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PPC (London) (1)

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PPC (London)
Message de elii-se posté le 25-03-2008 à 20:00:08 (S | E | F)

pourriez vous s'il vous plait m'aider à corriger cette PPC (prise de parole en continue) que je viens d'achever!

Document : This document is a recording. We can hear an interview between 2 characters : Jane and an interviewer.

Who : Jane is a young women. She is a student. She has just finish her degree in London’s university. She has been living in London for 4years.

When/where : The scene takes place nowadays in London.

What about ? It’s an interview between Jane and an interviewer. Jane talk about her love of London. She thinks it’s great to live here.

Activities : In London Jane likes going in the concert, museums or night club. In the night club, you can have special studient rates. She likes hearing classical music so she goes to the Royal Albert Hall. In London you can buy theater ticket even if you don’t know which play so it’s excellent with a crazy prices! She likes too going at a football match.

Where does she live ? Jane lives far from the university because it’s more cheaper than near the university. The university is in the center of London. She buys her food in the suburbs so it’s cheaper. Jane likes her neighbourhood which calls Sheperd’s Bush. It’s on the edge of the centre and it’s very exotic because all nationalities and people are in its neighbourhood! She travels on the underground or on foot so it’s practice. She doesn’t need a car!

Opinion about London : Jane told him London is better than Jane’s home town. It’s great, London has a good atmosphere.

Merci Elise.

Modifié par elii-se le 25-03-2008 20:00

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-03-2008 21:25
majuscule titre/London

Réponse: PPC (London) de joey93, postée le 25-03-2008 à 20:30:32 (S | E)
Bonsoir Elise,
attention à l'orthographe : "woman" au singulier, "woMEN" au pluriel.
"she has just finishED", ici il s'agit de l'emploi du présent perfect, c'est à dire, have + participe passé.
Lorsqu'on pose une question, il y a forcément un verbe, donc "what IS it about?" au lieu de "what about?".
Avec "love" je crois qu'on emploi "for" au lieu de "of", mais j'avoue que je ne suis pas sûre, une vérification serait nécessaire.
"Jane talkS", il s'agit de l'emploi de la 3ème personne du singulier, donc ne pas oublier le "s" à la fin du verbe.
"Jane likes going to concerts", pas d'article "the" car elle aime aller aux concerts en général.Même chose pour "night clubS",pas d'article "the", à moins qu'il s'agisse de "night clubs" en particulier, et dans ce cas, il faudrait le préciser en donnant des noms par exemples..Encore la même chose pour "the surbubs".
"a crazy price", pas de "s" à "price" s'il est précédé par l'article "a".
"she likes going at football matchs TOO", le "too" se place en fin de phrase.
"it's cheaper", le "more" n'est pas utile si tu emploi "cheapER".
"she likes her neighborhood which is called.." il est préférable d'employer la voix passive, car "calls" donne l'impression d'appel téléphonique!
"....all nationalities and people are in THIS neighborhood".
j'espère t'avoir aidée. Joey93.

Réponse: PPC (London) de elii-se, postée le 25-03-2008 à 20:57:05 (S | E)
Voici une re correction merci de me donner les éventuelles fautes qu'il reste

Document : This document is a recording. We can hear an interview between 2 characters : Jane and an interviewer.

Who : Jane is a young women. She is a student. She has just finished her degree in London’s university. She has been living in London for 4years.

When/where : The scene takes place nowadays in London.

What is it about ? It’s an interview between Jane and an interviewer. Jane talks about her love of London. She thinks it’s great to live here.

Activities : In London Jane likes going to concerts, museums or night club. In night club, you can have special studient rates. She likes hearing classical music so she goes to the Royal Albert Hall. In London you can buy theater ticket even if you don’t know which play so it’s excellent with a crazy price! She likes going at a football match too.

Where does she live ? Jane lives far from the university because it’s cheaper than near the university. The university is in the center of London. She buys her food in suburbs so it’s cheaper. Jane likes her neighbourhood which is called Sheperd’s Bush. It’s on the edge of the centre and it’s very exotic because all nationalities and people are in this neighbourhood! She travels on the underground or on foot so it’s practice. She doesn’t need a car!

Opinion about London : Jane told him London is better than Jane’s home town. It’s great, London has a good atmosphere.

Merci Elise.

Réponse: PPC (London) de sitelle, postée le 26-03-2008 à 10:46:23 (S | E)
Document : This document is a recording. We can hear an interview between 2 characters : Jane and an interviewer.

Who : Jane is a young women. She is a student. She has just finished her degree in London’s university. She has been living in London for 4years.

When/where : The scene takes place nowadays in London.

What is it about ? It’s an interview between Jane and an interviewer. Jane talks about her love of London. She thinks it’s great to live here.

Activities : In London Jane likes going to concerts, museums or night club. In a night club, you can have special studient rates. She likes hearing classical music so she goes to the Royal Albert Hall. In London you can buy theater tickets even if you don’t know which play manque quelque chose so it’s excellent with a crazy price! She likes going at a football match too.

Where does she live ? Jane lives far from the university because it’s cheaper than near the university. The university is in the center of London. She buys her food in article suburbs so it’s cheaper. Jane likes her neighbourhood which is called Sheperd’s Bush. It’s on the edge of the centre and it’s very exotic because all nationalities and people are in this neighbourhood! She travels on the underground or on foot so it’s practice. She doesn’t need a car!

Opinion about London : Jane told him London is better than Jane’s home town. It’s great, London has a good atmosphere.

Modifié par sitelle le 26-03-2008 10:46



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