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TV or no TV (seconde) (1)

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TV or no TV (seconde)
Message de lauradu71 posté le 14-04-2008 à 22:41:43 (S | E | F)

sujet: en 200 mots:
What sort of TV viewer are you? Would you personally live without TV?Give your reasons and illustrate with examples.

Introduction: explication de la place de la télévision dans notre société

Développement: What sort of TV viewer are you?
il ne s'agit pas d'une prise de position, mais il faut définir vos habitudes de téléspéctateur.
Would you personally live without TV?Give your reasons and illustrate with examples.
il ne s'agit pas d'une prise de position de votre part, justifier en donnant des exemples précis.

Conclusion: Elle dressera le bilan de votre réfléxion et ouvrira différentes perspectives.

Nowadays, television's influence is felt everywhere.In fact, very few people have no television at home...and a lot of teenagers are really hooked on it.

I am really keen on television.In fact, I spend unless five hours watching it every day: during the meals...That's the reason I would never be allowed to have my own TV set.I can't do without my favourite series,that's why I wouldn't turn off my TV set for a week.More over, sometimes,I prefer watch TV than going out with my friends.However, most of the time,I do shopping.What's more,I don't watch TV if the programm is too much boring, so I am not really a TV addict.

To my mind, television is a good thing for several reasons.First, it allows to inquire on what happens in the world thanks to the news, different sorts of documentaries.Television is also entertaining, indeed, we can watch series, TV shows,...Furthermore, it mustn't be so great to live without TV because it is convivial: it allows to spend time together.Personally, I wouldn't live without TV.

Television has positive and negative aspects.It's true that it has several advantages, for example,it can be entertaining. Nevertheless, we mustn't live in a virtual world...TV is essential in everyday life.

Ce serait vraiment aimable à vous si vous pouviez corriger mes fautes d'orthographe et éventuellement me dire si mon essai correspond bien au sujet. J'apprecirais également si vous pouviez me donner quelques conseils pour enrichir cet essai, au niveau du vocabulaire et des structures...
Merci d'avance à tous les passionnés d'anglais!!

Modifié par bridg le 14-04-2008 22:43

Réponse: TV or no TV (seconde) de violet91, postée le 14-04-2008 à 23:36:26 (S | E)

Ton essay n'est pas mal. Tu dois être en 3ème LV1...ou 2de.

Il faudrait bâtir ton devoir sur les-
- advantages ,what you find attractive
Drawbacks and limits of television.

As you are a teen-ager,it is natural you watch television a lot : five hours a day is over the average (4 is at your age)

Tes erreurs : a tv set (poste).I prefer watching--at least (unless: à moins que)---programme--too boring--I think life without watching television would not be very exciting.----At meals? Convivial?

A ) Drawbacks : time spent in front of a screen. sort of laziness: you can read ,look up in magazines, learn by yourself. if you have your meals ..what do you share with your family? A nice moment of talks or TV programmes you stick to. Not convivial at all. You may become a couch potato. Not being sporty.Not being intrerested in "natural" things: going out, meeting friends, having some fresh air,walk or ride,live music,going out to the cinema with people you like and have talks afterwards..
You "digest" anything proposed: silly programmes,serials,adverts,money games...Family don't talk much any longer.
Violence .Action films/ dangerous for children. TV plays the role of parents or a nanny.They have toys,books ,sisters ,brothers ,parents to play with. Develop their imagination with no limit (the pictures on the tv screen are restrictive)

B) Advantages. News.You know much more about today's informations all over the world and can see further than France's problems. many interesting teaching channels. very good knowledge gameS. You can watch a match as if you were in the stadium.;even better. Championships and share excitement with friends and family : convivial,then. Good films. Good reconstructions of Historic periods. good music. Soft short programmes for children (no more than 15 minutes a day). Il ne faut pas "devenir un tube digestif" (Jean Louis Borit).You can see things on real time : man on the Moon (1969). Olympic games.
very good debates on all subjects.And so on...

The problem is it depends on people ,time spent and selection of programmes. You still have to be very cautious with what is told to you like in the press.

TV is like alcohol!! Moderation and selection. Keep free!

Je pense avoir bien ajouté d'eau à ton moulin. Now good luck for a good work.violet.

Tu peux toujours prendre quelques idées et supprimer des répétitions.

Modifié par violet91 le 15-04-2008 10:48

Réponse: TV or no TV (seconde) de sitelle, postée le 15-04-2008 à 08:30:16 (S | E)
Nowadays, the influence of television is felt everywhere.In fact, very few people have no television at home...and a lot of teenagers are really hooked on it.

I am really keen on television.In fact, I spend unless five hours watching it every day:even during the meals...That's the reason I would never be allowed to have my own TV set.I can't do without my favourite series,that's why I wouldn't turn off my TV set for a week.Moreover, sometimes,I prefer to watch TV than to go out with my friends.However, most of the time,I go shopping. What's more,I don't watch TV if the programm is too much boring, so I am not really a TV addict.

To my mind, television is a good thing for several reasons. First, it allows us to inquire keep up with what happens in the world thanks to the news, different sorts of documentaries. Television is also entertaining, indeed, we can watch series, TV shows,...Furthermore, it mustn't be so great to live without TV because it is convivial: it allows us to spend time together.Personally, I wouldn't live without TV.

Television has positive and negative aspects.It's true that it has several advantages, for example,it can be entertaining. Nevertheless, we mustn't live in a virtual world...TV is essential in everyday life.

Réponse: TV or no TV (seconde) de lauradu71, postée le 15-04-2008 à 10:33:59 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour vos réponses c'est très gentil de votre part!
Malheureusement,mon essai ne doit contenir que 200 mots maximum,ce qui explique que je n'ai pas pu mettre beaucoup de précisions et que je ne pourrais d'ailleurs pas trop en ajouter...
Le nombre de mots est malheureusement pénalisable...
Merci à tous



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