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experience (correction) (1)

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experience (correction)
Message de marc92 posté le 19-03-2008 à 14:14:03 (S | E | F)


Pourriez-vous svp me donner votre avis sur un essai que j'ai fait (expression, fautes...).
Merci d'avance.

What is the worst experience of your life.

I am going to talk about the most frightening experience of my life, which occurred nine months ago, while I was in “Classe préparatoire”. First of all, I think that it’s of a paramount importance to explain the working of this kind of studies, in order to understand why it was the worst period of my life. It’s a well-known fact that due to the difficulty of these studies, a huge number of students may be fired before the end of the program. Therefore, it’s very stressful. Moreover, we can repeat the last year which is called “Maths-Spé”, so as to have better engineer school (it was my case).
It should also be remembered that the two or three years of “Classe préparatoire” aren’t recognise by university. So, this implies that I had to pass my exam whereas I would begin again all my studies from the beginning.
Thus, the previous month before my exam was horrible ; according to me, it was synonymous with hell, because each night and each morning I was afraid to fail.
On the whole, I think that it’s important to say that this experience was frightening but also very interesting. Indeed, despite the difficulty and the stress, I learnt to know myself and my limits.

Modifié par bridg le 19-03-2008 16:26

Réponse: experience (correction) de joey93, postée le 19-03-2008 à 16:25:19 (S | E)
Bonjour Marc92,
à part "I learn to know myself and my limits", je ne crois pas qu'il y ait beaucoup d'erreurs. Je serais tentée de dire "I learn to know ABOUT myself and my limits".Joey93



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