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the Neodol (correction) (1)

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the Neodol (correction)
Message de bak posté le 06-03-2008 à 16:05:34 (S | E | F)

Pouvez-vous s'il vous plaît, m'aider à corriger cette traduction?

The synthesis with the Neodol 7oe doesn’t give liquid product at ambient temperature (paste liquid).
We have better results with the makon td 6oe, (ratio=1.15 and ratio=1.64), and with the imbentin t100 10oe (ratio=2).
But, to obtain high ratio (mono ester/ di ester) we need to let react over night (about 15 hours), it must be check.
The trial BR/11/31/1 showed the importance of water, indeed I forgot to reflect the alcohol water value in my charge, so I obtain a high H3PO4 value.
We gave the samples to the formulation lab (P.GIGAND), for application test, to see the influence on the formulation by the ratio ME/DE and by the alkyl chain.
Modifié par bridg le 06-03-2008 16:06
Formules de politesses.
Forum principal.

Réponse: the Neodol (correction) de gee, postée le 06-03-2008 à 17:38:22 (S | E)
If I had got to know what kind of synthesis is at stake, using Neodol, Makon and Imbentin, I'd have easier got something about your issue.
I am not a chemist. I just guess it’s about making up cleaning stuffs.
Since I will just put forward some ideas that sprang to my mind relating to the writing.

Registered names of industrial molecules should be written with a first uppercase. I’d write Makon, Imbentin.

Monoester and diester are used to be written in one piece (in one word).

Paste liquid ? Isn’t it liquid paste? Liquid is most often used as an adjective linked with names, like liquid crystal, liquid air, liquid oxygen, liquid ester… whereas paste is a noun.

I’d say "But to obtain a high ratio of monoester to diester, we must (or: need to) let react overnight (in one word), i.e. 15 or so hours. This has still to be checked."

"…. showed (up) the importance of water. I forgot indeed to reflect …"
Isn’t it that you failed to report/transfer/get back the alcohol and water values.. or, the ratio alcohol to water data?

in your charge?
I suppose your charge here is not the price, but your calculus. Are you sure that word is used in that sense?

We gave. Correct but also we passed on, we handed over…

Is there a laboratory called "formulation lab"? or is it that you passed the samples on to the lab for formulation based on application tests.

To see: correct but also to show.

Isn’t it the impact of the ratio ME/DE and of the alkyl chain on the formulation? ('of' instead of 'by')

I may drivel a bit but if you can draw something from my arguments, that's much the better.



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