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The purpose of learning English (3)

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Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 25-06-2008 at 12:34:54
Hi everyone,

I've been studying English and Spanish applicated to trade and communication for 4 years. I oriented my choice to that Career because I had the luck to be taught by interesting teachers who gave me the desire to improve my speaking and writing skills.
Actually, I am looking for a new job since I have been laid off. I was working in a wages department so I really hope to find a job in relation to foreign languages.
I have just discovered this Internet site and I would like to congratulate the people in charge of its creation and updating. I didn't expect to find a free Internet site with so much means to work foreign languages.
Thanks to them, I will be able to go deeper into my knowledges which have been decreased for 2 years because of a lack of practise.
Thank you

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 26-06-2008 at 07:48:20
My situation is similar with author's,and so I need talk with my team leader using English.I want to learn English and I think that speaking English is more important because in our country,a lot of people learn English which they have good reading and writing skill,but the speaking is poor.
Modifié par lucile83 le 26-06-2008 07:56
I have erased your address as it is not allowed on the forum; you can post in the "correspondent" forum if you wish to find a penfriend.Regards.

Re: The purpose of learning English by koliver, posted on 16-07-2008 at 13:17:52
I think that English is most important for every body.
So even we are french,Chinese...we have to do our best in order to improve our english.You know English is an international language in other word it a commercial language.We need to learn it.
So some people say that it is very difficule but seriouly i think that where there is a will where is a way.

Re: The purpose of learning English by assia_edd, posted on 16-07-2008 at 15:12:53
how are you can you help me for developpe my level in english

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 16-07-2008 at 19:04:51
Just improve my English to speak fluently later. I want to live in England coze it's my favourite Rugby Team and my uncle already living.

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 24-07-2008 at 18:38:23
hi every body i'v started to learn English for nearly two years and the purpose is that i'm so intersted in this international language and i really want to improve my english speaking by communicating with anglophone people

Re: The purpose of learning English by trainer, posted on 30-07-2008 at 13:04:49
To communicate with people from different countries and make friends.

Re: The purpose of learning English by bigfish777, posted on 30-07-2008 at 13:17:54
I'm learning english because I like watching american movies. I think that american english and his accentuation is prettier than in England. But it's clear it's always great to meet someone who speaks english and easely communicate.

Re: The purpose of learning English by seydou225, posted on 30-07-2008 at 15:06:55
hello all ,in my opinion english is now the language spoken in the world.
it is very important for our life.
so we have to learn english because if you want to travel in any countries it will be hard for you.
the english is lively language, please don't leave english.

Re: The purpose of learning English by hanane89, posted on 30-07-2008 at 18:32:52
hi everybody
my name is hanane i live in morocco, so here in morocco french is the second language spoken after arabic but english became also an essencial language in morocco as a country that attracts tourists from all over the world.
personnaly i have chosen english as a foreign language to study because i like it and because i wanted to understand what the american films say and also english is a language that makes me getting new foreign friends and also exploring other cultures.
finally i want someone -who is an english-speaker- from this site to give me a good way to learn english and to improve my prononciation's skills through the internet

Re: The purpose of learning English by senty, posted on 01-08-2008 at 03:04:26
it's sure that you need english english if you and do travel in the world. Me I need my english for my job. I work on a young centre and I have all time 2 or 3 people who speak only english and if I don't understand I can't help us. I am able to understand but it's not easy. It's why I try learn english, to understand and for take. After I going to be less scare to do travel at a english country.

Re: The purpose of learning English by yangzi1205, posted on 01-08-2008 at 06:42:12
hello,everyone! nice to meet u here!i think that most of Chinese who learn English are not for communicating but for getting a good grade!

Re: The purpose of learning English by lylyparis, posted on 01-08-2008 at 23:20:44

Yes, you are right. I want to learn more about this language because of my future job. We all know how necessary it is to speak English. All the more I Love it ! =)
By the way, i from France, i live in Paris and i am just eighteen.
Actually i am looking for a pen pal for improving my english! ^^

Re: The purpose of learning English by trainer, posted on 05-08-2008 at 10:40:35
I would like to write a book some time in future.

