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a/The/x (1)

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Message de tifi17 posté le 14-04-2008 à 14:16:35 (S | E | F)

Vous pouvez me dire si j'ai bon, s'il vous plaît?

Fill in the blanks with the correct article : a/the/x

I saw a strange on x streets of Dublin today. That man wore the peaked cap, a pink trousers and no shirt. I was not the only one to be surprised. The young girl laughed at the man and the old man even called x policeman! Then, the police came and it seems that x man was actually x lunatic. As the police were approaching, a man jumped into the nearest bin and said to the police in a very cheerful voice : "Welcome the home! Would you like a cup of the tea?"

Réponse: a/The/x de sitelle, postée le 14-04-2008 à 14:52:00 (S | E)
I saw a stranger on the streets of Dublin today. That man wore a peaked cap, pink trousers and no shirt. I was not the only one to be surprised. A young girl laughed at the man and the old man even called a policeman! Then, the police came and it seems that the man was actually a lunatic. As the police were approaching, the man jumped into the nearest bin and said to the police in a very cheerful voice : "Welcome x home! Would you like a cup of the tea?"

il semble qu'il y ait pas mal de fautes....revois tes articles...

Réponse: a/The/x de purplesev, postée le 14-04-2008 à 19:44:32 (S | E)

Je suis d'accord dans l'ensemble avec cette correction sauf pour cette petite partie: That man wore a peaked cap, x pink trousers.

Bye bye

Réponse: a/The/x de leticiaa22, postée le 14-04-2008 à 20:06:41 (S | E)
C'est pas très sympa de lui avoir corrigé ses fautes, que croyez vous qu'il apprenne ainsi?

il vaut mieux qu'il comprenne ses erreurs afin de ne plus les reproduire, non?

Réponse: a/The/x de tifi17, postée le 15-04-2008 à 09:12:02 (S | E)
Je rectifie alors:
I saw a strange on the streets of Dublin today. That man wore a peaked cap, x pink trousers and no shirt. I was not the only one to be surprised. The young girl laughed at the man and the old man even called x policeman! Then, the police came and it seems that x man was actually x lunatic. As the police were approaching, a man jumped into the nearest bin and said to the police in a very cheerful voice : "Welcome the home! Would you like a cup of x tea?"

Réponse: a/The/x de leticiaa22, postée le 15-04-2008 à 11:17:35 (S | E)
"I saw a strange on the streets of Dublin today. That man wore a peaked cap, x pink trousers and no shirt. I was not the only one to be surprised. The young girl laughed at the man and the old man even called x policeman! Then, the police came and it seems that x man was actually x lunatic. As the police were approaching, a man jumped into the nearest bin and said to the police in a very cheerful voice : "Welcome the home! Would you like a cup of x tea?"

Ce que j'ai mis en rouge est encore incorrect

On ne met pas x devant un dénombrable singulier quand on parle de quelque chose en particulier( comme policeman ou man )

Quand l'objet a déjà été "introduit" dans le texte ou est une connaissance commune, on met "the"

lunatic n'est pas un adjectif, tu dois mettre un article devant

Réponse: a/The/x de sitelle, postée le 15-04-2008 à 18:08:28 (S | E)
voilà correction faite merci j'étais allée beaucoup trop vite!

Réponse: a/The/x de chrislondon, postée le 17-04-2008 à 00:00:39 (S | E)
Do you mean' a stranger on the streets....? 'Strange' is an adjective not a noun.



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