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Betty et sa dernière lettre (1)

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Betty et sa dernière lettre
Message de lucile83 posté le 24-03-2008 à 09:54:30 (S | E | F)


Correction par mp.
Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas Betty et les BD:
Lien Internet

See you

Enfin des nouvelles de Betty ! Jane a trouvé un emploi d’hôtesse de l’air et voyage dans le monde entier. Betty a été embauchée en tant que directrice des ventes dans une grosse entreprise internationale dont le siège social est situé à New York. Elle n’a plus de nouvelles de Bobby qui a acheté une grande maison à Brisbane en janvier dernier. Elles ont décidé toutes les deux de le laisser tranquille pendant un moment, ce qui me surprend un peu car je connais Betty. Et ce qui m’inquiète aussi c’est que Betty se demande où elle va passer ses prochaines vacances. Je n’ai pas osé lui demander si elle pensait les passer à Brisbane.

Réponse: Betty et sa dernière lettre de bridg, postée le 24-03-2008 à 11:47:21 (S | E)
Some news from Betty at last! Jane found a job as a stewardess and has been travelling all around the world. Betty signed on sales manager in a big international trust whose main office is in New-York. It's ages since Bobby, who bought a big house in Brisbane last January, gave her some news. They all two decided to leave him alone for a while, which makes me a little bit perplexed because I know Betty. And what makes me worried too, is that Betty is wondering where she might spend her next holidays. I didn't dare to ask her whether she thought of spending them in Brisbane.

Réponse: Betty et sa dernière lettre de nick27, postée le 24-03-2008 à 12:05:04 (S | E)
At last some news from Betty ! Jane found a job as a stewardess and is now traveling around the world. Betty was hired as a sales director by a big international company whose headquarters are in New York. She no longer hears from Bobby who bought a big house in Brisbane last January. Betty and Jane have both decided to leave him alone for a while which somehow suprises me because I know Betty. What bothers me is that Betty is wondering where she'll spend her next vacation. I didn't dare to ask her if she was thinking of going to Brisbane.


Réponse: Betty et sa dernière lettre de violet91, postée le 24-03-2008 à 12:24:17 (S | E)
Hello,lucile,here we are, again!..

Thank Goodness! Some fresh news from Betty, at last! Jane has found a job as an air hostess, therefore, she travels all over the world. Betty has been employed as a sales manager in a big international company which stands in New York as for its headquarters. She gets no more news from Bobby who bought himself a big house in Brisbane last January. They both agreed with leaving him alone for a while which is a bit of a surprise to me , knowing Betty so well! And what also worries me ,I must say, is Betty just wonders where she can spend her next holidays. I have never dared ask her (whether) if (by the way) going to Brisbane was her idea !...

Just guess!...Thank you for this thrilling episode !

HeÏ! Hi! Heï ! H o! I must have been brushing my hair in the same time! Thank you!
Modifié par violet91 le 24-03-2008 15:41
Modifié par lucile83 le 25-03-2008 08:28

Réponse: Betty et sa dernière lettre de marie11, postée le 24-03-2008 à 12:52:20 (S | E)
Bonjour lucile.

At long last I heard from Betty. Jane found a job as an air hostess and she travels all around the world now. Betty got a job as a sales director in a big international company, whose registered office is based in New York.She gets no more news of Bobby who bought a large house in Brisbane last January.
They both agreed to leave him alone for a while, which surprises me a bit, for I know Betty very well.
And what also worries me, is that Betty is wondering where she is going to spend her next holidays.
I didn't dare to ask her if she intended spending them in Brisbane.

Réponse: Betty et sa dernière lettre de nini59, postée le 24-03-2008 à 18:55:51 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile,

At last, some news from Betty! Jane found a job as a stewardess and travels all around the world. Betty was hired as a sales manager in a big international company whose headquarters are in New York. She didn't hear from Bobby who bought a big house in Brisbane last January. They both decided to leave him alone for a while which surprises me a little because I know Betty. And, what troubles me too is that Betty is wondering where she will spend her next holidays. I didn't dare to ask her if she thought spending them in Brisbane.

pour cet exercice
Bonne soirée à tous.

Réponse: Betty et sa dernière lettre de gee, postée le 25-03-2008 à 01:57:45 (S | E)
At last we hear from Betty! A job of air hostess has turned up for Jane who now travels worldwide. Betty has been hired as sales manager by a big multinational corporation which has its registered office located in New-York. She has no news of Bobby who bought a big house in Brisbane last January. They both have taken a stand as to leave him alone for a while, which comes to me as a surprise as long as I know Betty for being one of a kind. And what further worries me, it’s that Betty is wondering where she could spend her next vacation. I daren’t ask her whether she thought of spending it in Brisbane.


Réponse: Betty et sa dernière lettre de coferam, postée le 25-03-2008 à 12:15:18 (S | E)
Hello Lucile83

At last news from Betty! Jane has found a job as a flight attendant and travels all over the world. Betty was hired qua sales director in a big international company which the head office is located in New York. She no longer news from Bobby who bought a large house in Brisbane in last january.They decided all two stay away from him a while, what surprises me a little because I know Betty. And what worries me is that Betty wonders where she will spend his next vacation. I didn't dare ask her whether she thought to spend them to Brisbane.

Thank you and it's a pleasure to regain you.

