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Une vérification. (1)

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Une vérification.
Message de soso32 posté le 29-02-2008 à 16:13:03 (S | E | F)


Auriez-vous la gentillesse de m'indiquer mes erreurs et surtout de me les expliquer?
Je vous en remercie d'avance. Bonne journée.

In London, I bought many souvenirs for my family and I (Sorry I never found for you but I promise you that I will buy somethings for you when I will go in England again!)
In fact, for my family, I bought english specialities sush as tea, muffins, scones, orange marmalade and donuts. Besides, they liked lots of the english food!
As for me, you know my « ivresse ??? » for the clothes that’s why “j’en ai profité “ in London and I bought up shops!  En ce qui me concerne, tu connais mon ivresse pour les vetements c’est pourquoi j’en ai profité à Londres et j’ai dévalisé les magasins !

Réponse: Une vérification. de lucile83, postée le 29-02-2008 à 16:38:09 (S | E)
In London, I bought many souvenirs for my family and I (Sorry I never found for you but I promise you that I will buy somethings for you when I will go in England again!)
In fact, for my family, I bought english specialities sush as tea, muffins, scones, orange marmalade and donuts. Besides, they liked lots of the english food!
As for me, you know my « ivresse ??? » intoxication/addiction for the clothes that’s why “j’en ai profité “take the opportunity in London and I bought up shops!  En ce qui me concerne, tu connais mon ivresse pour les vetements c’est pourquoi j’en ai profité à Londres et j’ai dévalisé les magasins !

Commencez par corriger et si vous ne comprenez pas quelque chose,revenez demander.
See you

Réponse: Une vérification. de hughy, postée le 29-02-2008 à 17:37:12 (S | E)
Bonjour soso32,
j'accepte de te donner un petit coup de pouce :
Si Lucile t'a mis une tête rouge après "will" c'est parce qu'il y a une règle
de grammaire très importante que tu n'as sans doute pas encore aprise.
exemple : quand je serai à la retraite : When I am retired
N'oublie pas ! bon courage !
Que les autres en profitent, je vois souvent cette erreur.

Réponse: Une vérification. de soso32, postée le 29-02-2008 à 18:03:28 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup à vous deux!

Réponse: Une vérification. de soso32, postée le 29-02-2008 à 18:08:43 (S | E)
Pourriez-vous m'indiquer mes erreurs dans ce texte?

Here are some points which particularly astonished me:
Firstly, it is well-known, that the English drive on the lefthand side of the road. Moreover, I was amazed to see a large number of publicity posters in particular on London taxis and on the top of the buildings. British policemen, the “bobbies”, wear a fluorescent yellow blazer and aren’t armed.
Next the buses and post box are red (in London) and there are few block of flats.
As for the money, it is the sterling and not the euro. Next, the English have a Queen whereas we have a President of the Republic. Besides, the Queen is on the money, notes, stamps... I could see “ER” which means Elizabeth Regina on the post box, the policemen’s helmet...
Naturally, the meals are differents( for example: Fish and chips is a popular take-away food with British origins, consists of deep-fried fish in batter or breadcrumbs with deep-fried chipped (slab-cut) potatoes) and it seems to me that english pupils, who have to wear a uniform, work less than we do.
Finally, I found that life is expensive in England.

To sum up I would say that those few days have been fantastic. I greatly appreciated the Tower of London and Smugglers Adventure. But other activities such as the Bayeux Tapestry, the visit of Rye and Battle Abbey also were superb: The trip was very well organized. I appreciated the free time that the accompanying adult gave us and there was a very good atmosphere among the students. We had the opportunity of improving our English-language skills and exploring English culture. I would also have preferred spending more time with my host family so that I could have gotten to know them better.
However, what a pity that we didn’t have a guide for some visits especially for Bodiam Castle because it would have been interesting to know more about its history. Moreover, the road to arrive at this castle was very long.
Finally, I didn’t have any contact with an authentic british food: no steak & kidney pie… No jelly (green and trembling)… no Fish and Chips…
Even so, to my mind, this trip would be to do again without hesitation for the next classes of secondary school and I hope to return to England in my years of high school!
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Réponse: Une vérification. de soso32, postée le 29-02-2008 à 21:16:28 (S | E)
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