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Petit texte...
Message de miss42000 posté le 22-03-2008 à 14:56:13 (S | E | F)

Salut!Pouvez vous m'aider à corriger le texte que j'ai fait s'il vous plais?!

I have numerous passion in the live.One for the soccer and a other for the profession of fireman.It's about this last passion that I want to speak you.
In June, I passed the concourse of voluntary fireman.It was really a great day.In this time I was too young so the members of the barracks couldn't keep me.But they proposed me to came to trainings(de venir aux entrainements)Mondays with them.In march I could participate to a drill as a victim,too.It was very very good.
This year, I'm seventeen years old so I can become voluntary fireman.I wait with impatience to can begin.
More later I hope be professional fireman.It' very important for me, it's my goal in the live.I know it's will be very difficult but I'm determined, I will do all I can for realise my dream.


Réponse: Petit texte... de sitelle, postée le 22-03-2008 à 15:26:05 (S | E)
I have numerous passion in the live.One for the soccer and a other for the profession of fireman.It's about this last passion that I want to speak you.
In June, I passed the concourse of voluntary fireman.It was really a great day.In this time I was too young so the members of the barracks couldn't keep me.But they proposed me to came to trainings(de venir aux entrainements)Mondays with them.In march I could participate to a drill as a victim,too.It was very very good.
This year, I'm seventeen years old so I can become voluntary fireman.I wait with impatience to can begin.
More later I hope be professional fireman.It' very important for me, it's my goal in the live.I know it's will be very difficult but I'm determined, I will do all I can for realise my dream.
I have numerous passionsin mylife. One for the soccer and another oneone for the profession of fireman. It's about this last passion I want to tell you.
In June I passed the exam to become avoluntary fireman. At that time I was too young so the members of the crew couln't keep me.But they suggested that I should come to trainings with them. In march I was able to participate in an exercise as a victim and it was very pleasant.
Now that I am 17,I can become a voluntary fireman. I am anxious to be able to start.
Later, I hope to become a professional fireman. I know it will be difficult but this is my will. And I will do all I can to reach my dream. continuez en corrigeant...

Modifié par sitelle le 04-04-2008 11:03



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