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Biographie sur Grégory Lemarchal (1)

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Biographie sur Grégory Lemarchal
Message de cherries95 posté le 23-01-2008 à 17:50:24 (S | E | F)

Bonjour ,

J'ai fait une biographie en anglais sur G-LM ; j'aimerais que vous me la corrigiez, si nécessaire. Elle doit être au passé puisqu'il est mort :

Gregory Lemarchal was born on May 13 , 1983. In Tronche en Isere in France.
Of age 2O month when his parents discover his disease: the mucoviscidose.
Thats probably what did him the beating that he became.
He swear only by the sport and the music despite this disease
12 years he becomes Champion of lifting France of rock'n'roll.
15 years old he participated at the transmission "Graine de Star", unsuccessfully.
In 2004 it is registered with the casting of the Star Academy 4 and is retained by the jury. He wined this season with 80% of the voices
in front of Lucie.
In 2005 he (sortir) his first single <<Écris l’histoire>> Some month after his go out of the château .Big su for this title which brings a disc of Platinum to Grégory (300 000 sold copies). Some weeks later, this is his first album <> That takes the first class to classification and becomes doubles disc of gold.

In 2006 it does a big turned one that will pass notably by the Olympia for four representations.

But his history is Grégory Lemarchal is deceased on April 30 2007 of the continuations of its mucovisidose

It was 23 years old and leaves behind him a great voice which will have had alas only one transitory success.

Réponse: Biographie sur Grégory Lemarchal de ethancarter, postée le 24-01-2008 à 13:10:28 (S | E)
Euh... mucoviscidose se dit "cystic fibrosis" je crois...



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