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Un accident choquant.Thème 3.Fin. (1)

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Un accident choquant.Thème 3.Fin.
Message de violet91 posté le 31-03-2008 à 20:45:18 (S | E | F)

mes chers amis ,compagnons de voyage à Naples....Qu'advint-il de Jérô du cochon ?

-------------------UN ACCIDENT CHOQUANT (épilogue)--------------

Les tressaillements de M. Wordsworth cessèrent dans la minute. La question imprévisible de Jérôme le fit se retourner .Il était choqué et n'en croyait pas ses oreilles. Pourtant, il s'adressa gravement à l'enfant:
- " Je partage votre chagrin , Jérôme. Je comprends quel choc cela vous fait!
Rejoignez votre classe, je vous prie."

Le maître d'internat se rua dans la salle des professeurs ,le bureau du Censeur, celui du Proviseur, la loge du concierge pour annoncer la nouvelle des plus délirantes à tous, sans exception. D'abord ,chacun tentait de dissimuler le rire qui gagnait pour s'apitoyer très vite sur le sort de cet homme qui, désormais ,laissait un orphelin total.
Puis ,telle une traînée de poudre, la nouvelle arriva aux oreilles des élèves. Méchants comme beaucoup peuvent l'être à cet âge, ils prirent la cruelle habitude de traiter Jérôme de "cochon." Cela devint même son sobriquet .

Tante Joyce ,la soeur du père, inscrivit son neveu dans une autre école privée de renom. Plus un mot sur l'affaire. Ni à la maison, ni au pensionnat.

Jérôme devint riche et célèbre. Pourtant, il évitait toujours de réveiller ce méchant souvenir, resté un réel traumatisme. Parviendrait-il ,un jour, à dépasser la mort grotesque de son "père ,ce héros" ?

Il invita ,un jour , la belle Sally chez tante Joyce à qui il la présenta comme étant sa future fiancée. Malheur! Elle alla droit au piano sur lequel trônait le portrait d'un homme très digne, en uniforme. -" Ton père, Jérôme? Tu étais vraiment jeune lorsqu'il est mort ?" - " Neuf ans!", coupa Tante Joyce! Quel accident idiot! Un cochon lui est tombé dessus ! " Jérôme tremblait, rougissait, ne savait plus où se mettre.. Son aimée, sa chérie...allait-elle, elle aussi..? -" Le pauvre homme !" , murmura-t-elle. Jérôme jubilait : c' était là la femme de sa vie!

Sur le chemin du retour, Sally s'appuyant contre Jérôme, s'enquit: " Mais qu'est-il arrivé au cochon ?" Ils étaient faits l'un pour l'autre ! Il rit et l'embrassa: -" Ils s'en sont régalés , à Pâques, à la sauce napolitaine!"

GRAHAM GREENE (2 premiers épisodes)
Raccourci de violet pour le 3ème.

Ne vous découragez pas de la longueur du texte : pas évident de vous conter la suite,en tranchant dans le vif! Il n'est pas trop difficile ,je crois, et je serai ravie de vous retrouver. See you
Correction prévue le mardi 8 Avril.


Réponse: Un accident choquant.Thème 3.Fin. de gee, postée le 01-04-2008 à 00:29:36 (S | E)
I couldn’t claim that I haven’t felt the urge to come along the sight-caving tour guided by second to none Violet, Greene’s co-writer, inside the deep soul of mankind. I must confess that the story didn’t cope with Freudian theory of father-killing. However if a boy has to (fictitiously) kill his father, that’s because his father is a hero, a hero that stands on the way to the mother. But we learned here that Jerome was motherless. So, the story doesn’t go so far as to be compared to great tales (Little Red Riding Hood, and so on) Nevertheless what Greene told in this story is something that deals with deep psychological motives which build someone’s life. And I have known people who turned schizo for similar traumas. Behind the seemingly silly story, serious matters are at stake. I refuse to think that the lesson taught beneath the surface of the funny story could be beyond Greene and Violet as well. This exercise was really worth the words it dealt with. Be Violet thanked for.

A shocking accident (epilogue)

Mr Wordworth stopped shaking himself in a minute. Jerome’s unpredictable question made him turn round. He was shocked and couldn’t believe his ears. Yet he spoke to the boy in a grave manner:
“I share your sorrow, Jerome. I understand what a shock you got! … Please, go back to your classroom.”

The housemaster barged into the staff room, the deputy head’s office, the principal’s, the caretaker’s lodge to spread the screamingly funny news to everyone, missing no one. At first they tried to conceal a growing laugh to very soon turn feeling pity to that man’s lot who was leaving a father-and-motherless boy.
Then spreading like wild fire the news reached pupils’ ears. Naughty as most of them can be at their age, they got cruelly used to calling Jerome a “pig”. Pig turned to be his nickname.

Aunt Joyce, the father’s sister, registered her nephew for another renowned private school. Not a single word in the matter breathed from then on. Neither at home, nor at the boarding house.

Jerome became wealthy and famous. Yet he used to avoid awakening that nasty memory lying on his inside like a real trauma. Would he sometime manage to overcome the silly death of his father, his hero of a father!

One day he invited the beautiful Sally to Aunt Joyce’s. He introduced her as his fiancée-to-be. Oh hell ! Sally headed right up towards the piano on which stood the portrait of a very smart man, dressed in uniform. “Your father, Jerome? You were really young when he died?”
“he was nine!” cut short Aunt Joyce. “What a silly accident! A pig fell on him!”

