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The purpose of learning English (8)

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Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 01-06-2009 at 16:22:19
Hey, boys and girls. I come from China and am so happy to be here. Hopefully I will know more people and make more friends here. In addition, I'd like to polish up my English. You know, I hate that feeling when I am trying to express myself but no suitable words are found. Hehe, I hope I can kill two birds with one stone here. The last but not least, I am a nice person, hehe...

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 03-06-2009 at 12:11:35
In my opinion English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and has acquired the status of being the language of international communication. So knowing english is also necessary for business, inerviews, to communicate with the people of other countries.

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 04-06-2009 at 10:59:40
hi,everybody,my purpose of learning english is that i want to communicate with my customers fluently,and i need to improve my english,the best way is to chat with other people in english,i'd like to make some friends from other countries,thanks!

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 04-06-2009 at 13:50:56
Hi, everyone. I'm new to here, my boss only speak english, and i love my job, so i must be speak very good english.

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 06-06-2009 at 14:49:23
I forget I learn English to understand other cultures and to learn networking.

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 07-06-2009 at 12:33:25
aha^^^^im so happy that i found such a good website to learn english!so happy today,and what about my purpose of learning english? As we all know that English is a very important language.the purpose of learning it is i LOVE english!!!actually ,im good at english since i began to learn it when i was 12. im from zhuhai city ,China.and im studying college now,after graduate,i want to work in the foreign company,so i have to learn english well!i will try my best to learn it no matter in speaking, writing and so on.
this is my first reply in the website,i will come back soon!!!

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 08-06-2009 at 16:51:36
Hi all !! As for me The English language is verry importante The best books are writen in english And nowadays got a best job in this world without English it is impossible Nothing is impossible in the world busness when we speak english
Bye bye

Re: The purpose of learning English by silverdew, posted on 09-06-2009 at 03:53:16
for me,the first reason is study,yeh,study in english,'s my dream.and i'm just start on the road.

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 09-06-2009 at 14:16:59
i have learned english for years. and learned by myself. in fact, learning english are not easy thing for most chinese learner.i have been suffering from leaning english. i always with to improve my english level, how can i achieve it? i think the best way to improve the language skill is to communicate with other people come from in english language world. this is my first time to visit this web site. i would take all the advantage of this website to make my english excellent.

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 09-06-2009 at 18:08:43
Iam from egypt and I study medecine in english so i want to improve my language and also it is so fun to speak english

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 10-06-2009 at 03:43:47
Hi everybody,Iam a new one here and I just want to improve my English.

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 10-06-2009 at 10:36:50
it's a tool ,communicaing tool.learning for sake of interest is the best way

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 10-06-2009 at 21:15:35
we study English to have the capacity to communicate it in different manners , then, discovering and comprehanding other cultures

Re: The purpose of learning English by the-dead-girl, posted on 10-06-2009 at 23:22:04
Hello all of you ! I Think English is the most interesting language in the whole world ! English isn't just an amazing art but it's also the first commercial language in this world ! So My purpose of learning English Is To Improve My Skills , to speak with Other Foreigners you know !!
Well I'm Proud of My Self , Because as You see People I'm Here with You , Can Explain My View Point Because of me , I learned English by my self , no ! I'm not selfish to say that ! I think that Every one who teachs English by himself will be so proud by himself!


Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 11-06-2009 at 09:54:35
Hi, I am new in the site, & I want to learn English for my job, because I work in an international company & all my correspondences in Europe or to other countries must to be in English. So it is a pleasure to be with you.
Thanks a lot for your correction

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 12-06-2009 at 09:04:33
English and computer skill is important career was stuck because I can't speak English fluently...I really want to study and live in another country.. I want to have many friends in many country..wish I have opportunity to increase my English language soon...

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 12-06-2009 at 12:03:36
for travelling,cause i'm crazy about travelling...

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 16-06-2009 at 13:00:19
Hi.all.I can see that A lot of people come from China.English is not just a language,but also a tool for the people to receive good offer. For me,I need to read English doc everyday for my job.English is cool language,it is my wish to learn it well.

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 18-06-2009 at 04:33:46
hi all... i am new here... i learning english cause that's the language i love...
i want to speak more fluently and have more new friends... but i don't even know how to start with???
what should i do???

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 18-06-2009 at 11:38:40
The following two points is the purpose of my learning English:

1.english is an important comunication tool, only when we can hanle it skillfuly,can we get more opporunity to develop ourselves.

2.leaning english is a interesting thing, i can get fun from it.sometimes, i just like to enjoy this fun.

Re: The purpose of learning English by leaner, posted on 21-06-2009 at 11:05:05
yea ,I am agree you english is not important to job but also to communication with an other .
I learn english to my study
I want improve myself to can communication with others and also like this language

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 21-06-2009 at 15:26:57

I am an sixty-old woman who learns English for many years, first at school and after in my company and also by myself...
Now my son lives in UK and my daughter in law is american and she does'nt speak French. So I must speak English with her. And it's often difficult, because I meet many problems for hearing and understanding what she says and what people say generally when I go in a foreign country (England or USA or Asia).

However I like learn English and I go on... For my brain too..:

Re: The purpose of learning English by angel_chanez, posted on 21-06-2009 at 17:22:22
Hello, I would first like to thank the people who make this site because it is very strong and wonderful. I found all that I need on this site. I want to learn languages and among my favorite languages: English language. I feel when I speak in English like I am in another word.I'm trying to study many languages. Good luck for all. Thank you.

Re: The purpose of learning English by ahmed-ksa, posted on 22-06-2009 at 15:09:12
I want to improve my English in order to get a better job and to communicate with people all over the world.

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 22-06-2009 at 18:57:47
Hello, my english is poor but i want to improve because I think to learn English is very important today, because it's an international language and for my job I'm often contact with english person and i want to be able to talk with english person.

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 29-06-2009 at 19:27:15
i'm a study translation arbis french english so i must learn every language and know their civilisation that's it

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 30-06-2009 at 06:13:42
hello,everyone,i new here,my name is jose I'm from Mexico,I'm 44 years old,my propouse to learn english is to find a better job.i want to improve and fluent my english.
i sorry if i have some mistakes.

Re: The purpose of learning English by adamfan, posted on 01-07-2009 at 08:10:46
hello, everyone. i am a new here from China. i want to study English from business communication for my job. you know in the non-English speaking country, fluent English is a great plus for job nowdays.
in a word, i hope all of us can make progress on it.

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 03-07-2009 at 06:21:58
I'm Chinese, but I know the English is very important, I'm an engineer, I must learning English well for my job.

Re: The purpose of learning English by , posted on 04-07-2009 at 09:13:32
Actually,I was reluctant to learn English at first.I studied it just in order to pass my CEE.But after learning it for several years,I found it quite useful and interesting.I think my propose of learning English is to know more about the world because English is an international language.Besides,by learning English I can create a new way of thinking.Last but not least,I can communicate with many peaple who speak English.That's great!

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