Re: The purpose of learning English by shady77, posted on 05-08-2008 at 12:30:15
Hi everybody

I'm Emilie, I'm 20 and I would like to speak in English with somebody to improve my level... I don't say English is my life or other things i saw behind... but it is for my english exam (oral english)yes i know...

I look forward to hearing you soon...

See ya

Re: The purpose of learning English by vicky080801, posted on 05-08-2008 at 14:35:47
I want to emigrate to Canada,and English is very important

Re: The purpose of learning English by vivilyn, posted on 05-08-2008 at 16:51:26
Hi,I like learning english,it sounds like a kind of music which let me drank in.and it is usefull to make friends from all the world eventhough you are not the same coutry.

Re: The purpose of learning English by sinbi12, posted on 05-08-2008 at 18:15:22
hi i like speak english but i can't please can you help me?

Re: The purpose of learning English by lucile83, posted on 05-08-2008 at 19:34:41
That is not the right forum to find a correspondent.
This topic is a discussion about learning English, the reason why you want to learn and speak English, not how you can do so.
Best wishes.

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 06-08-2008 at 15:19:44
Actually I've been learning English for many years,but I stil couldn't master it very well.I wanna communicate with more people all by myself instead of an interpreter .And get various knowledge is also my purpose.English is so widely used in the world~~

Re: The purpose of learning English by deficheri, posted on 06-08-2008 at 16:37:59
hi, Iam glad to speak about english which is am important language in the world now. however I need some courses in my domain in order to improve my professional english. Iam a secretary and I still learn english since one year but as I didn't speak it flently it is still difficult for me. now, if some of you can help me by giving me some informations, some lessons, courses, or book references about secretary job you are welcome.
Iam waiting for your answer and your help. Thanks


Re: The purpose of learning English by karima222, posted on 07-08-2008 at 10:58:55
hi everybody
I'm so happy because it's my first time that i write on this website.
for me i learn english especially for my studies(I'm student in a school of trade and management)but also to be able to communicate with other languages, so to be understood by other persons.

Re: The purpose of learning English by achievement79, posted on 09-08-2008 at 11:50:58
I am a Chinese and middle school student.
We have to learn English at school...
Sometimes I think English is very difficult~
But I want to speaking English very well~
Because I want to talking with foreigners~

Re: The purpose of learning English by whiterose, posted on 10-08-2008 at 12:26:32
Hi everybody!
I have been learning English for 4 years for these reasons:
First, I have always loved this wonderful , amazing and rich language.
Second, English is a widely-spoken language (It's the language of the world) .
Third, to be able to communicate with people and make friends all over the world

Re: The purpose of learning English by fc50, posted on 10-08-2008 at 12:30:36
I am agree with some people, it is true, I can read and write certainly more easily but I manage to explain with the foreigner but it is very difficult to find the words at the moment when I am talking and if somebody can to explain my faults that will help me a lot, I love english and I have the luck to be in touch with some them and I would like to perform this language

Re: The purpose of learning English by frenchguy, posted on 10-08-2008 at 19:44:11

For me, English speaking is the best way to be understood everywhere. For your job or for travelling it's the best way to communicate...
Unfortunately I have realized it when my studies were over. I m in Qatar for six months, I have to speak english every days. It s why I want to improve it as quickly as possible. I want to leave this country by saying : "Ok next trip will be easier!!". I have lot of work to perform! See you.

Re: The purpose of learning English by maestro1, posted on 11-08-2008 at 00:52:55
hi, i thank that it very important to learn English because English is the international language to make the business.if you want to be famous, you must lean English.

Re: The purpose of learning English by moni88, posted on 19-08-2008 at 16:03:28
in my own of view english now it's became the most important language in the world because USA HAS a power and it improve to have this cultur
for me i want to learn english because i love it and it will help me to get a good job

Re: The purpose of learning English by abdelwahed, posted on 25-08-2008 at 22:34:37
I want to study English because I love it and I need it in my dayly live
I is the language of the future

Re: The purpose of learning English by iraq, posted on 11-09-2008 at 11:35:25
Dwar all;
I want to improve my English language so that I can express myself easily.I am student in the college of medicine and our studying is in english so improving my english language will help me to understand my lessons easily.
because i am from iraq learning this global language will help me to introduce the culture of Iraq to the world who doesn't know anything about Iraq except the wars.

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