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My Computer Dating Agency. (1)

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My Computer Dating Agency.
Message de pepepol posté le 22-01-2008 à 00:43:30 (S | E | F | I)

Tout simplement souligner les fautes. Je chercherai a les corriger. C' est mon travail.
The other day I received an e-mail from my Computer Dating Agency where they said that they had my ideal partner. Obviously I run to read it:
--Dear Pepe, congratulations. Whe have found your partner. She is a young woman, about 35 years old; she is beautiful and attractive, she has got long fair hair, dark-skinned, and beautiful big green eyes.
About her personality we can say you that she is romantic, sensitive, warm, and considerate, and she has got a good sense of humour.
She is interested in music, cinema and literature.
Your appointement will be next Sunday at ten o’clock.

Monday. I’m going to write to my Computer Dating Agency. All was wrong whit Nancy.
They said me that she was 35 years old, and really she was 55. She wasn’t attractive and beautiful, she was ugly, whit lots of freckles and wrinkles, and she was ginger-haired, and I don’t like ginger-haired.
About her personality it was wrong as well. She wasn’t romantic, warm and considerate; she was inconsiderate, proud, and I think very unhappy.
Oh, no! She was interested in literature, but in tabloids.
Merci beaucoup.

Réponse: My Computer Dating Agency. de sdtriton, postée le 22-01-2008 à 08:08:28 (S | E)
The other day I received an e-mail from my Computer Dating Agency where they said that they had my ideal partner. Obviously I run to read it:
--Dear Pepe, congratulations. Whe have found your partner. She is a young woman, about 35 years old; she is beautiful and attractive, she has got long fair hair, dark-skinned, and beautiful big green eyes.
About her personality we can say you that she is romantic, sensitive, warm, and considerate, and she has got a good sense of humour.
She is interested in music, cinema and literature.
Your appointement will be next Sunday at ten o’clock.

Monday. I’m going to write to my Computer Dating Agency. All was wrong whit Nancy.
They said me that she was 35 years old, and really she was 55. She wasn’t attractive and beautiful, she was ugly, whit lots of freckles and wrinkles, and she was ginger-haired, and I don’t like ginger-haired.
About her personality it was wrong as well. She wasn’t romantic, warm and considerate; she was inconsiderate, proud, and I think very unhappy.
Oh, no! She was interested in literature, but in tabloids.



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