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The purpose of learning English (5)

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Re: The purpose of learning English by grafy, posted on 27-01-2009 at 19:30:07

Im learning English because I know that deep inside myself I need to know this language. When I was young, I was always listening Radio and most of the songs were in English and what is more frustrating than listening and not being able to understand ?

Then I started watching English channels and watching my DVD with the english track. And It sounds truly better. Now I can't even watch an American movie with the french dub. I advise you also this channel, it's called DW TV.
It is a bilingual channel (German English)

Hopefully I like German too..but too bad that we don't have a bilingual channel in France. I think that's a reason why us, French people, we aren't that good in English compared to our nearby countries.

Now Im still learning and my aim is to be as good as a native english person and to use it in my work and when I'll be very good I'd like to share this knowledge

That's all folks o/

Re: The purpose of learning English by rebeccald, posted on 29-01-2009 at 11:14:55
I studied English for 10 years since high school, but I find I just can't use the language well enough as I thought in my work. I like English the moment I began to study, and I can't believe I am not that good at it when I actually need it. So I change the false way that school teaching told us, I listen to the live radio, read English magazine and log on English forum to learn the real English, hope one day I am really good at this beautiful language!

Re: The purpose of learning English by kamichou, posted on 29-01-2009 at 19:13:40
hello everybody
Iwant to know when we can use "the" because I notice in some sentences "the" it can be avoid surely in plural.sorry for mistakes and thank you for the help

Re: The purpose of learning English by gentleman, posted on 30-01-2009 at 19:10:39
Hi,no doubt that learning languages is the objectif of all people.However,mostof these people are interested of English language for many reasons.First,English is the language number one;so one can use it through the worldwide as you can find people talk english in any country on the world.Second,people who have jobs ,especially ones that make them in contact with foreigners, want to improve their careers by acquiring the English language as it is universal.Third,imigrate people tend to learn English in order to avoid problems that can faces them.To sum up,learning English is a benificient task regardless of diffrent reasons.For me,i think that acquiring English open the world gate.

Re: The purpose of learning English by biz2008, posted on 02-02-2009 at 17:34:27
i realy love english and i just want to say that's i love it just now but before i find it not easy and my teacher was boring but in high i had a good techer and she give a chansse to realisie that's i love english and i love talking and writing how can i say that it's my favorit subject at school and this language give a good way with wath i can undrestant the world more and more

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 02-02-2009 at 18:23:50
Good day to the staff of this english training.
This is my second level of my english courses; and it is a dream for me to speak it very well or fluently. I'm keen on english practise,so i enjoy improving my english in three areas: speaking; writing and listening.
I'm lab technician ;and receive many patient in laboratory a day ,and if i don't speak how can dialogue with them?

Re: The purpose of learning English by la99la, posted on 03-02-2009 at 09:10:22
Wow, so many Chinese brethren here~ Glad to meet you guys, and also like-minded friends from other countries. I learn English only as I love it, however, I did not take great efforts to do it at all, so till now, barely maintain a just-so-so level(I'm using a dictionary when I type these words). Anyhow, I just like it, like American soap opera, and all things with fun and sunshine. I'm confident that there will be one day, I could watch TV without caption under the picture..

Re: The purpose of learning English by hhiiddyy, posted on 03-02-2009 at 17:26:08
I wish to study in other advanced country which speak english, so must study hardly by myself.Although i study english several years in school,did not make progress.when i graduate from college,i was still awful in my english.Glancing at my friends that around me,i feel sadly.

Re: The purpose of learning English by waelhamdy812, posted on 04-02-2009 at 06:57:57
I'm very pleased to be with you

Re: The purpose of learning English by zhoudongdna, posted on 04-02-2009 at 10:03:26
in fact ,i am Still a graduate student. i want to past the international english language test system,so i have to study english, but i am so disappointed that i have spend most of my time studying everyday just being me.
i paid a lot but get a litter, what about you?are there any finesse in learning english?

waiting your reply

Re: The purpose of learning English by paguero02, posted on 05-02-2009 at 03:06:17
Because I am a marketer in a cosmetic laboratories dominican rep. and I need it urgent...

Re: The purpose of learning English by lynie, posted on 05-02-2009 at 10:33:13
i am so happy to be there for giving my opinion. Me too i lost more opportunities of job because i did not know English. And now i decided to do of learning English my priority but i have any problem to assimilate.I am trying to write English but speak is another thing. Please how can you help me to speak English. Thanks!!!

Re: The purpose of learning English by gary1314520, posted on 05-02-2009 at 16:31:16
For me studying english is one step through the success of my life goal:become a computer program.At work i always submit to quality file need confirm in english .Now ,of course ,wishing you have a good beginning here .I hope we can make friends and chat any interesting thing in life .my QQ is 109914700.Looking forward to your advent

Re: The purpose of learning English by zhoudongdna, posted on 08-02-2009 at 13:43:09
it is universilly acknowledged that english is becoming more and more important with the rapid development of society and ecnomic. being good at english,you are much more easy to find a good job, a possiblity of going aboard for further education,and so on.

