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The purpose of learning English (6)

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Re: The purpose of learning English by zhangxuehan, posted on 10-03-2009 at 16:05:18
Hi,I am a new one here,but I'm not a new one in learning English.I'm a Chinese,but I have learning English for 8 years and I want to go to New York for further education.I think that's will help me hunting job more easily.

Re: The purpose of learning English by esz, posted on 10-03-2009 at 21:33:51
G'day everyone !!! Improving my English is vital for me. I have been contaminated by the "Aussie" virus when young and the only way to keep in touch is to keep practicing the language.

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 30-03-2009 at 12:10:11
the purpose of learning English is simple.i like English. i like communicate with people in English.

Re: The purpose of learning English by ponchi, posted on 31-03-2009 at 03:46:32
My purpose of learning English is a challenge and to keep up with the trend of the world.
The skill of English is demanded over the world these days.
I am Japanese. Now people who can use English are increasing in Japan too.
Therefore, I think English is worth learning.
I have studied for around 2400 hours in my life but I can not much write and read yet, also my listening and speaking is much worse.
I am looking for some friends who study English with me. If you think so too, would you add me to your friend list? I am waiting for your offer.

Edited by ponchi le 12-04-2009 09:19

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 03-04-2009 at 14:34:45
Hello all

For me, I very like speaking english well, it's an international language, and I also need it for my job

Re: The purpose of learning English by auschaser, posted on 04-04-2009 at 02:24:11
Hi,you guys.I am a Chinese college students.Well,I begin to learn English when I was in private school.At the beginning I just regard learnning English as a task,so I can't get any interested in it.But once I had a chat with a foreigner through English.Wow,at that time I just found English is so beautiful!I just want it for communication,so I decide to study abroad,now I am working hard to achieve the goal~huh~

Re: The purpose of learning English by rosytigress, posted on 04-04-2009 at 16:22:38
hi,you guys.for me english is interesting and sound beautiful. and my current work is dull, i need some change. so i will do my best to learn it. i think it would help me a lot.

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 06-04-2009 at 15:33:46
I want to increase English because,nowadays no matter where you go,you need English.
Don't care if you want to go abroad,if you are looking for a job...everything is in English!So,I want to learn English to solve all of this problems

Re: The purpose of learning English by carpool_2009, posted on 07-04-2009 at 14:22:56
I have saw many reply giving by the people from everywhere,I find most of it is written by Chinese, I am also a Chinese, I am studying at college, I am eager to speak english. I am in wu han , I like to make friends who likes to learn english. if you want to find a friend who can communicate with you using english, please contact with me.
my email address is ***@****please do not post emails on the forum****
for your reply!!

Re: The purpose of learning English by yimi, posted on 09-04-2009 at 12:08:40
Hello! I am new. I am in my last year of student life. I hope to improve my English skills so that I could find a better job. Though people in my country do not speak English too much, I want to obsorb the newest information on the world. English, as the widest spoken language, is the best choice. Life with English is much interesting, right?

Re: The purpose of learning English by binghua, posted on 09-04-2009 at 16:27:04
I have learned English for ten years ,but in china ,i can't speak English fluently,so i hope to improve my English through this club.

Re: The purpose of learning English by sadie72, posted on 09-04-2009 at 17:46:32
Well, I've learn ed English since I was 16. I've never regretted it. It is the language of communication,business, aviation,research and the language of the future as a whole. Just imagine you meet someone for business, for example, let's say a Chinese, Japanese or just a Saudi Arabian. None of you speak the other's language. How are you going to communicate and convey your ideas, opinions, etc? I think you all will resort to English.
I hope you will enjoy learning it.

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 10-04-2009 at 01:03:32
my name is said I'm from Tunisia and i hop learning about english so if you can help me a will appreciated. i am in the beginning of the commencement and i think that is no so hard to practise this language.

Re: The purpose of learning English by pinan, posted on 10-04-2009 at 05:09:42
Hello everyone!! I am so glad to find this site.I am trying to learn english too.I need specially for my job.Now I am in CA,US.I came here to work two weeks ago.Understand almost everything but I can not speak.How can I improve my speaking.I need to speak more but ı can do my work without speaking only on the computer so I need to find somebodies to make practice.what are you doing for this.

Re: The purpose of learning English by kandeel, posted on 10-04-2009 at 09:17:19
i am working in oil field in egypt and work with international britsh company which need to be influent in english to deal with them smoothly

Re: The purpose of learning English by fozia, posted on 16-04-2009 at 03:34:11
Hello, everybody
I am a teacher of arabic language in an international school, and all my students are from different countries and speak different languages, but all of them speak english very well.
I love my students very much, that makes me think about learning English, and I did, I leared it very fast. then I could make good communication with them, understand and be very close to them.
as a matter of fact, English opens new horizon to me, I could read many effective teaching books written in english,it also encouraged me to join faculty of education- english department, and now I am looking foreword to learn french. I can say that English gives me a new vision of the world.
I believe that learning new language is not difficult if you have a real motive.

