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Centre commercial (correction) (1)

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Centre commercial (correction)
Message de recherche posté le 05-02-2008 à 18:27:48 (S | E | F)

j'ai une petite traduction à effectuer d'après une lettre que j'ai écrite en français alors si vous pouviez me corriger cela serait sympa!merci!
En français :
Je m’appelle XX D. et je suis une lycéenne de 17 ans.
Je m'adresse à vous parce que je suis préoccupée par la nouvelle loi MB18.
Vendredi, un adolescent a été arrêté par un agent de sécurité de votre magasin parce qu’il n’était pas accompagné d’une personne de 21 ans ou plus. Je trouve dommage d’interdire l’accès d’un centre commercial à une personne mineure. Par conséquent, je ne peux m’empêcher de croire que la liberté des adolescents est atteinte. A quoi cela sert-il d’avoir la majorité si on doit encore être accompagné ? Cette loi empêche l’adolescent d’être autonome responsable. De plus, tous les parents ne sont pas disponibles pour accompagner leurs enfants au centre commercial. Je crois qu’il faut peser le pour et le contre de cette nouvelle loi. D’une part, je pense qu’empêcher un adolescent d’entrer dans un centre commercial c’est comme le discriminer et l’exclure de la société. Et d’un autre côté, je trouve cela bien de vouloir protéger les clients des adolescents aux comportements inadmissibles.
En anglais:
Dear Sir,
My name is XX D and i'm a 17 year-old secondary school pupil. I speak to you because i'm preoccupied by the new "MB18" policy in your mall. On Friday a teenager was stopped by a security guard of your mall because he wasn't accompanied by someone 21 or older. I feel it's a shame to forbid the access of a mall to a person who has under 18 ! Therefore, i can't help thinking that the teenagers'freedom is reached. What does it serve to have the majority if we still must be accompanied ? This new policy prevents teenagers from being independent and responsible! Moreover, all parents aren't available to accompany their children in a mall. I believe that we must weigh the pros and cons of that new policy! On the one hand i think to prevent a teenager from entering in a mall it's like discriminate him and exclude him of the society.But on the other hand i think it's well to want to protect customers of teenagers who have unacceptable behaviours!
Yours faithfully,

Modifié par bridg le 05-02-2008 18:42
Il est demandé aux membres qui auront la gentillesse de répondre de signaler les fautes, d'aider le demandeur à se corriger mais de ne jamais faire le travail à sa place. Cette règle est incontournable sur ce site d'apprentissage. Merci de votre participation.

Réponse: Centre commercial (correction) de iwona_katarzyna, postée le 05-02-2008 à 19:03:29 (S | E)

this is a formal letter so you should avoid contracted forms I'm, it's
you should also avoid emotive language, like the use of "I believe that we must weigh the pros and cons of that new policy!", "This new policy prevents teenagers from being independent and responsible!", "But on the other hand i think it's well to want to protect customers of teenagers who have unacceptable behaviours!"

Réponse: Centre commercial (correction) de recherche, postée le 05-02-2008 à 19:20:43 (S | E)
ok merci pour votre réponse je vais changer mes "i'm" en "i am" et mes "it's "en "it is" !
Est-ce que mes phrases " i think it is well to want to protect customers of teenagers who have unacceptable behaviours!" et "Therefore, i can't help thinking that the teenagers'freedom is reached" sont grammaticalement correcte parce qu'elles me semblent bizarre

Réponse: Centre commercial (correction) de iwona_katarzyna, postée le 05-02-2008 à 19:32:10 (S | E)
I would suggest the following corrections:

1. "On the one hand i think to prevent a teenager from entering in a mall it's like discriminate him and exclude him of the society"
on the one hand I think that preventing a teenager from entering a mall is like discriminating against him and excluding him from society

2. "But on the other hand i think it's well to want to protect customers of teenagers who have unacceptable behaviours!"
but on the other hand I think it is a good idea to want to protect customers against teenagers displaying unacceptable behaviour

3. "Therefore, i can't help thinking that the teenagers'freedom is reached"
therefore, I cannot help thinking that teenagers' freedom is affected.
( I don't know French well enough, but I suppose the sense is like "touched")

Modifié par iwona_katarzyna le 05-02-2008 19:34

Réponse: Centre commercial (correction) de recherche, postée le 05-02-2008 à 19:51:58 (S | E)
Okay merci beaucoup pour votre correction

Réponse: Centre commercial (correction) de iwona_katarzyna, postée le 05-02-2008 à 20:11:54 (S | E)
1. I looked up the French word "la majorité", as the sentence "What does it serve to have the majority if we still must be accompanied ?" sounded odd to me, so in this sentence "majorité" means being an adult, being of age

what does being an adult/being of age serve to if we still have to be accompanied?

or in a free translation: what sense does it make if we are of age and we still have to be accompanied?

2. I speak to you because i'm preoccupied= I am writing to you
3. to a person who has under 18 = who IS under 18



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