Re: The purpose of learning English by mathai, posted on 20-02-2009 at 21:25:01

I am from India , as you all know English is a global language .Everyone wants to learn this language but my problem is that I think I am able to express anything in english by writing but my ability in speaking is poor, I feel nervous when have to speak something to others. I want to improve my speaking ability but I have no chance to enhance this , anyway I will try my best to improve my ability in english because I am a nurse by profession and I want to work in foreign countries where english is a must to communicate each other.
Modifié par bridg le 20-02-2009 21:44

Re: The purpose of learning English by boddicea, posted on 21-02-2009 at 19:06:27
Never too late ...

Re: The purpose of learning English by missroki, posted on 21-02-2009 at 19:37:53
Hello,as far I am concerned I have to improve my English because I work in a mining company where English is the language of communication. Almost of workers are from Ottowa and they speak only English.It is not easy for me but I try everyday to improve my English.
I appreciate to share my views with in this forum.

Re: The purpose of learning English by danxou, posted on 26-02-2009 at 06:53:42
hello every body. i think so, now our days english is the most important language..we need to speak it fluently.. my aim in learning english is to allow myself to understand others people who speak it and be able to communicate with them..i like this language and i want to improve it that is my I'm studying english at university but its not enough ,i try every day to improve it by myself too..

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 26-02-2009 at 09:24:31
I see lucille is a purist and wants us to write without spelling mistakes , I like that. Anyway , as for the question tackled , I believe that not only is english necessary in the world of work but there are also so many books and famous US and British literary masterpieces . And reading them in English is definitely the best way to understand in depth nthe meaning of these works

Re: The purpose of learning English by ponder, posted on 01-03-2009 at 03:40:29
My purpose of learning English is to learn computer well,because that the documents of computer are mostly writted by English!Just that!

Re: The purpose of learning English by seeu, posted on 01-03-2009 at 16:06:26
I want to improve my English,but i do not have ways to achieve my goal.
So i come to this web site to have some change.
My English is very bad.
I can't remember words and when I speak to someone in English,I am nervous.

Re: The purpose of learning English by alexf, posted on 05-03-2009 at 08:37:16
Hi, I'm a student in college. I want to speak English fenquently because i worry about my study and my future job.I think English is very important in the future.

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 05-03-2009 at 08:52:41
Hi every body
I'm a beginner in English.
For purpoe, I can say, I love English language, and also I want learn it for my university course. I want to learn it for get a good job. I belive each skill will hel me better.
I need your help.
Thank you

Re: The purpose of learning English by isasza, posted on 05-03-2009 at 09:19:51
Good morning everybody,
I starded to learn English language before 20 years ago with my ouwn ressources.
Now with Internet it's became esyer to learn and translate some sentences.
It's more english textes to read and understand too.
I have not time enought to write more.. I'm to work.
Hello Many thanks.

Re: The purpose of learning English by ramble, posted on 06-03-2009 at 03:36:18
hi all, Language is the bridge between person's hearts.if I want to know what they are thinking , I have to talk to them by their language. I also read the writings to understand the idea of the others before this age. so I can make more friends and reach more thought of Humen.

Re: The purpose of learning English by nwpulql, posted on 06-03-2009 at 07:48:30
Hello everyone ,I'm from China.Just like most of you I learn english for my job.I learned english to past the CET of our country when i was in campus.And when i pasted the CET4 i didn't study English anymore.But after i have worked for a time,I found English is very useful in my job.So, now, i begin to study english .I hope I can get a better job when i can speak english fluently.And make lots of friends during this process.

Re: The purpose of learning English by sese77, posted on 06-03-2009 at 17:17:57
For me, the purpose of learning english are : I'm from in Madagascar, I think that it's very important at work.
And It's interesting to me and to you find easy learning English that now.
Thanks .

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 08-03-2009 at 10:22:14
Hi there,
I remember,I had asked an English native speaker ten years ago,if she consider the English language one of the most beautiful in the world.Her answer was,It is one of the most useful in the world.Ten years later I have realized "loving a language is the best way of learning a language faster and better".Yes,doesn't matter the language,to love it is important and I do,I love English.

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 08-03-2009 at 10:42:49
I only learn for exams,maybe you don't know,in Chinese,exams is regarded it being very important ,I want to achieve a new height.

Re: The purpose of learning English by heros, posted on 09-03-2009 at 02:22:21
Hello,everyone! I am very happy that I can use English in area. English is an international language , so it is very important for someone who want to talk with everyone from all over the world. I learn English because I want to contact with people from different countries with English. Moreover , we can exchage knowlege and share infornation each other.
welecome everyone who want to good at English contact with me! Just do it!

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