagination.
Marion had just been asked to sit down on the left of her flaming-red-haired hostess. Fortunately, Sam succeeded in sitting as near as possible the pretty blonde he had spotted at once. They were thirteen of them round the table. Some pretended not to notice that, others burst out laughing about it ! The hostess’ best friend, a so-called Joan, had offered her knives. They kept on talking about those stupid superstitions many people were burdened with, but which made them all snigger and even about surprising variants from a country to another. Snigger for all of them? Was it really the case? Everything anyhow was made in order to bring some curse about.
Meanwhile, Sam’s charm was wonderfully working. Marion, cheerfully tipsy with that fine French champagne she was discovering, …was drinking…that handsome dark-haired man’s words. The devil take superstition ! On one side innocence was tottering, on the other side attraction was mutual.
Sam gave Marion a phone-call date for the following day. They would together agree about an upcoming day, a pleasant time and a comfortable place where they would install their first tete-a-tete.

See you

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-01-2008 17:35
titre corrigé

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de violet91, postée le 17-01-2008 à 14:07:58 (S | E)

Thank you lucile...and watch out ! You are the thirteenth !

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de lucile83, postée le 17-01-2008 à 14:42:10 (S | E)
Can I delete my post and post it again some time later???...pleaseeee

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de violet91, postée le 17-01-2008 à 15:02:47 (S | E)

Not at all,will you ? it is supposed to be an "anti-superstition party" . Thursday,today..and you are the twelfth translator...just reckon ! Isn't it marvellous ? A lucky number !!!

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de TravisKidd, postée le 17-01-2008 à 15:05:39 (S | E)
When I was young, I went to Boston and stayed in a multi-story hotel that didn't have a 13th floor! The buttons on the elevator simply went ..., 11, 12, 14, .... !!!

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de lucile83, postée le 17-01-2008 à 15:13:03 (S | E)
I did so violet and I found out I'm the eleventh one !! everything's ok then especially also as I'm not superstitious

In some French hotels there is no room 13 either ! that is for traviskidd,just to comfort him

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de violet91, postée le 17-01-2008 à 15:33:50 (S | E)

Lucile and traviskidd,re-bonjour...! Il m'a coupé l'herbe sous les pieds ,cet Américain. ! Il paraît même qu'il n'y a pas de n°13 dans les rues ! Even if you are young or not ! That is exactly what I said : different superstitions according to countries...and convictions. Et je vais demander à lakata de me remettre dans l'axe des calculs

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de marie11, postée le 17-01-2008 à 16:38:52 (S | E)
Bonjour les superstitieux !

Voici un lien.
Lien Internet

La peur du nombre 13 ──► La triskaidekaphobie
La peur du vendredi 13 ──► La paraskevidékatriaphobie

Ne pas oublier aussi qu'au matin du vendredi 13 octobre 1307 le Roi de France Philippe IV Le Bel fit arrêter les Templiers et beaucoup furent brûlés vifs.

Au terme d'un procès inique, le grand maître des Templiers, Jacques de Molay, est lui-même brûlé vif à la pointe de l'île de la Cité le 19 mars 1314. Une plaque rappelle le triste sort de cet homme sans envergure qui ne sut pas réformer son ordre quand il en était temps et le laissa disparaître sans réagir.

Une légende reprise par Maurice Druon dans son célèbre roman-fleuve" Les rois maudits", veut qu'à l'instant de succomber dans les flammes, Jacques de Molay ait lancé une malédiction à l'adresse du Roi et du Pape, les invitant à le rejoindre dans la mort avant la fin de l'année. Or, c'est pourtant ainsi que les choses vont se passer !
Le Roi Philippe IV Le Bel meurt à 46ans le 29 novembre 1314.
le Pape Clément V(Bertrand de Got) Pape d'Avignon s'éteint le 30 avril 1314.

