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L'étranger. Albert Camus (Thème) (1)

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L'étranger. Albert Camus (Thème)
Message de marie11 posté le 04-02-2008 à 15:06:20 (S | E | F)




Le roman met en scène un narrateur-personnage, Meursault, vivant en Algérie à l'époque où celle-ci était française.Il reçoit un télégramme lui annonçant que sa mère vient de mourir. Il se rend à l’asile de vieillards de Marengo* et assiste à la mise en bière et aux funérailles sans prendre l'attitude de circonstance que l'on attend d'un fils endeuillé.

* ville située à 75 kilomètres à l'ouest d'Alger, appelée aujourd'hui « ADJOUT ».

Le roman débute ainsi:

- Aujourd'hui,maman est morte. Ou peut-être hier, je ne sais pas. J'ai reçu un télégramme de l'asile : « Mère décédée. Enterrement demain. Sentiments distingués.»
Cela ne veut rien dire. C'était peut-être hier.

Niveau: --
Ce théme a été proposé en DEUG.
Correction : mercredi 13 février 2008.


J'étais fatigué. Le concierge m'a conduit chez lui et j'ai pu faire un peu de toilette. J'ai encore pris du café au lait qui était très bon. Quand je suis sorti, le jour était complètement levé. Au-dessus des collines qui séparent Marengo de la mer, le ciel était plein de rougeurs. Et le vent qui passait au-dessus d'elles apportait ici une odeur de sel. C'était une belle journée qui se préparait. Il y avait longtemps que j'étais allé à la campagne et je sentais quel plaisir j'aurais pris à me promener s'il n'y avait pas eu maman.
Mais j'ai attendu dans la cour, sous un platane. Je respirais l'odeur de la terre fraîche et je n'avais plus sommeil. J'ai pensé aux collègues du bureau. A cette heure, ils se levaient pour aller au travail: pour moi c'était toujours l'heure la plus difficile. J'ai encore réfléchi un peu à ces choses, mais j'ai été distrait par une cloche qui sonnait à l'intérieur des bâtiments. Il y a eu du remue-ménage derrière les fenêtres, puis tout s'est calmé. Le soleil était monté un peu plus dans le ciel: il commençait à chauffer mes pieds. Le concierge a traversé la cour et m'a dit que le directeur me demandait. Je suis allé dans son bureau. Il m'a fait signer un certain nombre de pièces. J'ai vu qu'il était habillé de noir avec un pantalon rayé. Il a pris le téléphone en main et il m'a interpellé: "Les employés des pompes funèbres sont là depuis un moment. Je vais leur demander de venir fermer la bière. Voulez-vous auparavant voir votre mère une dernière fois?" J'ai dit non.

Albert Camus, L'étranger (1957)

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-02-2008 20:51

Réponse: L'étranger. Albert Camus (Thème) de maya92, postée le 05-02-2008 à 17:29:11 (S | E)
hello marie, nice to hear from you again,

I was tired. The caretaker took me to his place where I managed to have a quick wash. I drank some more white coffee which tasted really good. When I went out, the day had completely dawned. Above the hills separating Marengo from the sea, the sky was streaky red.And the wind blowing over them brought me a salty fragrance. A beautiful day was starting. It's ages since I last went to the country and I imagined what a delight I would have taken strolling around, were it not for mummy.
Yet, I waited in the courtyard under a plane-tree.I could breathe in the fragrance of the fresh soil and I was no longer sleepy. I thought about my colleagues from the office. At that very time, they were getting up to go to work : to me it always was the hardest hour. I pondered those matters for a while but I was distracted by a bell ringing inside the buildings. There was a commotion behind the windows then everything calmed down. The sun had risen a little higher in the sky : it was starting to warm my feet. The caretaker crossed the yard and told me the manager was wanting me. I went to his office. He made me sign some documents. I noticed he was dressed in black striped trousers. He picked up his phone and shouted out to me :"The undertaker's assistants have been here for a while. I'm going to tell them to close the coffin. Do you want to see your mother before, for the last time ? I said no.

Thank you very much marie, not easy at all

Réponse: L'étranger. Albert Camus (Thème) de nick27, postée le 05-02-2008 à 19:11:24 (S | E)
Bonjour Marie!