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 16-04-2009 at 05:50:28
so many people learn English for JOb,me too.I am also an Chinese

Re: The purpose of learning English by jen, posted on 19-04-2009 at 05:25:22
I am from China. English is my major. I like English. But I hate English exam because there are too many to us, and also too difficult. Many things we learned from our books are useless. I think it's a waste of time.
I like chatting with our foreign teachers. It gives me a lot of happiness. At the same time, my oral English is improved quickliy.
I also like writting. It's a good way to express my emotion. And writting some stories let me practice a lot.
In my view, we need to learn English. Not only for ourselves, but also because of the trend in world.

Re: The purpose of learning English by lukezhou998, posted on 19-04-2009 at 13:07:54
hi i am from china, just because i must use English to communicate with my colleagues on the global, at the same time i like English

Re: The purpose of learning English by mike_pu, posted on 20-04-2009 at 16:38:47
i want to learn english language and learn more cultural,and make more friends.

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 22-04-2009 at 02:26:22
my name is Cheikh and i'm from senegal. i hated my english teacher at high school that why i often received bad nmarks in class. now i am in my final year at university and i realise that only speaking english fluency can open me the world so that's why i'm here just to improve my english speaking and learning. i had never known that it was so important. if i make mistakes it's not very important i'am here to study. and i 'll do my best to speak fluency english in few time possible

Re: The purpose of learning English by nnc_ceo, posted on 22-04-2009 at 03:45:23
Hi every body!
Nowadays i must feel importance in English. I have learnt English when i was a pupil in high school. But at present My English still very bad. I want to improve in English to find a good job and can communicate with everyone all over the world. Can you give me some advise to learning english well. Thanks.

Re: The purpose of learning English by radia8, posted on 22-04-2009 at 15:20:04
salam ralaykoum i answer your question i improve my english because i like speaking english i like all new language especially when i m at work or at home i answer the person who speak with me in english

Re: The purpose of learning English by diy38, posted on 22-04-2009 at 23:46:35
Hello Rita. I can understand your motivatons about to put job first. I've a grand son who is the head of the Coca-Cola logistic for Europe and English is the main tool in his job. I'm using English for othe rusage. When I started to learn English, it was after a travel through Ireland: I've cannot exchange easily with that likeable people. My aim was to read the English or American Newspapers.Then I fallen into Internet. I don't speak without mistake, but I'm glad of my knowledge. I can work every wednesday with frends in a conversation
belong of a conversation bunch with the help of a Canadian woman graduate fromm Toronto University.
Mainly students or schoolars learn with the goal to use this language for work, but job isn't the only purpose. Links with other global people are a real progress. People speaking together can be at the origin of election of an Obama and contribute at a peaceflly global ambiance. No problem with good will men and women.
Take care of yourself.
diy 38

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 24-04-2009 at 10:35:48
For me, learning English is very important, I learn it to know the world better.

Re: The purpose of learning English by butterfly2010, posted on 24-04-2009 at 10:56:10
in china ,english is a main subject which is involved in students' entry and graduation of colleges, even the tests of promotion whatever you are teachers , public servants or other occupations . it definitely certain that you can not get away from english exams as a chinese. many people think that it is a nightmare that we can not wake up from....
i study english not only because of the situation of chinese education, but also i like it . the language is beautiful both in pronunciation and in essays, and of course i like watching english movies and tv series and listening to english i am still poor at spoken english , so the major aim of my is to improve it as quickly as possible...

Re: The purpose of learning English by renleung, posted on 24-04-2009 at 14:05:48
Hi everyone,I come from china.I want learn English,it's so many people speak English.But I know I'm lazy,what should I do?

Re: The purpose of learning English by qilindolo, posted on 25-04-2009 at 16:07:39
I'm a college student from China.It's amazing to be here .I can find people all around the world!English seemed far from my life before .But this website brings it close to my daily life.Now,back to the topic.I think learning English can explore my horizon.And I have a dream of studying abord.Though I can not be abord right now,maybe one day I can reach my goal.So I have to prepare for it.

Re: The purpose of learning English by chachila, posted on 26-04-2009 at 14:34:00
I want to learn English for a lot of reasons among them that it's an international language,it is very important for my job and it's a dream of my childhood because when i was six I have been to England but i didn't understand the language ,so i decided that when i grow up i will do my best to learn this language.sorry if i make any mistakes I'm just a beginner in learning English and in Algeria most people speak Arabic or french.

Re: The purpose of learning English by marlee, posted on 27-04-2009 at 09:38:05
Yes!!!!!!I agree with you completely.
my specialty is internatural ecnomic and tradition.Now I'm working in an internarunal company.To find a better job ,I learn English everyday.oh!!
But it's difficult to raise it.What should I do? Sometimes I very adore somebody who spoken fluently.Who can help me????

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