Modifié par bridg le 17-01-2008 20:23
Pour tous:
Attention, vous êtes sur le forum "exercices". Ce topic sert à faire la traduction proposée. Merci de ne pas dévier et de laisser les membres qui le désirent, proposer leur traduction.

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de violet91, postée le 17-01-2008 à 22:19:25 (S | E)
Sorry,bridg. Let me just add " OOO! DJIIIzeus ! "

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-01-2008 12:18
violet ! we have had 2 hours'detention

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de apau, postée le 18-01-2008 à 14:04:08 (S | E)
just a day before for you !
Hello Dear Violet ! It's me ! Let's go !
Friday 13th at the Castevet's
To start with, they had had to go through their host' front door under a high ladder. Once in the hall, we could not miss the worrying black cat and its puzzling green eyes were fixed on we, the animal comfortably settled on the purple cushions of the ancestor's armchair. Some guest had suggested they would bring an original "damned" present. Each of them made use of their imagination.
Marion had just been asked to sit down on the left of her hostess with flaming-red-haired. Fortunately, Sam managed to be seated very close to the pretty blond he had spotted at once. They were thirteen around the table. Some pretended not to notice that, others burst out of laughing ! The best friend of the hostess, a certain Joan, had offered her knives. They spoke very fluently about those silly superstitions which overburdened many of people but which made them all snigger and even surprising variants from a country to another one. Snigger for all of them ? Was it really the case ? Everything was made in order to bring some curse about.
Meanwhile, Sam' charm was wonderfully working. Marion, cheerfully, tipsy with the fine french champagne she had just discovered... was drinking... that handsome dark-haired man's words. The devil take the superstition ! On one side innocence was tottering, on the other side attraction was mutual.
Sam gave Marion a phone-call date for the following day. They would together agree about a very close day, a pleasant hour and a nice place to nestle their first rendez-vous...
Ouf ! Ce fut encore plus difficile for me but...
Thank you Dear and see you.

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de woodyrun, postée le 18-01-2008 à 16:15:07 (S | E)
Hello Violet91 !

Here is my try !

Friday the 13th at the Castevets’.

To start with, they had had to cross their hosts’ doorstep, walking under a big ladder. Once in the hall, they couldn’t fail to notice the frightening black cat with green enigmatic eyes darted on them, the animal being comfortably settled on the purple cushions of the ancestors’ armchair. Some guest had suggested to bring an odd and “damned” present. Everybody used their imagination.

Marion had just been seated on the left of her hostess whose hair was a flashy red .
Fortunately, Sam managed to be closely seated by the lovely fair-haired girl he had immediately spotted. There were thirteen of them at the table. Some pretended they didn’t care about it, some others burst with laughter .
The hostess’s best friend, a certain Joan, had offered her some knives. They freely and intensely talked about these stupid superstitions burdening many of them and which made them sneer at, and even sneer at surprising variants from country to country. Were all of them sneering? Was it really the case? Anyhow, all was made to bring on some malediction.

Meanwhile, Sam’s charm was working fine. Marion, lively and tipsy with this fine French champagne she was discovering...was drinking ... every word of the handsome dark-haired man.
To hell with the superstition ! On the one hand, the ingenuousness was staggering, on the other hand, the fascination was mutual.

Sam gave Marion a phone call date for the day after. Together,they would agree on a very close day, a pleasant time and a cosy place to nestle their first tête-à-tête...

Violet... I'm glad we're on Friday the 18th !!!
Have a nice and... enigmatic weekend !

Modifié par woodyrun le 19-01-2008 04:25

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de alice, postée le 18-01-2008 à 17:07:51 (S | E)
Hello Violet. Tu l'auras voulu!!!!!

Friday the thirteenth at Castevet's place.

To begin they had had to go through their hosts'front door, go under a big ladder. One they were in the hall, they couldn't miss the disturbing black cat with enigmatic green eyes, turned on them. Otherwise the animal was settled down comfortably on the purple cushions of the ancestors' armchair. A guest had recommended to bring an original and damned gift. They each exercise their imagination.

