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Correction/entreprise (1)

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Message de misterg posté le 11-05-2008 à 13:50:44 (S | E | F)

bonjour je dois passer un oral en anglais, je préparer cette oral mais je pense qu'il doit avoir des erreurs pouvez vous me corriger se serait sympa :
Voici le sujet: je dois présenter une entreprise le sujet est sous cette forme

Morning, L&G!N=John Smith&=host this morning
Present Co+give info./plant(Phoenix,Arizona).++words:responsibilites.

Know(plant/SARCO/headquarters N.O. Lousiana). Activities/agrochemicals,synthetic materials,pharmaceuticals.45 plants+5subsidiaries(world).10000staff

See/transparency: plant(suburbs/phoenix).Set up: 1985. Specialises/polymers+3 fold function51research/polymers;2 produce polymers&composite materials;3marketing of polymers in the states)

See/graph:output+2 million tons polymers/yr. Turnover/amounts/5 millions$

process/developing+diversifying activities= develop research+ production facilities(+carbon fibers° Forsee/major developement(5yrs)

My job=research section (specialinsin;biodegradable polymers).Task: design plastics (deteriorate quickly/ dumped on ground°. Knowledge of chem. synthesis+bio chem+anatycal chem Pb find polymer (resistant when used+easily degradable when thrown away°. Job/forefront of research(fast expanding+promising field).
Tour of facilities/answer questions.

maintenant voici ce que j'ai écrie
Good morning Ladies and gentleman, my name is John Smith and host this monrning.
I would like present our compagny and I give can info in the plant of Phoenic in Arizona. I speak my work and my responsibilities.

You kown our plant SARCO the headquarters in NO of Louisiane. The compagny is engaged in a wide of activities from agrochemicals to synthetic materials and pharmaceutical.
The group operates over 45 plants and 5 subsidiaires all over the world. The group employs about 100000 staff.
As you can see, our plant is situated in the suburbs of phoenis. it was set up in 1985.
The group is specialises in the polymers.
This site has got a three fold function. First we carries out research activities in the polymers; second we produce polymers and composite materials; third we are in charge of the marketing polymers in states.

Our ouput is 2 million tons of polymers per year the estimated turnover a mounts to 5 millions$. We are now in the process of developing and diversifying our activities. Indeed, the management intends to develop research and production facilities more carbon fibres. before wa can Forsse a major developement in the 5 years to come.

I work in the research section, Task consited to specialising and biodegradable polymers. I task design plastics for detiorate quicly and dumper on ground. This job requiert a lot of knowledge of chemicals synthesis? biochemicals and anytical chemicals.
Whenever a probleme cropped up a find polymer this resistant when used and easily degradable when thrown. This job is forefront of research, it is fast expanding and promising field)

do you have any question?

Voila ce que j'ai fais cela doit pas être terrible si vous voulez bien corrigier mes fautes ou m'expliqué cela serait sympa

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-05-2008 14:05
Merci aux membres qui ont le gentillesse de répondre, de simplement signaler les erreurs, et de permettre au membre demandeur de s'auto corriger.

Réponse: Correction/entreprise de denia57, postée le 11-05-2008 à 18:01:44 (S | E)

Good morning Ladies and gentleman, my name is John Smith and host this monrning.
===> attention, John Smith n'est pas le présentateur mais l'invité (="host")
Donc ilfaudrait une phrase comme: John Smith is our host this morning

I would like to present our compagny and I give can information in about the plants of in Phoenicx in Arizona. (en anglais, on met la ville + virgule+ état)

I am going to talk about speak my work and my responsibilities.

You known our plant SARCO the headquarters in NO of Louisiane. (je ne vois pas trop ce que tu veux dire)

The compagny is engaged in a wide branch of activities from agrochemicals to synthetic and pharmaceutical materials.

The group operates over 45 plants and 5 subsidiaires all over the world. The group employs about 100000 staff.

As you can see, our plant is situated in the suburbs of phoenis. it was set up in 1985.

The group is specialises (attention, il faut un participe passé ici, en -ED car on dit "le groupe est spécialisé") in the polymers. (pas de "the" car notion générique)

This site has got a three fold function. First we carries (pas de "S", c'est uniquement à la 3eme personne du singulier)out research activities in the polymers.

Second we produce polymers and composite materials.

Third we are in charge of the marketing polymers in states.

Our output is 2 million tons of polymers per year the estimated turnover a mounts to 5 millions$. (=je ne comprends pas trop ce que tu veux dire...)

We are now in the process of developing and diversifying our activities. Indeed, the management intends to develop research and production facilities more (=and?) carbon fibres.

Before we can forsee a major developement in the 5 years to come.

I work in the research section.

My task consists in specialising and biodegradable polymers.

I task am involved in design plastics for detiorate quicly and dumper on ground.

This job requiers a lot of knowledge of chemistry biochemicals and anytical chemicals.

Whenever a probleme cropped up a find polymer this resistant when used (=non sens) and easily degradable when thrown.

This job is the forefront of our research, it is a fast expanding and promising field.

do you have any question?

Voilà ce que je peux fair epour l'instant, propose ton corrigé...

Bon courage

Réponse: Correction/entreprise de kelleher, postée le 11-05-2008 à 18:54:05 (S | E)
Good morning Ladies and gentleman, my name is John Smith and host this monrning.( My name fait pas trop présentation pour quelqu’un qui a l’habitude qui plus est pour un américain, un direct I am, Qqe chose comme je suis heureux ...., you’re the host, people are the guest, ;) )

You kown our plant SARCO , the headquarters in NO of Louisiane (state) (c’est ton savoir sur l’entreprise tes auditeurs ne sont pas forcément au courant).

The compagny is engaged in a wide branch of activities from agrochemicals to synthetic and pharmaceutical materials. (engaged n’est pas terrible, pour beaucoup de gens = fiancé)

The group operates over 45 plants and 5 subsidiaires all over the world (invente 1 ou 2 exemples, c’est la même phrase que dans la consigne).

This site has got a three fold function. First we carries (pas de "S", c'est uniquement à la 3eme personne du singulier)out research activities in the polymers. (je dirais « on « )



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