Jerome got shivering, blushing; he didn’t know what to do with himself. Her loved, her darling … was she also going to? her too?
But Sally sighed “The poor man!”
Jerome got elated: that was his wife for life!

On her way back home, Sally leaned against Jerome asking: “But, what happened to the pig?”
They had been done to match each other. He laughed and kissed her.
At Easter they gorged themselves on it, smeared all over with Neapolitan sauce!

Réponse: Un accident choquant.Thème 3.Fin. de maya92, postée le 03-04-2008 à 16:06:23 (S | E)
Hi Violet,

Mr Wordsworth stopped thrilling at once. Jerome's unpredictable question made him turn round. He was shocked and couldn't believe his ears. Yet, he solemnly spoke to the child : "I share your sorrow, Jérome. I understand what a shock it was ! Please, go back to your classroom."
The housemaster rushed into the staffroom, the head assistant's office, the headmaster's and the porter's lodge to announce this most extraordinary piece of news to everybody without exception. At first, they tried to hide a sort of creeping laugh and then very quickly, felt sorry for that man who, from now on, left the poor boy a complete orphan. Then the news spread like wildfire and reached all the pupils. Nasty as they can be at that age, they got into the cruel habit of calling Jerome a "pig" and this became his nickname.
Aunt Joyce, his father's sister, registered her nephew in another renowned public school. Not a word about that matter, neither at home nor at school.
Jérome became rich and famous. Yet, he always avoided bringing back that bad memory which had remained a real trauma. Could he, one day, go beyond the ridiculous death of his 'hero of a father'(can we say that ?..)
One day, he invited the pretty Sally to Aunt Joyce's to whom he introduced her as his fiancee-to-be. Hell ! She went straight to the piano on which the portrait of a very dignified, uniformed man had pride of place.
"That's your father, Jérome ? You should have been very young when he died ?"
"He was nine", interrupted Aunt Joyce,"What a stupid accident ! A pig fell on him !"
Jérome was shaking, blushing and did not know what to do with himself. His beloved..his darling..was she also going to..?
- "Poor man", she whispered
Jérome was on a cloud line : she was the love of his life !
On their way back home, Sally, leaning against him asked "But what happened to the pig ?"
They were really made for each other ! He laughed and kissed her :
"At Easter, they had a feast of it, with a Napolitean sauce !"

Thank you Violet for this funny story. I suppose everyone is happy to know what happened to the pig !

Réponse: Un accident choquant.Thème 3.Fin. de nick27, postée le 03-04-2008 à 16:58:52 (S | E)
Mr. Wordsworth's thrills faded after a minute. Jerôme's unexpected question made him turn around. He was shocked and couldn't believe his ears. Yet, he spoke to the child :
- "I share your sadness, Jérôme. I understand what a shock it is to you! Go back to class now!"

The boarding school director rushed into the staff room, then into the Deputy head teacher's office, the Princiape's and caretaker's to announce the most delirious news to them all without exception. First, each one tried to hide the big laughter they were working up to and tried to feel some pity for the man's fate who had left his child behind making him totally orphan. Then the news quickly got around and came to the other pupils' ears. Like most children at this age they were so nasty they got into the habit of calling Jérôme a "pig". He even got nicknamed this way.

Aunt Joyce, his father's sister, enrolled her nephew in a famous private school. They then decided they should never talk about this story again neither at home nor at the boarding school.

Jérôme became rich and famous. Yet, he always tried to make his best to keep down this bad memory which had come as a real bad shock to him. Will he ever manage to get over his father's, his hero's, silly death?

One day, he invited the beautiful Sally to come over her aunt's to whom he presented her as his future fiancée. Bad luck! She walked straight to the piano on which there was a picture of a worthy man in uniform.
- Is it your father Jérôme? You were really young when he died, weren't you?
- He was 9 ! shouted Aunt Joyce, breaking in on their conversation. What a silly accident! A pig fell on him!

Jérôme was shaking and blushing and he didn't know where to put himself... his loved one, his sweetheart, would she? too?
- "Poor man" she whispered.

Jérôme was so happy : He realized she really was the girl of his dreams.

On their way back home, Sally leaned on Jérôme and asked "But what happened to the pig?" - They were meant to be together! He smiled and kissed her : "At Easter they had a great meal!! And IT was covered with Napolitean sauce"

violet... It doesn't look like a happy ending, does it?

Réponse: Un accident choquant.Thème 3.Fin. de nefertiti, postée le 04-04-2008 à 17:04:47 (S | E)
Hello Violet.

A shocking accident

The sudders of Mr Wordsworth finished at once. The unpredictable question of Jerome made him turn around. He was shocked and he could not believe his ears. However, he talked seriously to the child :
- "I share your grief, Jerome. I understand the shock for you ! Go back to your classroom, please."

The housemaster rushed into the teachers' room, the Deputy-Head's office, the Headteacher's one, the caretaker's lodge, to announce the craziest piece of news to all of them, without any exception. At first, everyone tried to hide the laugh which was coming to feel rapidly sorry for that man, who, was now leaving a complete orphan. Then, spreading like wild fire, the news came to the pupils' ears. Naughty as many of them could be at that age, they took the decision to call Jerome a "pig". Even, it became his nickname.

Aunt Joyce, his father's sister, registered her nephew in another famous public school. No more word about the affair. Neither at home, nor at the boarding school.

