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expression écrite (1)

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expression écrite
Message de hasnacha posté le 08-05-2008 à 23:04:54 (S | E | F)

J'ai beaucoup de difficulté en anglais, pouvez vous me dire si j'ai fais beaucoup de fautes s'il vous plait, merci,

Fair Trade is booming. In deed she knows a production (food products...) increasing qharply over the years. However it still know the question whether it is still officient? And how do you think western consumers react to this now marketing strategy? Why is it important to be Fair Trade friendly?

The approach of Fair Trade offers an effcient to reduce inequality caused by Fair Trade and give back to man his central role in Fair Trade . He using several principles for that this efficiency will be recognized, them enabling to meet to their needs. The guarantee the fundamental rights of people, and then build lasting relationships between economic partners and courage the preservation of the environment. Finally propose consumers good quality products. In all the world, the Fair Trade organizations will be forced to build the foundations of just and better partnerships with Fair Trade copany in the South.

Moreover the Fair Trade was adopted by many people very numerous in the field of employment, diversification of products concerned... This dynamism always supports many producers who are involved in this approach: more than a million and half in Africa, Asia and Latine America. Besides, the Fair Trade concern on food products and craft inductry but also the consmetic( essential oils), textiles...
In addition, the development of Fair Trade in reflected by an increase in sales of products sold in large quantity, for allow an increase in the Fair Trade.


Réponse: expression écrite de denia57, postée le 09-05-2008 à 00:05:43 (S | E)
Bonjour hasnasha,

Ton texte est bien mais il y a quelques points à modifier:

In deed= en un seul mot
she attention, que reprend "she"? knows a production (food products...) increasing sharply over the years.

However it still know the question whether it is still officient? = verbe à la 3eme personne donc "s".
Je pense que tu peux reformuler pour simplifier: However, we can wonder if it is still efficient. (c'est bien efficient que tu voulais dire?)

And how do you think western consumers react to this now marketing strategy?
= belle phrase, mais "now" ne va pas ici. Je pense que tu veux dire "actuellement" que tu peux traduire par "current".

Why is it important to be Fair Trade friendly? = que veux-tu dire par "friendly"?

The approach of Fair Trade offers an effcient (que veux-tu dire?, non sens) to reduce inequality caused by Fair Trade and give back to man his central role in Fair Trade .
= trop de " Fair Trade" , peux-tu reformuler?

He (que reprend "he"?) using several principles for that efficiency to be recognized, enabling them to meet to their needs.
= "using", soit tu utilises le présent progressif (BE+ING) ou le présent simple (he uses)

They ?guarantee the fundamental rights of people (tu peux mettre du génitif ici= people's fundamental rights), and then build lasting relationships between economic partners and encourage the preservation of the environment.

Finally propose consumers good quality products. = à inverser

In all the the whole world, the Fair Trade organizations will be forced to build the foundations of just ( tu veux dire "right"?)
and better partnerships with Fair Trade company in the South.

Moreover the Fair Trade (pas d'article car on parle d'une notion générique)was adopted by many people very numerous mainly those (je ne suis pas sure que c'est ce que tu veux dire) in the field of employment, diversification of products concerned.(???)..

This dynamism always supports many producers who are involved in this approach: more than a million and half in Africa, Asia and Latine America.

Besides, the Fair Trade concern on food products and craft inductry but also the consmetics( essential oils), textiles...

In addition, the development of Fair Trade is reflected by an increase in sales of products sold in large quantity, for to allow an increase in the Fair Trade.

Ce qui est en rouge doit être corrigé...

Sinon ton texte est très bien. Tu es en quelle classe?

Bonne chance pour la suite!

Réponse: expression écrite de hasnacha, postée le 09-05-2008 à 11:19:00 (S | E)
merci beaucoup de m'avoir corrigé!
Je suis en terminale, je suis contente moi même parce que j'étais très nul avant et je me suis beaucoup entrainé grâce à ce site super!!

Modifié par hasnacha le 09-05-2008 11:19

Réponse: expression écrite de denia57, postée le 09-05-2008 à 17:41:39 (S | E)

En fait, cela m'a étonné que tu dises que tu avais des difficultés en anglais parce que j'ai trouvé ton texte très bien.

Et je trouve que tu as un niveau supérieur que pourrait avoir un élève de terminale.

Continue dans cette voie et tu seras bilingue sous peu!

Bonne chance pour la suite!



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