Marion had just been situated on the left of the hostess whose hair had an incredible flaming red colour. Fortunately Sam arranged him so that he sit as near as possible from the pretty fair he had immediately spotted. There were thirteen persons around the table. Some people pretended to pay any attention of that, others burst out laughing. The best hotess'girlfriend, a certain Joan, had given her some knives. They spoke (or were speaking?) non stop about these stupid superstitions which cluttered many people, which made all of them snigger and even about surprising variants from country to country. All of them snigger? Was it really like that? Everything was made to cause some curse.

During this time Sam's charm was acting wonderfully. Marion, cheerful, tipsy with this fine French Champagne she was discovering....drank in the handsome dark haired man's words. Hang the superstition! On the one hand, the ingenuousness failed, on the other hand the attraction was reciprocal. Sam fixed to Marion a telephone date for the next day. They would agree on a date, very near, on a pleasant time and on a soft place to nest their first meeting alone together.

Ma plume d'oie en transpire encore!

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de nefertiti, postée le 18-01-2008 à 18:23:33 (S | E)
Hello Violet.

Friday 13rd at the Castevets'

To begin with , they had had to go through their hosts' front door, by passing under a big ladder. After they had been arrived into the vestibule, they could not miss the worrying black cat with enigmatic green eyes, pointed on themself , somewhere else, the animal comfortably installed on the purple cushions of the ancester's armchair. One of the guests had suggested bringing an original and "damned" gift. Everyone used his imagination.

Marion had just been placed to the left of the hostess who had flaming red hair. Happily, Sam managed to sit the nearest to the pretty blond woman who he had immediatly noticed. They were thirteen at the table. Some acted like they did not notice anything, some bursted out laughing about that ! The best friend of the hostess, a certain Joan, offered her some knives. They talked with intensity about these stupid superstitions whose many bothered, which made them laugh, and even about some amazing versions from country to country. Everyone laugh ? Is it really the case ? Everything was done, anyway, to cause some malediction.

During that time, the charm of Sam was well operating. Marion, breezy, inebriated by that delicate French Champagne she had just discovered ... was drinking ... the words of the handsome brown haired man. Damned, the superstition ! On one side, the candour was staggering, on other side, the attraction was mutual.

Sam fixed at Marion a phone rendez-vous for the next day. They would agree together for a very soon day, at a suitable hour and in a comfortable place where they could nest their first face to face.

Modifié par nefertiti le 24-01-2008 10:58

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de coferam, postée le 19-01-2008 à 20:15:14 (S | E)
Violet, good evening,

Friday 13th at the Castevet's

To begin, it was necessary to pass through the front door of their hosts, passing under a large ladder. Once in the lobby, they could not avoid the black cat with green enigmatic eyes,staring at them, furthermore, the animal comfortably fitted out the purple cushions of the ancestors’ armchair. Some guest had advocate to bring an original and 'cursed' gift .Everyone used his
Marion had just been seated on the left of the the mistress of the house whose hair was a flamboyant red-haired. Fortunately, Sam arranged to be sure to be seated closest to the pretty blonde that he had immediately identified. They were thirteen at the table. Some were face not to make any circumstances, while others burst out laughing! The best friend of the hostess, Joan, had offered him knives. They spoke non stop these stupid superstitions which many encumbered, who were, themselves, to giggle all and even surprising variations according to countries. All giggle? Was this really the case? Everything was done, anyway, to provoke some curse.

Meanwhile, the charm's Sam operated perfectly. Marion, playful, tipsy by the subtle French champagne she discovered...drank...the words of brown handsome. Devil, the superstition! On one side, candour staggered, on the other side, the attraction was reciprocal.

Sam gave Marion a phone-call date for the following day. They would together agree of one day very close, a pleasant hour and a cozy place where to expand their first one-to-one.....

Et de 2...
Merci, et au prochain.