Jerome became wealthy and famous. However, he always avoided to remind that naughty memory, which stayed a true trauma. One day, could he ever be able to move beyond the grotesque death of his "father, his hero ?"

One day, he invited pretty Sally for lunch at Aunt Joyce's home, he introduced her as his fiancee-to-be. Hell ! She went straight towards the piano on which had pride of place the portrait of a very dignified man, in a uniform.

- "Your father, Jerome ? Were you really young when he died ?"
- "Nine years old !" Aunt Joyce cut short! "What a stupid accident ! A pig fell on him".
Jerome was shivering, becoming red, he did not know where to find a place to hide himself. His sweet heart, his darling ... Was she going to? she, too ?
- "Poor man !" she murmured.
Jerome jubilated : this was the woman of his life !

On their way back, Sally, leant on Jerome, asked :
- "But what happened to the pig ? They were meant for being together !"
He laughed and kissed her :
- "They enjoyed it, at Easter, with a Neapolitan sauce".

Modifié par nefertiti le 11-04-2008 15:36

Réponse: Un accident choquant.Thème 3.Fin. de marie11, postée le 04-04-2008 à 21:00:27 (S | E)
Bonjour violet91

Mr Wordsworth's quivers stopped within a minute. Jerome's unpredictable question made him turn round . He was shocked and did not believe his ears. Nevertheless, he solemnly addressed the child:
" I share your sorrow, Jerome. I understand what a shock it makes for you!
Would you join your class, please. "
The dormitory supervisor rushed into the staff room, the office of the deputy, that of the Head master, the lodge of the caretaker to announce the news, one of the most delirious, to everybody without exception.
At first, they tried to hide an irrepressible laughter, but they soon felt pity for the fate of this man who, henceforth, made Jerome an orphan.
Then,the news spread like wildfire among the pupils. Nasty, as many boys can be at that age, they were cruelly used to calling him a pig . It became even his nickname.

Aunt Joyce, his sister's father, registered her nephew in another private school of good reputation. They never recalled that event: no more a single word at the house, or at the boarding school.

Jerome became rich and famous. Nevertheless, he always avoided bringing back that memory, which tormented him and which had traumatized him a lot.
Would he, one day, succeed in freeing himself from the queer death of his father.
One day, he invited, the beautiful Sally at aunt Joyce's , and intoduced her as his incoming fiancée. Unfortunately, she went straight up to the piano on which the portrait of a very deserving man, clad in an uniform, was lying conspicuously.
-" Your father, Jerome? You were really young when he died? " - " He was nine ! " Aunt Joyce said! What a stupid accident! A pig fell on him !

-" Jerome was shaking and blushing. He did not know where to hide himself.. Did her loved, her darling....was she also going to ? Her too? - " the poor man! ", she murmured. Jerome exulted: She was the woman of his life now !

On the way back, Sally leaning over Jerome, asked: " But, what happened to the pig ?" They were made for each other ! He smiled and kissed her.
- " They feasted on it, at Easter, with a neapolitan sauce! "

Réponse: Un accident choquant.Thème 3.Fin. de bonsai93, postée le 05-04-2008 à 09:27:49 (S | E)
Hello Violette
I send you my translation

Mr Wordworth stopped to shake himself at the moment .
Jerome 's impredicable question made him turn round .
He was shocked and couldn't believe his ears .And yet , he gravely spoke to the child :
« I share your grief ,Jerome , I understand what such a shock it is for you ! »
« Go back to your class room , Please »

The housemaster rushed toward the staffroom , toward the head assistant office ,to the principal 's one , the superintendant's too and to the caretaker's lodge to tell the most surreal NEWS to everyone without exception .
They first tried to conceal the laughing which was growing up in each of them but after, they quickly were feeling pity for that man who , now , was leaving an orphan ,a so young father and motherles child

Then the news quickly got around and arrived to the pupil's ears .
Naughty, as most of children can be at that time of their life , they took the cruel habit to treat Jerome a « PIG »
they even gave him the nickname of « PIG »

Aunt Joyce , his father 's aunt registered her nephew on an other fame private school .
No more word about that story , neither at home nor at the boarding house

Jerome became a famous and rich man
Yet he always avoid to awake that so nasty memory which was, for him, a real trauma .
« Would he , one day , overcome that so ridiculous death , the death of his father :his father , a hero ? »

One day , he invited the beautiful Sally to aunt Joyce 's to whom he introduced her as his futur fiancee .
Bad lock! She went right toward the piano on which stood the portrait of a very smart man in his uniform.
« your father , Jerome ? You were very young when he died ? »
« He was just nine ! » cut quickly aunt Joyce , »What a stupid accident !!! A pig fell on him ! »
Jerome was shocking , blushing and didn't know what to do ,where to go .
His lovely his darling .......would she also ...... she too ? .........

« The poor man » She wispered
Jerome rejoiced : she was really his wife for his life !
On their way back , Sally leaning against Jerome asked :
« What happened to the pig ? »
He knew now she was his sweetheart (or they could love each other ??)
He laught and kissed her
« At Easter , They had a great meal with a Napolitean sauce ! »
have a nice Saturday Violette ,and thank you for racking our brains

Réponse: Un accident choquant.Thème 3.Fin. de violette19, postée le 06-04-2008 à 10:54:16 (S | E)

A shocking accident (3)

Mr.Wordsworth's shakes stopped in a minute . Jérôme's unpredictable
question made him turn back . He was shocked, could not think it was
true . Yet, he spoke to the child seriously :
- " I share sorrow with you . I realize which shock you feel !
Get back to your form, please . "

The supervisor rushed to the teachers' room, Deputy-Head's office,
that one of the Headteacher, caretaker's lodge, for announcing the
craziest news to everybody, absolutely everybody . At first,
each one tried to conceal laugh growing up, then very quickly
felt pity with this man's fate, leaving a real orphan .
Then, like a powder streak, the news were heard by the pupils .
Silly as many of the same age can be, they would call Jérôme
a pig . That became his nickname, even .

