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Description d'un document (1)

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Description d'un document

Message de fallen posté le 05-10-2008 à 14:36:05 (S | E | F)


Je suis en terminal STG et je dois rendre pour demain un exercice d'anglais me demandant de décrire un document. En l'occurrence, ce document est une affiche du film "an inconvenient truth" ("une vérité qui dérange).
Voici ma description, pourriez-vous s'il-vous-plaît m'indiquez les erreurs sur mon texte ? Je vous en remercie d'avance.

This picture is a poster of a film which title is “an inconvenient truth”. It was make by Algor, former United States Vice president.

In the background, we can see 3 chimneys stack. From these chimneys stack going out fumes skyward which make a whirlwind. We notice also in the background a bad weather. We can figure out that there is going to be a storm. At the bottom of the foreground, there is the title and the sub-title of the film with the words inconvenient and warning are in red. Below the title, there is the name of actors.
We can notice that the colours of the poster are very dark. Indeed, deep-blue and black domine the poster.

We can suppose that the artist’s aim is to draw our attention to the danger of the global warming. I find this document attractive because it illustrates well the situation of our warming effect in intensify on the colours, on images, on titles..
According to me, the USA should be more ecologic especially in car’s pollution.

Réponse: Description d'un document de port58, postée le 05-10-2008 à 16:39:23 (S | E)

This picture is a poster of a film which title is “an inconvenient truth”. It was make (corriger Part. passé) by Al Gore, former United States Vice president.

In the background, we can see 3 chimneys stack. From these chimneys stack going out fumes (auxiliaire manque + ordre des mots) skyward which make a whirlwind. We notice also (adverbe avant le verbe) in the background a bad weather (COD derrière le verbe). We can figure out that there is going to be a storm. At the bottom of the foreground, there is the title and the sub-title of the film with the words "inconvenient and warning" are in red (verbe en trop). Below the title, there is the name of actors.
We can notice that the colours of the poster are very dark. Indeed, deep-blue and black domine the poster.

We can suppose that the artist’s aim is to draw our attention to the danger of the global warming. I find this document attractive because it illustrates well the situation of our warming effect in intensify on the colours, on images, on titles..
According to me, the USA should be more ecologic especially in car’s pollution.

Voilà mais je ne me souviens déjà plus de l'affiche ... bon courage !

Réponse: Description d'un document de fallen, postée le 05-10-2008 à 16:53:33 (S | E)
Bonjour port58,

Merci pour ta réponse, et pour l'affiche, tu peux la voir ici Lien Internet

This picture is a poster of a film which title is “an inconvenient truth”. It was made ( by Al Gore, former United States Vice president.

In the background, we can see 3 chimneys stack. From these chimneys stack fumes is going out skyward which make a whirlwind. We also notice a bad weather in the background . We can figure out that there is going to be a storm. At the bottom of the foreground, there is the title and the sub-title of the film with the words "inconvenient and warning" in red . Below the title, there is the name of actors.
We can notice that the colours of the poster are very dark. Indeed, deep-blue and black domine the poster.

We can suppose that the artist’s aim is to draw our attention to the danger of the global warming. I find this document attractive because it illustrates well the situation of our warming effect in intensify on the colours, on images, on titles..
According to me, the USA should be more ecologic especially in car’s pollution.

Voila pour ma correction, y a t'il encore des fautes?

Réponse: Description d'un document de port58, postée le 05-10-2008 à 19:54:10 (S | E)
Merci pour le lien, du coup je vois qu'il faut enlever le and qui n'est pas en rouge sur l'affiche: ...the words "inconvenient" and "warning" in red ...
il faut enlever aussi la parenthèse devant Al Gore. Sinon : ...fumes are (pluriel). Sinon pour moi c'est pas mal, mais de plus forts pourraient trouver d'autres modifications peut-être.
Ah oui il y a aussi car's pollution qui n'est pas correct. Je dirai pollution by cars

Modifié par port58 le 05-10-2008 19:55



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