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de violet91, postée le 21-01-2008 à 16:45:40 (S | E)

hello à tous ,superstitieux ou pas,qui mordez bien au sujet. Vous progressez à vue d'oeil (le bon !,)et vous préparez à "de "beaux draps!"

Soyons braves devant la "treizicitude" !

Je commencerai par une explicitation rapide de la traduction ,pour mieux me pencher sur cet étrange succés des superstitions.

1 )les Castevet sg en Français et pl en Anglais : the Castevets'(place,home,house,flat,hut!..).Référence aux Castevet(s) = Castaway : The Castaways : les gens à part, les soi-disant "rejetés"(secrets avec leurs messes noires,) du roman d'horreur " Rosemary's Baby" (Irna Levin.1967)et film excellent et terrifiant du "little big" man Roman Polanski :awarded in 1968. Quelques mois plus tard, sa jeune-femme Sharon TATE ("Le bal des Vampires)le 9 Août 1969 ,enceinte de huit mois, fut sauvagement assassinée ainsi que ses invités d'un soir par des membres de la secte de Charles Manson. Le mot "PIG" avait été écrit plusieurs fois en capitales avec du sang sur les murs extérieurs.Wouah!...Nous baignons déjà dans l'horreur !
2 )modal de l'obligation :to have to,to be obliged to..: ils ne pouvaient faire autrement. If you want to succeed , you have to work hard .
3 )Le français a donné "a host ,hostess" qui invitent des "guests" :ceux qui guettent et attendent l'invitation. To wait vient de guetter,comme guêpe a donné "wasp".(cf.Henriette Walter).
4 )A ladder :une échelle ou une maille aux collants (tights car ils collent à la peau !),aux bas.
5) Bravo pour le "threshold"(ce qui se passe devant et à l'entrée : le seuil .La front-door est bonne aussi .
6) A hall mot "passe-partout" dans une maison. Entrance,corridor et passage plutôt réservés aux couloirs.

7 )Each et every amène un verbe au sg,mais un pronom pers (si tag ) et un adj.poss. au plu. Il faut inclure les femmes ,dites-donc ! Et certains (machos ou pas ) vont direct à "his".Merci pour nous,les "she"...
8 ) Vous avez du mal à choisir entre preterit (ici) et past continuous.Hein,alice? Imaginez-vous cinéaste : flash back: que peut-on filmer au ralenti ?
Pas les sentiments,opinions,la volonté ( "tu veux ou tu veux pas ?", perceptions (sauf si vous êtes chercheurs),les "généralités" (on peut encore discuter),mais ..mais faut savoir que "glissement de sens "(signification)si
----To think :penser # to be thinking : réfléchir,cogiter .
To want :vouloir,exiger (essayez-vous à dire tout haut "Je veux et j'exige", avec la liaison!)# to be wanting :désirer physiquement !

9 )To giggle : glousser (comme des pintades ) ; to snigger avec une pointe de méchanceté.
10 ) tipsy :grisé(e) par l'alcool (on garde son contrôle).Drunk : ivre.(grave) A drunkard ,marin ou pas "sailor man" :terminaison péjorative comme ivrogne ."ard" et "asse" se retrouvent dans bien des langues pour marquer la désapprobation.j'en ai plein en magasin,mais le site reste "politically correct"..donc ,arrêtons-nous à "pinard".Pardon me!.
dizzy : en proie au vertige.
11 ) To drink : pour en reparler .A utiliser dans les deux sens comme to swallow (avaler) to absorb...L'amour cannibale ! la phase d'après : "ouh! Tu es à croquer!" "on en mangerait !" S.Dali ,amoureux fou de sa femme Gala (hello,pepe) rêvait qu'une fois morte,elle devînt olive .Il la mangerait . Avait-il des problèmes de digestion? Ignorait-il qu'il ne la garderait point à vie ? Elle mourut avant lui..n'empêche. Pas une preuve d'amour,ça ? (de vouloir la manger ,je veux dire!)
12 ) May the devil take superstition ! Comme "May God bless you!" Optatif (trace de Grec)/ "Que le diable t'emporte !" "Go to hell" ."Hell with superstition".
13 ) An appointment at the dentist's (sérieux) . A date pour fleureter (flirt).A rendez-vous :un tête-à-tête (et plus,car affinités.) avec la "brunette"..,non avec la blonde ,ici.
13bis )(Ah!la!la!) Recette pour :a recipe for (prononcer 'recipi)"How to be an Alien" G.Mikes.Int.indir. a place where to