Aunt Joyce,his father's sister, made Jérôme enter another
school, an uncelebrated one . No more a word about the thing .
Neither at home, nor at the boarding school .

Jérôme became rich, celebrated . Yet, he would avoid awakening
that bad remembrance which was still a real traumatism .
Would he be ever able to overcome this hero, his father's grotesque,
ludicrous death ?

He invited the pretty Sally, one day, at Aunt Joyce's home, to whom
he introduced her as his future fiancée . Bad luck !
She came straight to the piano on which the portrait of a
man, quite dignified, was exposed, with his uniform .
-" Your father, Jérôme ? " Were you very young when he died ? "
-"Nine years old !", Aunt Joyce cut her short ! What a stupid
accident ! A pig fell on him !" Jérôme was trembling,blushing,
he did not know any longer where to go .. Woud his beloved,
his dear ...too ? "
-"The poor man !",she whispered . Jérôme was jubilating : there she was
his congenial soul !
Coming back, Sally leaning on Jérôme, asked :
-" But whas about the pig ? " They were hand and glove together !
He laughed and kissed her :
-" They feasted on it, cooked with some Neapolitan sauce, at Easter ! "

Réponse: Un accident choquant.Thème 3.Fin. de dolfin56, postée le 06-04-2008 à 16:02:14 (S | E)
Coucou, Violet
A shocking accident (the end).
Mr Wordworth stopped shaking in a minute. Jerome's unpredictable question made him turn back. He was shocked and he didn't believe his ears.However, he solemny applied to the child:
-"I share your affliction, Jerome. I understand what a shock it is for you! Please, go back to your class room".
The housemaster rushed for the teachers-room, the head-master office, the Principal's one, the doorkeeper room, to announce the most delirious news to everyone without exception. At first, they tried to hire a growing laugh to quickly feel pity for the fate of this man who , henceforth,was leaving a complete orphan.
Then, the news reached pupil's ears, like wild fire spreading. naughty as many boys can be at their age, they cruelly used to call Jerome "pig",that became his nickname.
-Aunt Joyce, the father's sister, registered his nephew in another private renowned school. No more word about that, neither at home nor at the boarding school.
-Jerome became rich and famous. However, he always avoided reviving this bad memory which beat him out. Could he succed, one day, controling its feeling about the ridiculous death of his "father, this hero" ?
One day, he invited the pretty Sally to aunt Joyce's( home) to whom he introduced her as his intended.
Unfortunately, she went straigh to the piano on which the portrait of a worthy man, dressed in uniform ,was standing.
-"your father, Jerome? you were very young when he died?"- "nine years old', cut aunt Joyce!"what a silly accident! a pig fell on him!"
Jerome was shakind, blushing, didn't know where to hide himself... his love, his darling, was she also going to...?
"the poor man" she whispered. Jerome rejoiced: she was his woman for life.
- On the way back, Sally, leaning on Jerome, asked:"but what about the pig?"
They had been done to live together! he laughed and kissed her.
At Easter, they feasted on it with Napolitaine sauce.

Réponse: Un accident choquant.Thème 3.Fin. de swan85, postée le 06-04-2008 à 18:14:37 (S | E)
Bonjour Violet


Mr Wordsworth’s quivers stopped at once.
Jerome’s unpredictable question made him turn around.
He was shocked and didn’t believe his ears.
Nevertheless, he said gravely to the child :
“I share your sorrow, Jerome. I understand what a shock it makes for you!
Go back to your classroom, please”

The housemaster rushed into the staff room, the Deputy Head office, that of the headmaster, the caretaker’s flat to inform everybody of the most delirious news, without exception.

At first, each tried to hide the laugh which won to feel sorry very fast for the fact that this man left, henceforth, an orphan.

Then, such as a wildfire , the story came to the ears of the pupils.
Nasty as many people can be at this age, they took the cruel custom to treat Jerome of "pig". It became even its nickname.

Aunt Joyce, the father’s sister, registered her nephew in another renowned private school . No more a word about this matter. Neither at home, nor at the boarding school.

Jerome became rich and famous.
However, He always avoided awakening that nasty memory, remained as a real traumatism.
Would he succeed, one day, in overcoming the ridiculous death of his “father”, this hero ?

One day, he invited the beautiful Sally to aunt Joyce’s home to whom he introduced her as being his future fiancée.

For heaven’s sake ! she went straight to the piano on which stood the portrait of a worthy man, wearing an uniform.- “Is your father, Jerome? You were really young when he died ? “ Nine years!”, cut off Aunt Joyce! What a stupid accident ! A pig fell on him ! “Jerome was shaking and getting red, did not know where to stand.

His beloved, his darling…..was she going, her too …. ? “ The poor man” she whispered. Jerome was jubilant: She was there the woman of his life.

On the way back, leaning against Jerome Sally asked « But what happened to the pig? “They were meant for each other ! he laughed and kissed her :- “ They enjoyed eating it , in Eastern, with a Neapolitan sauce !”

