Olympic Games/ correction (1)
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Olympic Games/ correction
Message de demdem95 posté le 21-09-2008 à 19:13:43 (S | E | F)
Bonjour, je viens de réaliser ce texte et je voudrais savoir s'il comporte des fautes. Merci
I think that the Olympic Games are amusing for a lot of people. We can see beautiful games like the Gymnastics Rhythmic. Moreover it is a world sports event. In the other hand, i find damage sometimes than the athletes take drugs. As long i am concerned, I don't like really sport but I enjoy to watch on TV some disciplines like swimming. If we compare the Olympic Games with the other program of Tv-reality, in my mind the Olympic Games are more interesting and more consensual.
Modifié par bridg le 21-09-2008 19:16
Réponse: Olympic Games/ correction de babyscot59, postée le 21-09-2008 à 19:22:03 (S | E)
I think that the Olympic Games are amusing for a lot of people. We can see beautiful games like the Gymnastics Rhythmic( vocabulaire). Moreover it is a world sports ( attention adjectif ici) event. In (erreur de conjonction) the other hand, i find damage ( calque du Francais) sometimes than the athletes take drugs. As long ( faute, )pas le bon emploi, il y a une autre expression) i (sujet I toujours en majuscules) am concerned, I don't like really (adverbe mal placé) sport but I enjoy to ( Enjoy est suivi d un verbe à une autre forme: dictionnaire! ) watch on TV some disciplines like swimming. If we compare the Olympic Games with the other program of Tv-reality, in my mind the Olympic Games are more interesting and more consensual.
Et voilà!
Réponse: Olympic Games/ correction de TravisKidd, postée le 21-09-2008 à 19:25:46 (S | E)
While "amusing" could work, its usual meaning is "funny". I think "entertaining" fits better here.
Réponse: Olympic Games/ correction de demdem95, postée le 21-09-2008 à 19:38:24 (S | E)
Merci ! J'ai compris mes fautes ;)