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aide pour synthèse svp (1)

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aide pour synthèse svp
Message de loulove8 posté le 08-04-2008 à 09:39:21 (S | E | F)

coucou tout le monde,

mon prof d'anglais m'a demandé de faire une synthèse (environ 10 lignes en mettant que l'essentiel) et il nous a donné comme seul indication un site Lien Internet
ou il nous a dit qu'on pouvait taper css hunley sur un moteur de recherche...

voici ce que j'ai fait (pouvez vous me dire si je répond bien à la demande et si il y a des fautes)

The CSS H.L Hunley is a submarine used by states confederated during the american civil war having demonstrated the advantages and the dangers of the submarine war.
the CSS H.L Hunley was conceived to attack the ships of north which made a blockade of the ports of south.
after offshore successful tries, the ccs.h.l hunley is sent to Charleston on the Atlantic Coast. The Submarine sank twice, pulling many deaths, of whom Hunley (the creator of submarine). But the CSS Hunley manages to pour US Housatonic: it is a first time that a submarine managed to pour another ship, altought the CSS H.L Hunley sank not enough time. The submarines had no big impact on the exict of this war but began to draw the attention and to show their future in the naval commitments.

the wreck was (repéchée??) august 8th, 2000.

Réponse: aide pour synthèse svp de sitelle, postée le 08-04-2008 à 10:08:13 (S | E)
The CSS H.L Hunley is a submarine used by states confederated (ordre des mots) during the american civil war having demonstrated the advantages and the dangers of the submarine war.
the CSS H.L Hunley was conceived to attack the ships of north which made a blockade of the ports of south.
after offshore successful tries, the ccs.h.l hunley is (temps) sent to Charleston on the Atlantic Coast. The Submarine sank twice, pulling causing many deaths, one of whom Hunley (the creator of submarine). But the CSS Hunley manages to pour US Housatonic: it is a first time that a submarine managed to pour (vocabulaire) another ship, altought the CSS H.L Hunley sank not enough time-> meaning? . The submarines had no big impact on the exict of this war but began to draw the attention and to show their future in the naval commitments.

the wreck was (repéchée??)drawn up again august 8th, 2000.

Réponse: aide pour synthèse svp de loulove8, postée le 08-04-2008 à 10:19:36 (S | E)
The CSS H.L Hunley is a submarine used by confederated states during the american civil war having demonstrated the advantages and the dangers of the submarine war.
the CSS H.L Hunley was conceived to attack the ships of north which made a blockade of the ports of south.
after offshore successful tries, the ccs.h.l hunley was sent to Charleston on the Atlantic Coast. The Submarine sank twice, pulling causing many deaths, one of whom Hunley (the creator of submarine). But the CSS Hunley manages to sink US Housatonic: it is a first time that a submarine managed to sink another ship, altought the CSS H.L Hunley sank not enough time-> meaning? (bien que le CSS H. L. Hunley ait coulé peu de temps après). The submarines had no big impact on the exict of this war but began to draw the attention and to show their future in the naval commitments.

the wreck was drawn up again august 8th, 2000.

Réponse: aide pour synthèse svp de sitelle, postée le 08-04-2008 à 11:52:39 (S | E)
The CSS H.L Hunley is a submarine used by confederated states during the american civil war having demonstrated the advantages and the dangers of the submarine war.
the CSS H.L Hunley was conceived to attack the ships of the north which made a blockade of the ports of south.
after offshore successful tries, the ccs.h.l Hunley was sent to Charleston on the Atlantic Coast. The Submarine sank twice, causing many deaths, one of whom Hunley (the creator of submarine). But the CSS Hunley managed to sink US Housatonic: it was the first time a submarine managed to sink another ship, altought the CSS H.L Hunley sank not long after. The submarines had no big impact on the exit of this war but began to draw the attention and to show their future in the naval commitments.

The wreck was drawn up again august 8th, 2000.

Réponse: aide pour synthèse svp de jean31, postée le 08-04-2008 à 12:14:56 (S | E)
Quelques retouches :

the Confederate states…
… the American civil war…
… which blockaded the ports…
… although
… on the issue of the war
… to draw (0) attention…
… in naval engagements.

Réponse: aide pour synthèse svp de stephenh, postée le 08-04-2008 à 14:25:52 (S | E)
Une autre chose :

"The wreck was drawn up again august 8th, 2000."

On "draws up" l'eau d'un puits ou une liste

Utilisez le verbe "to salvage" ou "To Raise"

Réponse: aide pour synthèse svp de jean31, postée le 08-04-2008 à 17:00:05 (S | E)
Personnellement, j'aurais utilisé to refloat qui, en tant que VI, signifie être renfloué/remis à flot.

Réponse: aide pour synthèse svp de cece62210, postée le 09-04-2008 à 15:08:49 (S | E)
J'ai un dm a rendre à la rentrée et je n'y arrive pas. C'est un texte à trou où il faut remettre les mots au bons endroits. Est-ce que quelqu'un peut m'aider ? s'il vous plait. Merci d'avance.



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