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architecture (1)

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Message de shakis posté le 06-02-2008 à 16:54:37 (S | E | F)

Bonjour à tous,
je m'étais inscrite il y a plusieurs années sur ce site, je suis bien contente d'en voir l'évolution. Aujourd'hui je me remets à l'anglais, non sans difficultés. Je suis en école d'architecture et j'ai un oral à passer dans quelques jours. J'ai commencé à le préparer, pourriez-vous donc me dire si ce que j'ai écrit est satisfaisant? Ce n'est que le début, mais cela m'aiderait à continuer. Merci d'avance.

(une première personne parle de la vie de l'architecte LOuis Kahn, puis c'est à moi de parler d'un de ses projets)
To continu about Louis Kahn, we would like to speak you about one of this project who is the Norman Fisher house. She is dating of 1960 and today we can find her in Philadelphia. The Norman Fisher house is located on a site which slopes gently down from a main road to small stream. It consists of two large cubes connected diagonally together. They contain two distinct groups of activities. The first cube contain the entrance and the master bedroom suite with dressing room and bathroom on the first floor and two smaller debrooms on the second floor. The second cube is connected by a large opening. The first floor contains the kitchen who is separeted of the lounge with a free-standing stone fireplace. But I don’t know what happened at the second floor.

Modifié par bridg le 06-02-2008 17:07

Modifié par shakis le 07-02-2008 21:24

Réponse: architecture de shakis, postée le 07-02-2008 à 21:28:41 (S | E)
Aucune aide? J'espère que cela veut dire que c'est positif!
Je poste la suite, pourriez vous me dire s'il y a des expressions qui ne s'utilisent pas du tout? merci beaucoup et bonne soirée
ps: existe-t-il des synonymes pour "window" ? car j'ai tendance à beaucoup l'utiliser.

The more I see of this house the more I like it. I find the volumetrically very simple. I love the window placement and their shapes. A beautiful composition of shapes and sizes and obviously placed to maximize light penetration. The predominant fascade overlooks a stream and forest. The large corner window offers a panoramic view of this. Window create an really nice feeling of seclusion or even isolation. I am not sure that isolation is the correct word, but the inhabitants of this space must truly feel in touch with their surroundings.

Réponse: architecture de ndege, postée le 07-02-2008 à 23:30:04 (S | E)

Voici un premier lot de corrections. Je laisse à d'autres le soin d'affiner :

To continu about Louis Kahn, we would like to speak you about one of this project who is the Norman Fisher house. She is dating of 1960 and today we can find her in Philadelphia. The Norman Fisher house is located on a site which slopes gently down from a main road to ? small stream. It consists of two large cubes connected diagonally together. They contain two distinct groups of activities. The first cube contain the entrance and the master bedroom suite with dressing room and bathroom on the first floor and two smaller debrooms on the second floor. The second cube is connected by a large opening. The first floor contains the kitchen who is separeted of the lounge with a free-standing stone fireplace. But I don’t know what happened at the second floor.

The more I see of this house the more I like it. I find the volumetrically very simple. I love the window placement and their shapes. A beautiful composition of shapes and sizes and obviously placed to maximize light penetration. The predominant fascade overlooks a stream and ? forest. The large corner window offers a panoramic view of this. ? Window create an really nice feeling of seclusion or even isolation. I am not sure that isolation is the correct word, but the inhabitants of this space must truly feel in touch with their surroundings.

expression (ou vocabulaire) mal formulée ou impropre => consulter le dico et porter une attention particulière à l'usage
faute de grammaire
faute d'orthographe

Je crois que "see + of" ne s'emploie que pour une personne. "of" est de trop.

Voilà, bon courage!

Réponse: architecture de shakis, postée le 08-02-2008 à 17:31:52 (S | E)
merci beaucoup pour l'aide, je me suis penchée sur mes erreurs. Voila ma correction, et j'ai même continué un peu.

Continuing on the work of Louis Kahn, we would like to speak to you about one of his project which was the Norman Fisher house. It is dating of 1960 and today we can find it in Philadelphia. The Norman Fisher house is located on a site which slopes gently down from a main road to small stream. It consists of two large cubes connected diagonally together. They contain two distinct groups of activities. The first cube contains the entrance and the master bedroom suite with dressing room and bathroom on the first floor and two smaller bedrooms on the second floor. The second cube is connected by a large opening. The first floor contains the kitchen which is separated of the lounge by a free-standing stone fireplace. I don’t know anything about the second floor because there are no information concerning this in book.

The more I see this house the more I like it. The use of the volume is very simple. I love the window placement and their shapes. A beautiful composition of shapes and sizes which are obviously placed to maximize light penetration. The predominant facade overlooks a stream and forest. The large corner window offers a panoramic view of this. This window creates a really nice feeling of seclusion or even isolation. Perhaps isolation is not the appropriate word for each person, but the owners of this house must truly feel in touch with their surroundings.

I really want to speak to you about this house because it makes me think of my current architectural project. At the moment, I am designing a six meter wooden construction, in the form of a cube, which contains a shop on the first floor and a terrace on the second floor. This is a kiosk which is situated in Place des Vosges in Paris. Like the Norman Fisher house, it is situated in the middle of trees. One can say that my kiosk is like a cabin. Furthermore the structure is fully wooden, which gives an impression of warmth.



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