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corrigez moi (1)

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corrigez moi
Message de sabina24 posté le 21-02-2008 à 08:39:13 (S | E | F)

Bonjour,Est - ce que vous pouvez corriger mon paragrphe au présent simple et mes phrases aussi s'il vous plait.
Firstly,Iwake up at 7.00 and i wish my faceand clean my mouth.then,i make my,i have breakfast at 8.00.afterthat, i wear my clothe.
Finally,i go always my office layer at8.30.
thanks advance.
mes phrases suivates;
-Ilike my job.
-My sister likes her job.
-My sister works from 8.00to 12.00.
-Iam prepare a lunch.
-Ilove my friend.
-I respect my friend but he hates me.
-my friend forget me forever.
-Iam promise to my friend when i get a some money i will send his by western union.
I always call to my friend because he is sicks.
I hope to help my friend because he is verry poor.
merçci sabina.

Réponse: corrigez moi de tomtom1001, postée le 21-02-2008 à 11:41:46 (S | E)

Je ne sais pas si tu préfère que je te réponde en anglais ou en français... donc j'ai mis les deux!!
I don't know if you prefer english answers or french answers... so I write the both!!

Firstly, I wake up at 7.00(1) and i wish(2) my face and I clean my mouth. Then, I make(3) my room(4). Next, I have breakfast at 8.00(1). After that, I wear my clothes(5).
Finally, I go(6) always(7) my office layer(8) at 8.30(1).

-I like my job.
-My sister likes her job.
-My sister works from 8.00 to 12.00.
-I am prepare(9) a lunch.
-I love my friend.
-I respect my friend but he hates me.
-my friend forget me forever(10).
-I am promise(9) to my friend when I get a some money I will send his him by western union(11).
-I always call to my friend because(12) he is sicks.
-I hope to help my friend because he is verry poor.

1-Quand tu écris une heure, pense à écrire a.m. si c'est la matin ou p.m si c'est l'après-midi!!
When you write an hours... thinf of writing a.m if it's the morning, or p.m. if it is the afternoon!!

2-"to wish" = "souhaiter"
"to wash" = "laver"

3-"make" est mal employé... cherches plutôt la traduction du verbe "ranger"
"make" is misused... try the translation for "ranger"

4-C'est le lieu où tu dors donc "bedroom"
This is the room where you sleep so it is "bedroom"

5-Je pense que cette expression est fausse... essayes avec la traduction de "s'habiller"
I think this isn't the right expression... try with the translation for "s'habiller"

6-"aller" = "to go TO"

7-Les adverbes de fréquence se placent toujours entre le sujet et le verbe (sauf exception!!)
Frequency adverbs are ALWAYS placed between the subject and its verb (except exceptions!!!)

8-Que veut tu dire par "layer"?? Je ne comprend pas!!
What do you mean by "layer"??? I don't understand!!

9-C'est le présent progressif donc "BE + verbe + ING"
It's the progressive present so we use "BE + verb + ING"

10-On dit soit "my friend forgot (prétérit) me forever" soit "my friend always forget me"!!
We say either "my friend forgot (preterit) me forever" or "my friend always forget me"!!

11-Je ne comprend pas ce que tu veux dire!!
I don't understand what you mean!!

12-"because" est mal employé... essayes avec "when"
"because" is misused... try with "when"

I hope I helped you!!!!

See you soon... bye


Réponse: corrigez moi de miter, postée le 21-02-2008 à 13:36:34 (S | E)
Firstly, I wake up at 7.00(1) and i wish(2) my face and I clean my mouth. Then, I make(3) my room(4). Next, I have breakfast at 8.00(1). After that, I wear my clothes(5).
Finally, I go(6) always(7) my office layer(8) at 8.30(1).

-I like my job.
-My sister likes her job.
-My sister works from 8.00 to 12.00.
-I am prepare(9) a lunch.
-I love my friend.
-I respect my friend but he hates me.
-my friend forget me forever(10).
-I am promise(9) to my friend when I get a some money I will send his him by western union(11).
-I always phone to my friend because(12) he is sick.
-I hope to help my friend because he is very poor.

I send you a correction of your text
Firstly I wake up at 7.00A.M,I wash my face and clean my mouth.
Then,I tidy up my room and have a breakfast at 8AM. After that,I put on my clothes.
Finally, I go to my lawyer office at 8 AM
(9)-I promised to my friend, when I'll get some money, I'll send it him
Excuse me it's the first time I correct a text.
Is it what you want?

Réponse: corrigez moi de cami84, postée le 21-02-2008 à 13:46:59 (S | E)

According with the corrections above I let myself make some corrections.

