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help me (1)

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help me
Message de misterg posté le 08-03-2008 à 17:02:04 (S | E | F)

voici un dialogue que j'ai écrit pouvez vous me corriger

A:Tell me about yourself?
b:My name is ..., I am ... years, I lived in ........

A:What are your hobbies?
B: I play .... and ...

A: Why did you choose DUT QLIO?
B:I choose DUT because I would like work in environement

A:Have you knowledge in data-procesing?
B:Yes, I master ..............

A:What do you know about the compagny?
B:I know a little (Je voudrais dire pour etre franc je neconnais pas grand chose de votre entreprise )

A:What are you looking for a job?
B:This job is interresant becaus I learn chance new skill and to broader my experience

A:Where do you see yourself in five years?
B:I would hope to be progressing with in your compagny

Réponse: help me de nerad96, postée le 09-03-2008 à 00:50:20 (S | E)
A:please could you tell me something about yourself,in a few sentences?
b:My name is ..., I am ... years, I lived in ........
LIVE au présent!
A:What are your hobbies?
B: I play .... and ...

A: Why did you choose DUT QLIO?
B:I choose DUT because I would like TO work in enviroNment(sans e après le n)

A:Have you got some ENVIRONMENTAL KNOWLEDGE in data-procesing?
B:Yes, I master ..............

A:What do you know about the compagny? COMPANY
B:I know a little (Je voudrais dire pour etre franc je neconnais pas grand chose de votre entreprise )

I just have a few informations about your company, but my experience in data-procesing makes me sure that i would be able to.....etc

(A:What are you looking for a job?
B:This job is interresant becaus I learn chance new skill and to broader my experience) INTERESTING BECAUSE
je ne comprends pas ce que tu veux dire

A:Where do you see yourself in five years?
B:I would hope to be progressing with in your compagny
Je te laisse le soin de reformler cette phrase qui ne me semble pas correcte non plus.

En espérant t'avoir apporté un petit plus,hélas je ne suis pas bilingue non plus, mais j'ai la chance de cotoyer des anglosaxons touss les jours je travaille dans un aéroport.
best regards, see you
Modifié par bridg le 09-03-2008 12:03
Retrait des parties en majuscules (hors sujet) et crier en majuscules sur le site n'est pas nécessaire.

Réponse: help me de misterg, postée le 09-03-2008 à 11:24:08 (S | E)
Merci j'ai corriger quelque phrase dit mois si ces bon:

What are you looking for a job?
I look for a job tha give a chances to learn new skill and tobroaden my experince

C'est pas pour en vrai entretien c'est pour l'école

Réponse: help me de elizabeth2, postée le 09-03-2008 à 12:00:40 (S | E)
A:please can you tell me something about yourself,in a few sentences?
b:My name is ..., I am ... years, I live in ........

A:What are your hobbies?
B: I like .... and ...

A: Why did you choose DUT QLIO?
B:I chose DUT because I would like TO work for the environment

A:Have you got some ENVIRONMENTAL KNOWLEDGE in data-processing?
B:Yes, I have experience in ..............

A:What do you know about the COMPANY
B:I know that your company has a good reputation and with my experience in data-processing I sure that I will be able to.....etc

A:What is your motivation concerning this job
B:This job is interresing becausE I will have the chance to learn new skills and broader my experience)which in the long term will be beneficial to you

A:Where do you see yourself in five years?
B:I hope to be an environmental data progresser within your compagny

Réponse: help me de ewayaoubis, postée le 11-03-2008 à 13:17:20 (S | E)
What do you know about the COMPANY
B:I know that your company has a good reputation and with my experience in data-processing I sure that I will be able to.....etc
I AM sure that...

Réponse: help me de msjf1, postée le 11-03-2008 à 17:53:49 (S | E)
Salut misterg Voici ma proposition

A : Tell me about youself
B : my name is ….., I am ……. Years, I live in ……. ( live parce que c’est un interview et c’est le le present simple )

A : What are your hobbies ?
B : I play ……. And ……..

A : Why did you choose DUT QLIO ?
B: I choose DUT because I would like work in environment ( environment sans le e comme en français )

A: Have you some knowledge in data-processing ? ( processing avec 2 s )
B: Yes Sir, I have experience in ……..

A: What do you know about the Company ?
B: I don’t really know enough about your Company, but a few informations, and then with my experience in data-processing I sure to be able to ……..

A: What are you looking for a job ?
B: This job give me opportunity to ameliorate and prove my skill and to broader my experiences

A: Where do you see yourself in five years ?
B: At once, I would like to succeed within your company.

J’espère avoir fait mieux et te souhaite bonne continuation

Réponse: help me de misterg, postée le 13-03-2008 à 19:18:41 (S | E)
merci a tous j'ai passer mon oral, j'ai plutôt bien réussi



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