Modifié par violet91 le 21-01-2008 16:50

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de violet91, postée le 21-01-2008 à 18:04:24 (S | E)

et encore pour vos textes spirituels , où j'ai même trouvé des "réemplois" qui m'ont fait qui justifient une correction affinée! Il y a deux types d'étudiants : les attentifs, motivés et respectueux et les autres qui n'attendent qu'une chose : leurs copies ! Au diable le travail en amont ! Pour les deux qui piaffent , j'"arrrriiiive"!

Friday 13th(the thirteenth) at the Castevets'.

For a start, a high ladder stopped the entrance of their hosts'place and they had had to make their ways under it. When stepping in the hall, one by one had instantly been caught in the stare of the worrying wide-open green -eyed black cat .Actually, the owners' pet had made himself comfortable in the purple cushions of their ancestors' armchair .Some guest had suggested bringing along a special and "cursed "gift. Each of them (had)sharpened their own imagination.

Marion had just been offered a seat on the hostess's left side. The lady wore flaming-red hair. Lucky Sam had managed to be sitting close to the pretty blonde he had spotted at once. They found themselves thirteen round the table. Some acted as if they just could not care less, others burst out laughing. The hostess's best friend, some Joan, had given her a set of knives.
They intensely talked about superstitions--those signs of total nonsense which make so many people overburdened with. Each one would make THEM snigger but snigger ! Odd variants from one country to the other were also alluded. All of them snigger ? Was it really so? Anyhow, the whole party agreed with damning damnation !

Meanwhile, Sam 's damned charm was doing wonders ! Cheerful Marion ,tipsy with that fine French champagne she was just discovering...was drinking in the handsome dark-haired man's words. The devil take the superstition ! On one side ingenuousness was tottering, on the other side infatuation (attraction) was mutual.

Sam arranged a phone-call date for the morrow. They would choose together a day in the very close future, a suitable time and a cosy place where to nest their first tête-à-tête..

Voilà ma signale que ,pour le moment, Marion n'a rien à cacher !

Pour les curieux et les superstitions " On peut bien s'amuser de tout cela, mais rien n'interdit d'essayer de comprendre ,sans préjugés" et comme le dit Tristan Bernard dont j'apprécie l'humour ,entr'autre :

" Je ne suis pas superstitieux,
j'ai peur que cela me porte malheur ."

La suite ..: je me suis penchée (à peine , you never know )sur le sujet !

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de violet91, postée le 21-01-2008 à 20:47:46 (S | E)
et,voilà,j'ai joué de malchance .!Toute ma suite n°2 s'est envolée..j'en étais aux corbeaux et aux chats noirs,me direz-vous.

Avant de retisser ma toile( d'araignée du soir),je rappelle que Marion est "une oie blanche",que pour le moment ,elle n'est pas au courant pour Sam. Nothing to hide ,she thinks.

Soyons donc treize,euh..braves face à la "trizicitude !"

1) Depuis la haute Antiquité (je ne sais pas pour Cro-Magnon,ni Néandert(h)al.....pour Stonehenge,oui)),le nombre parfait était douze: Zodiaque,dieux de l'Olympe,Apôtres,Chevaliers de la Table Ronde , heures de demi-journées,mois, ne fallait pas rompre l'harmonie.
- -Le 13ème peut être soit de trop :le Christ n'aurait pas dû organiser ce repas? ceci dit avec le plus grand respect.
Il fut exécuté un vendredi 13 ,car les Romains le faisaient ce jour-là et sur du bois d'olivier et de cèdre (Touchons de ce bois-là!)