Réponse: Un accident choquant.Thème 3.Fin. de coferam, postée le 07-04-2008 à 13:54:35 (S | E)
Hello Violet91,

A shocking accident! ----( Part 3)

M. Wordsworth stopped his shudders in a minute. Jerome’s unpredictable question made him turn round. He was shocked and couldn’t believe his ears. Through he spoke to the boy seriously :'' I share your sorrow, Jerome. I understand what a shock you got! … Please, go back to your classroom.''

The housemaster rushed into the staff room, then into the Deputy head teacher's office, the apartment of the caretaker to announce the most delirious news to them all without exception. At first, they tried to hide an
irrepressible laughter, but they soon felt pity for the fate of this man who, henceforth, made Jerome an orphan.
Then, like a powder streak, the news were heard by the pupils .Silly as many of the same age can be, they would call Jérôme a pig . That became even his nickname.

Aunt Joyce, his sister's father, registered her nephew in another private school of good reputation. They never recalled that event: no more a single word at the house, or at the boarding school.

Jerome became wealthy and famous. However, he always avoided to remind that naughty memory, which was still a real trauma.One day, did he arrive at go past the grotesque death of his "father, his hero ?"

One day, he invited the nice Sally at Aunt Joyce's, whom he introduced her as his husband-to-be. Unfortunately, she went straight to the piano on which the portrait of a very dignified man, with an uniform.-'' Your father, Jerome? You were really young when he died? " - " He was nine ! " cut Aunt Joyce ! What a stupid accident! A pig fell on him !

Jérome was shaking, blushing and did not know what to do with himself. His beloved..his darling..was she also going to..?- "Poor man", she whispered. Jérome gloated over : she was the love of his life ! On the way back home, Sally, leaning herself against him asked "But what happened to the pig ?"They were made for each other ! He laughed and kissed her : "At Easter, they had a feast of it, with a Napolitean sauce !"

Merci à toi pour ce raccourci, où, même chez les cochons, on peut en trouver un pour sauver l'honneur des siens!

Réponse: Un accident choquant.Thème 3.Fin. de TravisKidd, postée le 07-04-2008 à 16:25:50 (S | E)
-------------------A SHOCKING ACCIDENT (epilogue)--------------

Mr. Wordsorth's shudders stopped within the minute. Jérôme's out-of-the-blue question made him have to pull himself together. He was shocked and didn't believe his ears. Yet, he addressed himself seriously to the child: - " I share your sorrow, Jérôme. I understand what a shock this is to you. Go back to class, please."

The internship director rushed to the teachers' lounge, the Deputy and Head Teacher's desks, the concierge box to announce the most delirious of news to everyone, bar none. First, each one attempted to hide the laugh which was coming over him in order to very quickly feel sorry about the passing of this man who, from now on, left a total orphan.
Then, such a wildfire, the news came to the ears of the students. Mean like many can be at that age, they adopted the cruel habit of treating Jérôme like a "hog". That even became his nickname.

Aunt Joyce, the father's sister, enrolled her nephew in another renowned private school. Not a further word about what happened. Neither at home, nor at the boarding school.

Jérôme became rich and famous. Yet, he always kept suppressed this nasty memory, still a real traumatism. Would he, ever, manage to get past the grotesque death of his "father, the hero"?

He invited, one day, the beautiful Sally to Aunt Joyce's, to whom he introduced her as being his future fiancée. Not good! She went straight to the piano over which was enthroned the portrait of a very dignified man, in uniform. -" Your father, Jérôme? You were really young when he died?" - "Nine years old!" snapped Aunt Joyce! "What an idiotic accident! A hog fell on him!" Jérôme trembled, blushed, didn't know what to do. His beloved, his honey...was she too going..? -"The poor man!" , murmured she. Jérôme was jubilant: this was the woman of his life!

On the way back, Sally pressing herself against Jérôme wondered aloud: " But what happened to the hog?" They were made for each other! He laughed and kissed her: -"They were treated, on Easter, to Napolitan sauce!"

Réponse: Un accident choquant.Thème 3.Fin. de nini59, postée le 07-04-2008 à 18:59:58 (S | E)
Hi Violet

Mr Wordsworth's thrills stopped in the minute.The unpredictable question of Jérôme made him turn around. He was shocked and couldn't believe his ears. Yet, he solemny spoke to the child:
-" I share your surrow, Jérôme. I understand what a shock it was for you! Please, go back to your classroom."

The housemaster waded into the staff room, the deputy head teacher's office, the headmaster'one, the caretaker's lodge to announce the most extraordinary news to everyone, without an exception. At first, each one tried to conceal the laugh which was surpassing them to pity very soon on the lot of that man who, from now on, left a complete orphan. Then, as a wildfire, the news reached to the pupil's ears. Nasty, as most of them can be at this age, they made a habit of calling him a "pig". It even became his nickname.

Aunt Joyce, the father's sister, registered his nephew in another renowned private school. Not a word on this affair. Neither at home, nor at school.

Jérôme became wealthy and famous. Yet, he always avoided awakening this nasty memory, lying as a real trauma. Could he be able a day to overcome the silly death of "his father, his hero?"