I was tired. The concierge drove me to his place and I got freshened up. Once again I took a coffee with milk that was quite delicious. When I went out the Sun had already risen. Above the hills which separate Marengo from the sea, the sky was orange. And the wind blowing over them brought here a smell of salt. A beautiful day was coming up. It's been a long time since I went to the countryside and I felt how glad I would have been to go for a walk if there hadn't been mommy.
But I waited in the courtyard under a plane tree. I breathed the smell of the fresh earth and the tiredness died away. I thought about my colleagues at work. At that time they were supposed to be up and ready to go to work: For me it was always the most difficult hour. I thought about it for a little time again but my attention was drawn by a bell that was ringing inside the building. There was something wrong going on behind the windows but everything settled down afterwards. The Sun had gone a little bit higher in the sky: it started to heat my feet. The concierge walked across the courtyard and told me the director was asking for me. I went to his office. He got me to sign a few papers. I saw he was dressed in black with striped pants. He got hold of the phone and said : "The employees of the morgue have been here for a while. I'm going to ask them to shut the casket unless you want to see your mother for the last time before?" I said no.

Merci pour l'exercice !

Réponse: L'étranger. Albert Camus (Thème) de bonsai93, postée le 05-02-2008 à 21:56:40 (S | E)
The caretaker took me to his place where I managed to have a quick wash.
I took and drank some coffee with milk which tasted really good .
When I walked outside ,the day had already risen .
Above the hills which separate Marengo from the sea ,the sky was turning red .
And the wind blowing over them brought here a salty fragrance .
A beautiful day was starting .
It's been a long time since I went in the countryside
How glad I would have been to go for a walk if there hadn't been mommy
Yet I was waiting in the courtyard
I was breathing the smell of the fresh earth and the tiredness was going away.
I thought about my colleagues at work .
At that time they were supposed to be up and going to work.
For me it always was the most difficut time ;
I thought about that for a while , but I was distracted by a bell ringing inside the building.
There was something behind the windows , then everything calmed down .
The sun had risen a little bit higher in the sky .
It was starting to warm my feet
The caretaker crossed the yard and told me that the Director was asking for me
I went to the office;He gave me some papers to signe
I saw that he was dressed in black and was wearing stripped trousers .
He took his phone and said :"the undertaker's assistants have been here for a while ,I'm going to ask them to close the coffin
Do you want to see your mother before , for the last time ?"
I answered no

Réponse: L'étranger. Albert Camus (Thème) de ndege, postée le 06-02-2008 à 00:00:53 (S | E)
Hello Marie!

I was tired. The caretaker took me to his place and I could freshen up. I had again a white coffee which was very good. When I went out, the dawn had fully broken. Over the hills that separate Marengo and the sea, the sky was redful. And the wind blowing above them brought a salty scent over here. A beautiful day was coming indeed. It was a long time ago that I went to the countryside and I felt what a pleasure I would have had in taking a walk had it not been for Mum. But I waited in the yard, under a plane tree. I was breathing in the smell of the earth and I was not sleepy anymore. I thought of my colleagues at the office. At this hour, they were getting up for work : for me it was always the most difficult time. I thought again for while about these things, but I got distracted by a bell ringing inside the buildings. There was a commotion from behind the windows, then it all calmed down. The sun had risen a little further up in the sky : it was beginning to warm my feet. The caretaker crossed the yard and told me that the director was asking for me. I went into his office. He made me sign a number of papers. I saw that he was dressed in black and wearing a pair of striped trousers. He got hold of the phone and addressed me : “the people from the funeral service have been here for some time. I am going to ask them to come over and close the coffin. Will you first want to see your mother one last time?' I said no.

Thank you!

Réponse: L'étranger. Albert Camus (Thème) de nini59, postée le 06-02-2008 à 16:57:16 (S | E)
Hello Marie

I was tired. The caretaker brought me to his home and I could freshen up. I took another white coffee which tasted very good. When I went out, the sun had already risen. Above the hills which separate Marengo from the sea, the sky was full of redness. And the wind which was blowing over them brought here a salty smell. A beautiful day was begining. There was such a long time since I went to the countryside and I felt what a pleasure I would have taking a walk if there hadn't been mommy.
But I waited in the courtyard under a plane tree. I breathed the smell of fresh earth and the tiredness was gone away. I had a thought for my colleagues at work.At this time, they were getting up to go to work: For me, it always was the hardest hour. I thought about these things for a time but I was disturbed by a bell ringing inside the buildings. There was a commotion behind the windows then everything calmed down. The sun had risen higher in the sky.It started to heat my feet. The caretaker crossed over the courtyard and told me that the director was asking for me. I went to his office. He made me sign some papers. I saw he was dressed in black with stripped pants. He took the phone in his hand and he shout at me:"The morgue's employees have been here for a while. I'm going to tell them to close the casket. Do you want to see your mother a last time before?" I refused.

for this test Marie. It was hard but I tried.

Réponse: L'étranger. Albert Camus (Thème) de lakata, postée le 06-02-2008 à 19:36:34 (S | E)
Bonsoir Marie.