-- Le 13ème peut aussi ouvrir un nouveau cycle. C'est la chance (Latin :cadere: jeter les dés en l'air: la chance* c'est l'instant suspendu où l'on ne sait s'ils tomberont favorablement ou pas).Nom de Zeus! Zeus est le 13ème dieu del'Olympe,non?
Au tarot:la 13ème arcane =chance.
En France ,le vendredi 13 représente le meilleur score de ventes de billets de loteries.

[ le nombre 101 en Orient. 1000 et 1= 1001 (juste?):qui échappa à la mort grâce à sa 1001ème nuit et ses multiples autres atouts ???(j'imagine):Shéhérazade ].

2 ) Vendredi. Jour de "Vénus/beauté".Friday:Fri: freija,Freya,déesse nordique de la terre ,fécondité et de l'amour intime.Freyja est une Vane (déesse de l'Amour):belle (Marion),yeux bleus (Marion) et cheveux d'or (encore Marion!).Dame ou souveraine : ""Fraü"..Freia "l'Or de Rhin" de Wagner . Un tableau la représente sur un char tiré par deux chats (pas noirs) de la taille d'un lion. Donc Vénus/Aphrodite.

3 ) Et le jeudi 12 jusqu'au delà de minuit.Je reviens à La Cène. Judas Iscariot,"le traître,le pendard,le gueux"..a trahi,livré le Christ:a traitor,a betrayer : a betrayal.La Cène (latin: cena: repas du soir) est racontée maintes fois dans les Gospels ("Evangiles)."THE LAST SUPPER ". Lord's Supper or Mystical Supper. (Leonardo Da Vinci 1498) .Vous observerez:judas est souvent roux.
-------un judas : petit trou par lequel on peut voir de l'intérieur sans être vu qui est planté devant la porte) tend à s'appeler "oeilleton" et peep-hole en GB. Pas de mauvais esprit !

4 ) Les roux,les rousses : les pauvres. Ils en "bavent "souvent à l'école..Tout le monde n'étant pas vé un Rossetti.Disons "roux de
chez roux"! Rouge comme le feu: Joan (of Ark!..ah! voilà) .La sorcellerie.

5 )Le noir :la bête noire,le chat noir. Tout dépend du pays.
En France, le chat noir aperçu vous coupe les jambes (sens propre) ou vous fera mourir. Aux US,cela dépend :"the Black cat"by Edgar Allan Poe..;c'est lui qui "crache ..le morceau!" oh! Jupiter! En GB ,il est porteur de chance / A votre majorité ,on vous en offre un en peluche ou /et carte + une clé pour la liberté. §'ai eu la chance* de le vivre!
les loups ,la nuit ,ne sont pas tous gris: ils sont noirs. Lors d'anciens sabbats,les hommes se déguisaient en loups noirs pour conjurer le sort.

6 ) La pleine lune (faites-vous couper les cheveux !.moi,j'essaie de dormir!)."La lune et les étoiles ...sur un bateau à voiles "..que dis-je ? les étoiles nuit de la St Jean :une ,deux ,à la troisième, faites un voeu !

7 ) Le chiffre 3 = Trinité. Sacré. ne pas passer sous l'échelle qui,accolée au mur et posée sur le sol forme un sacré triangle.

8) Le mauvais oeil en Orient ,c'est la pire des malédictions .On n'accompagne ni CaÏn,ni alice. En France ,pas de souci ,on a "bon pied,bon oeil".

9) Etes-vous né(e)un dimanche : alors,jouez-vous des esprits malfaisants ! (I just sound like Elisabeth Tessier ..,la "thésarde",don't I ?!)

10) Les fossettes sur les joues (Sam):marques de chance *(St jean

Réponse: 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 de violet91, postée le 21-01-2008 à 21:41:09 (S | E)
10) les fossettes disais avoir trouvé une relation avec St Jean Baptiste.Il imposait ses doigts mouillés sur chaque joue d'enfant lors de leur baptême.

