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a short speech (1)

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a short speech
Message de ayuda posté le 26-02-2008 à 08:43:01 (S | E | F)

Bonjour, j'ai commencer a faire mon exercice pour parler d'une ville que j'aimerai bien visiter. J'ai choisi la ville de londres, seulement je bloque un peu, pouvez-vous m'aider, me donner des idées pour parler de londres

Prepare a short speech to answer the following question:
“Talk about a city where you have never been and that you would love to visit. What do you think you would visit?”

I have never been to London. This city has got to be the most amazing city ever. I'm such a sucker for old cities, where you can walk and see the old buildings and feel the history behind it. The bad thing is that it really is the most expensive city in Europe.
Aside from that, I think the English are a really friendly people, very open-minded and clever.
If I have the possibility to travel I would like going others there for visited, meet somebody, and learn better English.
Personally, if I go to London, I would like visit Buckingham Palace, see the big markets, du typical pub.

Merci pour vos conseils

Réponse: a short speech de mark26, postée le 26-02-2008 à 21:52:50 (S | E)
I have never been to London. This city has got to be the most amazing city ever. I'm such a sucker for old cities, where you can walk and see the old buildings and feel the history behind it. The bad thing is that it really is the most expensive city in Europe.
Aside from that, I think the English are a really friendly people, very open-minded and clever.
If I have the possibility to travel I would like going others there for visited, meet somebody, and learn better English.
Personally, if I go to London, I would like visit Buckingham Palace, see the big markets, du typical pub.

I have never been to London. This city must be the most amazing city. I'm such a sucker of old cities, where you can walk and see old buildings and feel the history behind it. The drawback is that it really is the most expensive city in Europe.
Aside from that, I think English people are a really friendly, very open-minded and clever.
If I had the possibility to travel there I would like to go over there to visit, meet people, and learn a bit more of English.
Personally, if I could go to London, I would like visit Buckingham Palace, see the big markets, du typical pub.


je n'ai pas compris votre dernière phrase : "see the big markets, du typical pub."

Voila! à bientot !



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