I felt tired. The concierge took me to his lodge where I was able to have a quick wash. I had also some white coffee that I found tasty. When I got out, it was already daylight. Upon the hills between Marengo and the sea, many reddenings were staining the sky. And coming from there, the wind was blowing a salty smell. It was going to be a lovely day. It had been a long time since I'd gone to the countryside, and I knew how pleasant it would have been to go for a walk if there hadn't been Mum.
But I was waiting in the yard instead, under a plane tree. I could smell the fresh soil and wasn't sleepy any more. I thought of my colleagues at the office. At this time, they were getting up to go to work, this time which had always been the worst one for me. I still thought a little of these things until I was distracted by a bell ringing in the buildings. There was a great commotion behind the windows, then everything calmed down. The sun had risen a little higher in the sky, and started to warm my feet. The concierge crossed over the yard and told me the director was asking for me. So I went to his office. He made me sign a certain number of documents. I could see he was dressed in black with a pair of striped trousers. Holding the phone in his hand, he called out to me :" The undertaker's assistants have been here for quite a time. I'm going to ask them to come and close the coffin. Do you want to see your mother for the last time ?". I said no.

Thank you Marie !

Modifié par lakata le 10-02-2008 08:00

Réponse: L'étranger. Albert Camus (Thème) de violet91, postée le 07-02-2008 à 20:55:59 (S | E)
Good evening , marie,
How nice to see you back...!

I was tired. The caretaker took me to his place and I was able to have a quick wash. I had some more white coffee which was very good . When I went outside,it was broad daylight. Above the hills which separate Marengo from the sea, the sky was full of red streaks. And the breeze coming up over the hills brought me a salty scent. It was going to be a beautiful sunny day. It was a long time since I had been out in the countryside and I knew how much I would have enjoyed going for a walk , were it not for mother.

But, I waited in the courtyard, under a plane tree. I breathed in the fresh smell of the earth and I no longer felt sleepy. I thought of my colleagues at the office. At this time, they woud be getting up to go to work. For me, it was always the most difficult time . I went on thinking about things like that for a moment, but I was distracted by the sound of a bell ringing inside the buildings. There was some commotion behind the windows, then everything calmed down again. The sun had risen a little higher in the sky . It was beginning to warm my feet up again. The caretaker came across the courtyard and told that the (nursing home's) warden wanted to see me. I went to his office . He made me sign a number of documents . I noticed that he was dressed in black and wearing a pair of striped trousers. He picked up the telephone and addressed me :-" The undertaker's men have been here for a while. I am going to ask them to close up the coffin. Before they do, would you like to see your mother one last time? I said no.

Adapted from "The outsider "(very first title),more commonly "The stranger" , a " bijou" of French literature,written by Albert Camus before 1939 and the war(Algiers)published in 1942.

Merci marie de l'avoir mis en ligne..phrases apparemment si simples, style "désincarné" n'est pas une mince affaire ! J'ai tenté de rester au plus près. A bientôt.

Réponse: L'étranger. Albert Camus (Thème) de trucmuch, postée le 09-02-2008 à 10:35:15 (S | E)

I was tired. The caretaker took me to his home and I could have a wash. I took some coffe with milk again which was very good. When I went out, the days was completly rised. Above the hills which separate Marengo from the sea, the sky was plenty of redness. And the wind wich passed over them brought here a smell of salt. It was a nice day which begin. There was a long time I didn't go to the country and I felt the pleasure to go for a walk if mam wasn't here. But I waited in the yard, under a plane three. I breathed the smell of the fresh ground and I didn't fell tired anymore. I thought to my office's collegues. At this time, they got up to go to work : for me, it was always the most difficult hours. I thought about some other few things again and was distract from a bell which rang in the building. There was a commotion behind the windows, then all became quiet. The sun raised a little bit in the sky : it started to warm up my feet. The caretaker crossed the yard and told me that the director was asking to me. I went in his office. He made me sign a few documents. I saw he was dressed in black with a striped trousers. He took the phone and called out to me. "The undertakers are here for a while. I'm going to ask them to close the coffin. Before, do you want to see your mother a last time again ?" I answered no.
Consciente que le niveau était un peu élevé pour moi, j'ai voulu faire une tentative... Merci et bonne journée.