3. arranger la chambre: To arrange the bedroom so " I arrange my bedroom"
5. s`habiller: to dress up so " I dress up. It`s not necesarly say " my clothes".
6-7-8. je penses que tu veux dire avocat donc c`est "lawyer" so, I always go to my office lawyer
9. There, it is not simple present but simple past, so " I promised to my friend"
11. I will send it to him by western union

Good luck,


Réponse: corrigez moi de sabina24, postée le 22-02-2008 à 14:20:44 (S | E)
Bonjour, d'abord je vous remerçie beaucoup pour tes remarques son oublier mes aimes:Tomtom1001,Miter et Camie84.
j'ai corriger mes fautes et voilla:
Good Morninig,Firtly i want to thanks veru much(POUR tes remarques).without forget my friends Tomtom1001,Miter and Cami84.
Ihave correct my faults and here is:
Firstly, i wake up at 7000 a.m and i wash my face and clean my mouth.then, i make the bed or( I can say, i tidy a bed,and another example-My mother is making the bed.).next i have breakfast at 8.00 a.m afterthat, i put on my dress..and i can say i have on my dress.finally always i go to my office layer at 8.30a.m.
Mes phrases suivantes;
-Ilike mu job.2-My sister likes her job.-My sister works form 8.00a.m to 12.00 p.m.-Iam prepare a lunch.-I respect my friend but he hates me.-My friend forget me froever!!or My friend always forget me!!(THANK YOU TOMTOM1001).
-Ipromissed to my friend,when I'll get some money,I'll send it him(thank you miter).-Alawys, i call to my friend because he is verry poor.
j'ai modifie ce qui m'était pas bon,est-ce mieux?j'attends tes remarques mes aimies.

Réponse: corrigez moi de tomtom1001, postée le 22-02-2008 à 14:44:23 (S | E)

You're welcome... we're here to help each other!!!

Firstly, i wake up at 7.00 a.m and i wash my face and clean my mouth. then, i make the bed .next i have breakfast at 8.00 a.m afterthat, i put on my dress dress up... finally i always go to my office lawyer (il faut inverser: "my lawyer office") at 8.30a.m.

Mes phrases suivantes;

I- like my job.

2-My sister likes her job.

-My sister works from 8.00a.m to 12.00 p.m. (Are you sure??? "12H00 p.m." = "midnight"!!! )

-Iam preparing a lunch. forme progressive = "be + verbe + ING"

-I respect my friend but he hates me.

-My friend forget me froever!! or My friend always forget me!!

-I promissed to my friend, when I'll get some money, I'll send it him.

-I always call to my friend because he is verry poor. Les adverbes de fréquences sont entre le verbe et le sujet!!

If you have some other question, It will be with great pleasure that I'll answer you (euh... if I know the answer!!!)

Bye tomtom

Réponse: corrigez moi de sabina24, postée le 22-02-2008 à 16:30:26 (S | E)
Hi again Tomtom1001,thank you very much and you can send me synoyme of wear and to arrange.please tomtom1007 it's true when i said -I always wear jean.or i jean up.
please ,help me because iam very bad in english.and i have a poem in english.
i am a fraid if send this site. may be you or anther person. can't undrestand me.
thank you and all person.

Réponse: corrigez moi de tomtom1001, postée le 22-02-2008 à 17:05:01 (S | E)

SO "to wear": to clothe, to dress (up), to apparel (formal)

"to arrange"; to tidy, to rank, to classify

but watch out when you use them!!!!

I always wear jeans!!! it's always plural!!!


Réponse: corrigez moi de violet91, postée le 22-02-2008 à 18:24:45 (S | E)

Si vous avez bien DEUX jambes .....facile à mémoriser :pants , shorts,bermudas, pyjamas, knickers.,tights,trousers.and jeans.

Réponse: corrigez moi de violet91, postée le 22-02-2008 à 18:37:28 (S | E)
Ne jamais oublier le "s" à la 3ème personne du singulier du présent simple ;

Does he ever forget you ?
No,my friend never forgets me !

Yes ,my friend always forgets me ! (ce n'est un ami,alors).

Un oubli pareil coûte très cher en devoir et examen !...Attention aussi à l'orthographe.

Réponse: corrigez moi de sabina24, postée le 22-02-2008 à 20:14:48 (S | E)
Thank God and Thank you very much Tomtom and Violet91,so Ican say;Iapparel dress, Ithink It's fault!!!!!
Please send me sentence with to apparel,...ect.
It's true when I say Iam arranging a house.Or Iam organizing a living room.
Sorry, Ifind a difficulty..and I can't write correct sentences with these words are;to arrange,to rank,to classifly and to tidy.
j'attends tes réponses
merçi beaucoup

Réponse: corrigez moi de sabina24, postée le 23-02-2008 à 09:01:09 (S | E)
S'il vous plaît, j'attends la correction et merci d'avance.

Réponse: corrigez moi de sabina24, postée le 23-02-2008 à 18:29:58 (S | E)
bonsoir à tous comment exprimer les mots to arrange,to rank,to tidy, to dress
and to classifly.dans des phrases en anglais



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