One day, Jérôme invited the beautiful Sally at Joyce's house. He introduced her as his future fiancée. Bad Luck! She went straight to the piano on which was sitting enthroned the portrait of a very dignified man, in uniform.
- "Your father, Jérôme? You were very young when he died?"
- "Nine years old" aunt Joyce interrupted! "What a stupid accident! A pig fell down on him."
Jérôme was shaking, blushing and cringing..His beloved, his darling..Was she also going to...She too?
- "Poor man", she whispered.
Jérôme was jubilant: She was the wife of his life!

On the homeward bound, Sally, leaning herself against Jérôme, asked about:
- "But, what happened to the pig?"
He smiled and kissed her:
- "At Easter, they ate it with a Neapolitan sauce."

Thank you again for this exercise.
See you.

Réponse: Un accident choquant.Thème 3.Fin. de violet91, postée le 07-04-2008 à 20:06:12 (S | E)
Bonsoir,les petits retardataires..vous pouvez encore "poster".;je ne corrigerai que demain en fin d'après-midi,soirée.violet

Réponse: Un accident choquant.Thème 3.Fin. de violet91, postée le 08-04-2008 à 19:58:07 (S | E)
infiniment à tous d'avoir pris la peine de traduire ce grand "raccourci" de l'histoire du cochon. Avec toujours plus de subtilités et de réemplois venus des corrections. Merci d'y être attentifs.

HENRY GRAHAM GREENE vaut vraiment le détour. So British, as well.Pourtant,il avait mal commencé..

----- Né en 1904 dans le comté de Hertfordshsire ( North London), 4ème enfant d'une fratrie de 6, fils d'un directeur d'école communale fort sévère, il fut tyrannisé (tormented and bullied ['boullid]) en tant que tel. Il était timide (shy)et hypersensible ( sensitive # sensible: sensé,raisonnable).. Son enfance (childhood) fut difficile et il s'évadait, donc , dans la solitude et les livres. Au lycée, il séchait souvent les cours (to play truant from school)et commençait à sérieusement "décrocher" comme déprimer. Il fit plusieurs tentatives de suicide (to attempt(gee!)and to commit suicide): son père, prenant les choses au sérieux ,le conduisit chez un psychothérapeute (therapist) efficace . A quinze ans ,il commença son "travail" et réussit à "évacuer" le plus lourd et l'incompris de sa jeune vie. L'homme lui conseilla d'écrire..puis l'introduisit dans le cercle littéraire du poète Walter de la Mare. Ce fut sa planche de salut : il reprit goût à la vie, aux études et fut vite remarqué pour son écriture et son engagement. Il accéda au "Balliol College " d'Oxford où il étudia l'Histoire Moderne.

--- Il publia un recueil de poèmes en 1925. Il se convertit au Catholicisme en 1926. Puis ,journaliste au magazine "Night and day" ,il prit à tel point parti contre l'utilisation "sexuelle" de Shirley Temple que cela fit scandale et qu'il entraîna le journal à sa ruine!
-----Il était "Editor of the Oxford Outlook". Il n'avait plus rien de timoré : au contraire, il devenait auteur engagé et abordait des thèmes jusque là , "évités". Ils sont d'ailleurs récurrents dans toute son oeuvre : vie déracinée, famille étouffante et destructrice,trahison, mensonges de la société( il était fortement influencé par F.Mauriac). "Petits crimes exquis" ,perpétrés à l'intérieur d'"un noeud de vipères".

-------Le besoin de bouger et même de vivre "plus dangereusement" l' appelle vers des "lieux sauvages". Il entre dans le " Secret Intelligence Service" en Sierra Leone. Il est avide d'espaces et d'aventure.

----Ses romans( 28),ses nouvelles( de petits bijoux),essais (" J'accuse la face cachée de Nice")récits de voyage et critiques lui permettent d'explorer l'ambivalence morale et politique du monde moderne et de s'interroger sur le Catholicisme. Il est devenu subversif ,donc .. très intéressant. " His style reflects his upbringing "

----"- Brighton Rock" (suspense) sort en 1938.Grand succés.
- "Power and Glory" ( "La puissance et la gloire")en 1940 ;le roman est "condemned" par le Vatican.
-" The heart of the matter" ("Le fond du problème")en 1948 est encore un succés ( dérangeant pour certains).

-------Il vit avec son temps et s'intéresse à tout. Et aux femmes ,bien sûr,car,en plus,il est bel homme!...Il n'est pas doué pour le mariage ,ni la vie de famille. " I confess I am a bad husband and a fickle (inconstant) lover ."

------La XXth Century Fox l'emballe. " The third man" sort en 1949 : Orson Welles et lui en feront un succés (et la musique!..)Facétieux,il participe au film de F. Truffaut " La Nuit Américaine" 1973(le tournage du film dans le film).

-----Théâtre :1953 >1983 .

------Il vivait à Londres ("the hub of the world": le nombril du monde!) Antibes (que d'artistes !)et Capri (que d'amour!)toujours très confortablement.

----Il alla mourir au Pérou...non, en Suisse (Switzerland,comme Chaplin) ,à Corseaux en 1991 ! "He died peacefully". Une journaliste Gloria Emerson lui rend un brillant hommage dans une biographie "Loving Graham" " ,traduit et publié en 2007.