11 ) La coccinelle "ladybird "(c'est superbe,ce mot!):la "bête à Bon Dieu" vous n'avez rien d'autre à faire ,comptez les taches :elles vous diront le nombre (de jours ou )de mois de bonheur.!

12) Le pain : faire la croix sur le pain ( French bread,I mean) .Au Moyen Age,il valait mieux se mettre le bourreau "dans la poche" .Les boulangers lui réservaient un pain et le retournaient pour le reconnaître(le pain ,pas le bourreau!). En Sicile,on pose près du lit mortuaire un pain (il n'y a donc pas que le pain français !) et une cruche d'eau destinés à l'âme du corps.

Il ne faut pas couper ,mais rompre le pain.(La Cène / l'Eucharistie).

13) Pour conjurer la malchance ,les pêcheurs bretons auraient un "louzou"( sachet porte-bonheur) et pas le contraire.Les Français crachent sur l'appât accroché à l'hameçon (c'est du prop'...y'a pas d' quoi être fier !).Les Anglais crachent dans l'eau.les Allemands sur le manche de leur cane (berk!)Les Irlandais évitent d'interrompre la "Moon Line "(que c'est joli,l'Anglais !)qui se reflète sur l'eau au Clair de la lune.....Les chasseurs Du Vivarais croisent les jambes avant de tirer leur premier coup de fusil en disant à mi-voix "Non tradas Dominum(il ne doit pas falloir offenser le Seigneur),trimal mortrum!" Vous comprenez? Bonté divine!..

14)L'arc-en -ciel (cf le voeu à faire en irlande et la légende du Leprichorn sorte d'elfe à toucher pour être riche toute sa vie.)

15) Le trèfle à quatre feuilles.

16) Le fer-à-cheval.

17) Croiser les doigts pour que..ou pour ..pas !

18) Ne jamais offrir des couteaux (cette Joan!) :c'est rompre l'amitié. Il faut exorciser en offrant une pièce dorée !

19) Pas de lapin sur les bateaux.(ils peuvent ronger bois et cordes). On ne prononce même pas le mot,ni celui de corde.

20 ) Si l'on se lève à deux,ne jamais faire son lit à trois,surtout avec sa belle-mère !! En v'là une idée !

21 ) S'il y a des Corses ,sur le site...Napoléon ajourna le coup d'état de Brumaire (vendredi17)pour le reporter au samedi." Je n'aime pas les esprits forts.Il n'y a pas que les sots pour défier l'inconnu".

22) Pour en revenir à marie11 et surtout à traviskidd,l'Américain que je n'y a pas de chambre 13, de N°13 dans une rue, de 13ème étage dans son multi-storeyed (storied) y a en revanche une ville genre Castevet qui a fait se croiser une 13th avenue avec une 13th street.Just "wait and see" comme dirait Shakespeare who has written 37 plays ! Le lien de marie11: les femmes seraient plus superstitieuses ? Encore nous. Napoléon: quelle nana! les marins: quelles mauviettes ! les corbeaux des Romains ! Le vert proscrit chez les acteurs français :cf entretien avec Fr.Huster:quel footballer !

* Bonus ou malus ? J'ai oublié de vous rappeler que Marat ,le Duc de Berry et Alexandre II de Russie avaient été assassinés un vendredi

Pour conclure (enfin, devez-vous dire),il faut bien remarquer que presque tout a à voir avec la religion et la peur du diable.

Donc "Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolicum".

Merci mille fois d'avoir résisté jusqu'au bout et encore bravo d'être présents sur le site ....quand je mets des exercices!! Amitiés. "Promis,craché.si je mens ,je vais...!" Violet and you are welcome to the third episode !

The day after,I bet.

"A cracher comme une pas-polie",j'ai oublié de remercier(en partie) Pierre Canavaggio et son dictionnaire .

Modifié par violet91 le 21-01-2008 21:58

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