Réponse: Betty et sa dernière lettre de nanette33, postée le 25-03-2008 à 19:38:58 (S | E)
Hello Lucile

At last, some news from Betty! Jane found a job as a stewardess and travels all around the world. Betty has been hired as a sales manager in a big international company whose head office is located in New York. She gets no more news from Bobby who bought a big house in Brisbane last January. They both decided to leave him alone for a while, which surprises me a little for I know Betty. And what also worries me is that Betty is wondering where she'll spend her next holidays. I didn't dare to ask her if she thought of spending them in Brisbane.

Modifié par nanette33 le 26-03-2008 09:20

Réponse: Betty et sa dernière lettre de trucmuch, postée le 26-03-2008 à 13:21:56 (S | E)
At last, some Betty's news ! Jane found a job as air hostess and travel all over the word. Betty was hire as sales manager in a big international company which the headquarter is located in New York. She doesn't have news from Bobby any more who bought a big house in Brisbane last January. They both decided to let him quiet for a while, which surprised me because I know Betty. And what worried me too is that she wonders where she's going to spend her next holidays. I don't dare asking her if she thought to stay at Brisbane.

Réponse: Betty et sa dernière lettre de maya92, postée le 26-03-2008 à 16:48:25 (S | E)
hello Lucile,

At last some news from Betty. Jane has found a job as an air hostess so she travels all around the world. Betty has started to work as a sales manager in a big international company which head office is in New York. She's not got any news from Bobby who bought a big house in Brisbane last January. They both have decided to leave him alone for a while which surprises me a little for I know Betty well. What worries me too is that Betty is wondering where to spend her next holidays. I've not dared ask her if she intended to go to Brisbane !

Thank you Lucile we are waiting for other adventures.

Réponse: Betty et sa dernière lettre de nefertiti, postée le 27-03-2008 à 15:28:16 (S | E)
Hello Lucile83

At last, news from Betty !

Jane has found a job as an air hostess and she travels around the world. Betty has been hired as a sales manager of a large global society which is located in New York. She has no more news from Bobby who bought a big house in Brisbane last January. Both have decided to let him quiet for a moment, which surprised me a little because I know Betty. I am worrying also because Betty is wondering where she will spend her next holidays. I have not dared to ask if she thought of spending them in Brisbane.

Thank you for that exercise.

Modifié par nefertiti le 28-03-2008 14:13

Réponse: Betty et sa dernière lettre de lucile83, postée le 30-03-2008 à 16:49:10 (S | E)

Thank you and congratulations for your work ! here is my translation :

Here are some news from Betty at last ! Jane found a job as an air hostess and travels all around the world. Betty was hired as a sales manager in a big international company whose headquarters are located in New York. She has no more news from Bobby who bought a large house in Brisbane last January. Both of them have decided to stay away from him for a while, which surprises me a little for I know Betty. And what is worrying me also is that Betty is wondering about the place where to spend her next holidays. I didn’t dare to ask her whether she was thinking of spending them in Brisbane.

*I didn’t dare to ask / I dared not ask

See you

Réponse: Betty et sa dernière lettre de niko376, postée le 16-04-2008 à 18:19:27 (S | E)
At last, some news from Betty! Jane has found an employment as an air hostess and travels all around the world. Betty was hired as a sales manager in a big international firm whose corporate headquarters are in New-York. She has no more news from Bobby who bought a big house in Brisbane last January. They both have decided to leave him alone for a moment, which surprises me a little because I know Betty. And which surprises me, too, it's that Betty doesn't know where she will spend her next holidays. I didn't dare to ask her if she wanted to spend them in Brisbane.

Merci pour cet exercice

Réponse: Betty et sa dernière lettre de lepape, postée le 11-07-2008 à 16:22:47 (S | E)
At last, the news of Betty! Jane has found a post of hostess of plane et travels all over the world. Betty has been employed as director of sales in a big international enterprise located in New York. She has no more the news of Bobb who bought a big house in Brinsbane last january. They have dicided both to let him alone for a while, that surpises me a bit because I know Betty. And that worries me as well is that Betty asks herself where she will spend her coming holidays. I did'nt dare to ask her if she she fought about spending them in Brisbane.

Réponse: Betty et sa dernière lettre de magmatic_rock, postée le 13-07-2008 à 08:43:56 (S | E)

We finally get news from Betty! Jane has found a job as stewardess and flies around the worlwide. Berry has been hired as a sale manager in an international firm whose registered office is in NY. She no longer gets news from Bobby who's bought a big house in Brisbane last January. They both decided to leave him alone for a while, which astounds me knowing Betty. I'm also worrying wondering where Betty is going to spend her next vacation. I didn't dare asking her whether she planed to go Brisbane.

Thank you.

Modifié par magmatic_rock le 13-07-2008 08:50

Oops, I guess I misunderstood the second last sentence in French! Nevermind, I leave it that way.

Réponse: Betty et sa dernière lettre de lucile83, postée le 13-07-2008 à 10:59:40 (S | E)
Hello ,

Here is the translation I posted in March

Here are some news from Betty at last ! Jane found a job as an air hostess and travels all around the world. Betty was hired as a sales manager in a big international company whose headquarters are located in New York. She has no more news from Bobby who bought a large house in Brisbane last January. Both of them have decided to stay away from him for a while, which surprises me a little for I know Betty. And what is worrying me also is that Betty is wondering about the place where to spend her next holidays. I didn’t dare to ask her whether she was thinking of spending them in Brisbane.

*I didn’t dare to ask / I dared not ask

See you



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