Modifié par violet91 le 09-04-2008 12:13

Réponse: Un accident choquant.Thème 3.Fin. de apau, postée le 08-04-2008 à 20:34:17 (S | E)

Dear Violet
A shocking accident (the end)
Mr. WORDSWORTH stopped his shudders in a minute. Jerome's unpredictable question made him turn round. He was shocked and couldn't believe his ears. Yet, he spoke to the child seriously : " I share your affliction, Jerome. I understand what a shock it is for you ! Please, go back to your classroom. ".
The house-master rushed for the teacher's room, the head-master office, the principal's office, the caretaker's lodge to announce this most extraordinary news to them, without exception. At first,they tried to hide an irrepressible laughter, but they soon felt pity for the fate of this man who, henceforth, made Jerome an orphan.
Then, like a powder streak, the news were heard by the pupils. Silly as many of the same age can be, they would call Jerome a " pig ". That became even his nickname.
Aunt Joyce, his sister's father, registered her nephew in another private school of good reputation. No more a word the thing. Neither at home, neither at school.
Jerome became rich, celebrated. Yet, he always avoided to remind that naughty memory, which was still a real trauma. One day, did he arrive go past the grotesque death of his " father, this hero " ?
One day, he invited the pretty Sally to aunt Joyce's house whom he introduced her as his future " fiancée ". Unfortunately, she went straight to the piano on which the portrait of a very dignified man, dressed in uniform. " Your father, Jerome ? You were very young when he died ? ". " Nine years old ", cut aunt Joyce ! What a shocking accident ! A pig fell down on him ! ". Jerome was trembling, blushing, he didn't know any longer where to go... His beloved, his darling... was she also going to... ?". " The poor man ! " she whispered. Jerome was jubilating : she was the love of his life !
On the way back home, Sally leaning on Jerome, asked : " But, what happened to the pig ? ". They were meant for each other ! He laughed and kissed her : " They tasted on it, cooked with some Neapolitan sauce, at Easter ! ".

Sorry for delay but I'm tired by...

Réponse: Un accident choquant.Thème 3.Fin. de violet91, postée le 08-04-2008 à 23:59:19 (S | E)
et de votre participation toujours plus fine et tenant compte des corrections. Vous devez attendre ma proposition avant d'aller dormir : je referai ma 2ème partie demain ! Elle vient de s'effacer!

----------------- A SHOCKING ACCIDENT (3) ----------------------------------

Mr Wordsworth's shudders stopped at once. Jerome's unpredictable question made him turn round. He was shocked and could not believe his ears. Yet, he spoke to the child in a sympathising tone : " I do share your sorrow, Jerome. I really understand what a shock it means for you! Go back to your class, will you? "

The Housemaster dashed all around, into the staff room, the Deputy Head's office,the Headmaster's one,the caretaker's lodge to announce the craziest piece of news to every single soul in the premises. Firstly, each one strained themselves to conceal a sort of growing laugh and within a minute, felt so sorry for the fate of that man who was now leaving a complete orphan.
Then, spreading like wild fire , the news reached the pupils' ears. Nasty as many of them could be at that age ,they got cruelly used to calling Jerome a "pig" which quickly turned to be his nickname.

Aunt Joyce , his father's sister, registered her nephew in another renowned public school. No more word referring to the matter .
Neither at home , nor at the boarding school.

Jerome became rich and famous. He always avoided awakening that dreadful remembrance, kept as a true traumatism. Could he ever be able to move beyond that absurd death of his hero of a father ?

One day, he invited pretty Sally for lunch at Aunt Joyce's. He introduced her as his fiancée-to-be. Hell ! She walked straight towards the piano on which the portrait of a dignified man in a uniform stood as a trophy.
-" Your father, Jerome ? You were really young ,when he died, weren't you?" -"Nine!" Aunt Joyce cut short." What a stupid accident! A pig fell on him ! "
Jerome was trembling , blushing and just didn't know where to find a place to hide himself (and wished he had been anywhere else). His beloved, his darling..was she going to..? She ,too? -" Poor man!" she whispered. Jerome exulted : this was the woman of his life!

On their way back, Sally leant on Jerome and asked : " In fact, what happened to the pig ? " The pair of them were hand and glove ,no doubt! He laughed and kissed her. -"They treated themselves to (some of)it for a nice Neapolitan sauce ! "

D'après GRAHAM GREENE ,relu et abrégé par mes soins.

à vous d'avoir patienté...and do you know what? Ce cochon m'a longtemps amusée..là, il dépasse les limites.Je suis assommée de fatigue! Cheerio..see you tomorrow for the other piece ! (comments) GOOD NIGHT!

Réponse: Un accident choquant.Thème 3.Fin. de gee, postée le 09-04-2008 à 11:38:30 (S | E)
Paying tribute to the author of this workout, Violet Nine One, the One of a kind.

Even though this workout is three times starred, it trailed, besides prominent translators, some learners of my kind whose literary culture is quite basic. As a handyman I haven’t got much spare time to read. That’s why, more so than any others, I want to express my pleasure in getting that biography of Henry Graham Greene. The must with this matter is that Violet suggested here and there how to think it in English. So we had the cake and ate it. I mean that we could learn the language for the sake of learning it and moreover – what is not usual – we got some extra-food for mind.

Of course we could notice how exhausted Violet was, spending so much time on mysterious tracks. She couldn’t help letting her proneness to weird events work. So she made Graham commit suicides one after the other. We all know that it is more comfortable and sparing to just attempt suicide. You needn’t to rise again from the dead in the mean time.

It goes without saying that we also pay tribute to the initiators of this site and all people who operate it on a daily basis.

Réponse: Un accident choquant.Thème 3.Fin. de violet91, postée le 09-04-2008 à 12:10:30 (S | E)
Demain est déjà aujourd' je me mets à la tâche promise.