Réponse: L'étranger. Albert Camus (Thème) de dolfin56, postée le 09-02-2008 à 17:42:58 (S | E)
Hello Marie,

I was tired.The caretaker took me to his place where I was able to have a quick wash.I had some white coffee which was tasty.When I went out,the daybreak was on.Over the hills separating Marengo from the sea,the sky was turning red.And the wind getting over there brought a salted smell.
It was a nice day brewing.It was a long time since I had been in the countryside,and I knew how much I would have enjoyed walking if Mum hadn't be there.
But I waited in the yard, under a plane tree.I breathed the fresh hearth smell and I wasn't sleepy any more.I though of my fellow workers.At this time,they were getting up to go to work.It always was the most difficult hour for me.I steel through over that for a moment,but I have been taken off by a bell ringing inside the buildings. There was some confusion behind the windows,then everything calmed down again.the sun was raised a bit higher in the sky:it was beginning to warm my feet.The caretaker came accross the yard and told me the manager was asking for me.I went to his office. He made me to sign some documents.I saw he was dressed in black with a pair of striped trousers.
He took hold the phone and called upon me:"the undertakers have been here for a while,. I'm going to tell them to close the coffin; would you first go and see your mother for the last time?".I said no.

Réponse: L'étranger. Albert Camus (Thème) de nefertiti, postée le 12-02-2008 à 14:44:55 (S | E)

The outsider

I was tired. The concierge led me to his home and I could have a quick wash. I took again some very good coffee with milk. When I went out, the day had been completely risen. Above the hills split Marengo from the sea, the sky was very red. The wind which passed above them brought here a smell of salt. A beautiful day was preparing. There was a long time I had been to the country and I felt the pleasure I would have had to go for a walk if Mum was not here.
But I waited in the courtyard, under a plane tree. I breathed in the smell of the fresh earth and I would not sleep anymore. I thought to my office's colleagues. At this hour, they were waking up to go working : for me, it was always the hardest hour. I still thought a little about these things, but I was always distracted by a bell ringing in the buildings. There was a commotion behind the windows, then everything became quiet. The sun rose a little more in the sky : it was beginning to warm up my feet. The concierge passed through the courtyard and told me that the director asked for me. I went to his office. He made me sign some pieces. I saw he was dressed in black with striped trousers. He took the phone in his hand and called me : "Employees of funeral service have been here since a moment. I am going to ask them for coming to close the coffin, would you want to see your mother for the last time before ? " I said no.

Modifié par nefertiti le 12-02-2008 16:26

Réponse: L'étranger. Albert Camus (Thème) de zen, postée le 13-02-2008 à 17:40:54 (S | E)

I was tired. The janitor led me to his place and I was able to cleanup a bit. I had once again some coffee with milk which was very good. When I went out, the sun had completely risen. Above the hills separating Marengo from the sea, the sky was full of red glows. And the wind blowing over them brought here a smell of salt. It was going to be a beautiful day. It was a long time since I had been to the countryside and I felt what pleasure I would have had walking around if my mother wasn’t there.
But I waited in the yard, beneath a plane tree. I inhaled the smell of fresh earth and I wasn’t tired anymore. I had a thought for my work’s colleagues. At that time, there were waking up to go to work: for me it was always the most painful time of the day. I was still thinking about those things, but I was distracted by a bell that jingled inside the buildings. There had been some upheaval behind the windows, and all got quiet. The sun was a little higher in the sky: it started to heat up my feet. The janitor crossed the yard and told me that the manger asked for me. I went in his office. He made me sign a number of pieces. I saw that he was black dressed with striped pants. He grabbed the phone and said over to me: “The mortuary employees have been there for a while. I am going to ask them to close the coffin. Do you want to see your mother a last time beforehand?” I said no.

Réponse: L'étranger. Albert Camus (Thème) de marie11, postée le 13-02-2008 à 19:56:27 (S | E)

Voici ma proposition:

I was tired. The caretaker took me to his rooms and I was able to have a quick wash. I had some more white coffee which was very good. When I went outside, it was broad daylight. There were lots of red streaks in the sky above the hills that separate Marengo from the sea. And the wind that blew over them brought a smell of salt with it. It was going to be a beautiful day. It was a long time since I had been out in the country and I realized how much I could have found great pleasure in walking, if it hadn't been for Mother.
But I waited in the courtyard under a plane tree. I breathed in the smell of fresh earth and I no longer felt sleepy. I thought of my colleagues at the office. At that time they were getting up to go to work; that was always the most difficult time for me. I thought about those things for a while but I was distracted by the sound of a bell ringing inside the buildings. I saw some commotion behind the windows, and then everything became quiet. The sun had risen a little higher in the sky; it began to warm my feet. The caretaker crossed the courtyard and told me the warden wanted to see me. I went to his office. He made me sign a certain number of documents. I noticed he was dressed in black and was wearing pinstriped trousers. He picked up the phone and then he called out to me: « The undertaker's assistants have been here for some time. I'm going to ask them to come and close the coffin. Would you like to see your mother one last time before they do it ? » I said no.

Je vous remercie de votre participation.



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