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Expression (1)

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Message de laetitia974 posté le 15-11-2008 à 14:04:34 (S | E | F)

J'ai une image à décrire et je voudrais que vous m'aidez à corriger le travail que j'ai fais.

This document is a photo.
I suppose that the photo to show the Indian's life. The main color is black.
In the foreground there are two mans.
In the background there is the virgin forest.
The two mans are almost naked.
They are Jivaros.
The first man has sandals.
On this foots, I can see red ropes.
He carries also a belt of red and yellow color.
On his left arm a watch can be sse.
The second man has also a belt but green, yellow, red and white color.
The two mans are very dirty.
The trees are charred and cut.
The forest seems to be destroyed because of the farme
rs and then mining compagnies.
The first man seems to be the head of the tribe.
The jivaros are peoples who like the nature and the rain forest. But they don't seem to like to mix civilization.
Before they seemed to live in this forest. After when they returned the farmers and the mining compagnies had destroy their square of life.
The jivaros seems to be dissapointed and also angry by the destruction.

Merci de vos aides

Réponse: Expression de linsey34, postée le 15-11-2008 à 16:34:19 (S | E)
Chère laetitia974,
quelques éléments de correction:
I suppose that the photo shows Indian life
two men
1 man, pluriel irrégulier = men
I can see red ropes on his feet
He is also wearing a red and yellow belt
carry = porter quelque chose
wear = porter un vêtement
a watch can be seen
The second man is also wearing a belt but it is...
then mining companies ??
at the head of the tribe
people (sans "s") = les gens, des gens
peoples = des peuples
who like nature (pas de "the")
they don't seem to like mixing
It seems they used to live in this forest
When they came back then,the farmers and mining companies had destroyed
seem (pas de "s" car sujet au pluriel)
disappointed: un "s" mais 2 "p"



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