Vous êtes vraiment à l'aise pour la plupart :, je ferai des commentaires lexicaux et des ajouts culturels ,plutôt.

1 ) To shake ,to jolt et résultat: thrills (peur,excitation),quivers(froid):shudders:tressaillements dus au rire ou aux pleurs.

2 ) At once ,straight away,immediately. Within a minute: dans un laps d'une minute.In two weeks 'time,within two weeks,we'll be on holiday.

3 ) Unpre'dictable,unex'pected ,'stunning (qui vous coupe le souffle)coming "out of the blue" = tombé du ciel

4 ) All my sympathy (Ancient Greek: sun-pathos: qui partage le pathos:moral ou physique)Condoléances (< Latin).Compassion.

5 )" Sorrow "(sorrowful) :chagrin profond.(cf.superbe et tragique tableau (fusain?)de Van Gogh sur le vieillissement). Grief: peine,chagrin (pl:grieves['gri:vz]

6 ) A grave : une tombe. adj:menaçant par son sérieux. Serious,solemn (ici)

7 )To rush = to dash (comme une flèche).

8 )To strain oneself : faire un effort inimaginable (s'user les yeux à lire dans la semi-obscurité par ex) Such a strain! Such an effort!

9 ) The premises ['premisiz] :all buildings and grounds composing the school.
10) To conceal :dissimuler (ce qui ne doit pas se voir) .To hide peut être un jeu ." Hide and seek". Ce n'est pas le moment !..

11 ) Le rire qui grimpe en vous et vous "chatouille":creeping(vous allez tousser).Qui monte ,qui monte et risque d'éclater: to grow* "La chétive pécore enfla(to swell*) si bien qu"elle en creva!"

12 ) A public school : détrompez -vous : c'est bien privé (sinon a state school)comme ETON(close to Windsor)( 1440: Henry VI) A registered charity (a non profit educational body) Independent..Populaire depuis le XVIIème ,Eton est un creuset "d'élites":les "scholars" s'appellent "Oppidans"et sont tenus à une discipline de fer. Plus de châtiments corporels,mais..Voie "royale" pour accéder à Cambridge et Oxford. 25 "Houses" et actuellement : 1308 garçons (exclusivement!)de 13 à 18ans!.39.000 Euros par an. Old Etonians" se reconnaissent" .18 Prime Ministers,the first Duke of Wellington, Gladstone, Princes William of Wales and Harry.../Personnages fictifs "issus" d' Eton: Sh.Holmes(Doyle),William Wilson (Poe),James Bond ../ many parts of fims were shot there: "Casino royale",Chariots of fire"(***)1981,"Shakespeare in love " 1991 "Harry Potter".. En général, les enfants sont inscrits avant leur naissance (mais il y a un test à passer avant l'entrée!)

12 ) Spreading like wild fire : (se répandant) comme une traînée de poudre.

13 ) Naughty (coquin)saucy(polisson)nasty,bad :méchants,"pervers".

13 ) To register (for) : inscrire.( to set on name., to join, enlist (Army))

14 ) To interrupt= to cut short (plus agressif)

15 ) Pretty Sally : 0 article nom propre ou titre. Little Jerome.

16 ) A fiancé,a fiancée-to-be :à venir= futur(e).A baby-to-come.Engaged(an engagement) :être fiancé ,"promis"(donc "pris") comme le téléphone occupé ou ,si j'ose dire les toilettes Engaged # vacant .Available pour une personne disponible.

17 ) Pride of the family. Dignified. Trophy.

18 ) To exult ,to elate ,to jubilate.

19 ) To match :assortir (avec harmonie).They well matched together. A good match: un bon parti.Rien àvoir avec le foot (ou autre)ou les allumettes. To be "hand and glove "est une jolie métaphore.(bravo violette).

20 ) Easter time: les Pâques (pass over:passage) Divinité saxonne du Printemps : Eostre ou Eastre. Le lièvre (March Hare?Lewis Carroll)de Pâques n'arrive pas avec les cloches de Rome.Il offre des cadeaux dans les jardins..

21 ) To treat or gorge (+ orgiaque)oneself or sdy to :se régaler.

22 ) To lean on (douceur); against (serré pour ne pas s'écrouler!)

23 ) "Singing IN the rain" or IN the sun..In a Neapolitan(vous étiez prévenus)sauce.

de votre patience et fidélité. Grands :admis à Eton College!

Modifié par violet91 le 09-04-2008 12:23

Réponse: Un accident choquant.Thème 3.Fin. de violet91, postée le 09-04-2008 à 12:34:37 (S | E)
je croyais avoir terminé (vous aussi ?!!):

" A shocking accident" a été adapté au cinéma avec grand succés :25mn de petit film de "dry humour" récompensé par :

Une nomination et an award for delightful Rupert Everett.1982.

A la prochaine fois...vous transpirerez moins!

Réponse: Un accident choquant.Thème 3.Fin. de violet91, postée le 09-04-2008 à 12:52:25 (S | E)

Un grand merci et bravo à la retardataire de vifs encouragements pour pivoine qui "rame" avec son ordinateur,mais ne pliera pas comme le balcon!

Réponse: Un accident choquant.Thème 3.Fin. de apau, postée le 09-04-2008 à 13:25:52 (S | E)

Merci chère Violet de tes félicitations, malgré mon grand retard... J'ai, une fois de plus, beaucoup ri de tes commentaires et de tes corrections.
La chétive pécore m'a bien parlé !



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