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Funny Apology Letter (1)

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Funny Apology Letter
Message de flo3299 posté le 27-11-2008 à 21:10:56 (S | E | F)

Bonjour à tous, Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'indiquer les fautes que j'ai commises en écrivant cette Funny apology letter

Meercii d'avance

Dear Father,

I am writing to you to apologize for my absence last Sunday. I am so sorry to didn’t attend to the mass, but I was obliged to stay at home, for several raisons. First, I don’t know if you watched these TV shows, but last Sunday morning, there was
’ Amour Gloire Et Beauté’ on TV and I couldn’t miss that one. I know it’s very bad to watch TV instead of going to the church, but it was the last episode of the series! Second, my toaster is broken, and I couldn’t eat, so I couldn’t move and was obliged to stay on my sofa. I am asking you, Father, to forgive me about this little inconvenience, which won’t happen again. I promise to go to every masses on Sunday, during my whole life, even if an important TV show is on TV or if I haven’t eaten the morning, I will come nevertheless. I hope , you understand what I mean, and say once again, I am so sorry.

See you next Sunday!

Réponse: Funny Apology Letter de linsey34, postée le 27-11-2008 à 22:02:34 (S | E)
Dear flo3299,
voici les erreurs que j'ai relevé:
Dear Father,

I am writing to you to apologize for my absence last Sunday. I am so sorry to didn’t attend to the mass, but I was obliged to stay at home, for several raisons. First, I don’t know if you watched these TV shows, but last Sunday morning, there was
’ Amour Gloire Et Beauté’ on TV and I couldn’t miss that one. I know it’s very bad to watch TV instead of going to the church, but it was the last episode of the series! Second, my toaster is broken, and I couldn’t eat, so I couldn’t move and was obliged to stay on my sofa. I am asking you, Father, to forgive me about this little inconvenience, which won’t happen again. I promise to go to every masses on Sunday, during my whole life, even if an important TV show is on TV or if I haven’t eaten the morning, I will come nevertheless. I hope , you understand what I mean, and say once again, I am so sorry.

See you next Sunday!

Réponse: Funny Apology Letter de kolimang, postée le 27-11-2008 à 22:03:02 (S | E)
Bonsoir flo,

Voici quelques suggestions de petites améliorations.

Dear Father,

I am writing to you to apologize for my absence last Sunday. I am so sorry to didn’t attend to [for missing (or having missed) / for not going to] the mass, but I was obliged to stay at home, for several raisons [orthographe]. First, I don’t know if [whether] you watched these TV shows, but last Sunday morning, there was
’ Amour Gloire Et Beauté’ on TV and I couldn’t miss that one. I know it’s very bad to watch TV instead of going to the church, but it was the last episode of the series! Second, my toaster is broken, and I couldn’t eat, so I couldn’t move and was obliged to stay on my sofa. I am asking you, Father, to forgive me about this little inconvenience, which won’t happen again. I promise to go to every masses on Sunday [I promise to go to the mass every Sunday], during my whole life, even if an important TV show is on TV or if I haven’t eaten [in] the morning, I will come nevertheless. I hope , you understand what I mean, and say once again, I am so sorry.

See you next Sunday!


Réponse: Funny Apology Letter de flo3299, postée le 27-11-2008 à 22:47:39 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup ça donne ça ..

Dear Father,

I am writing to you to apologize for my absence last Sunday. I am so sorry for not going to the mass, but I was obliged to stay at home, for several reasons. First, I don’t know whether you watched these TV shows, but last Sunday morning, there was
’ Amour Gloire Et Beauté’ on TV and I couldn’t miss that one. I know it’s very bad to watch TV instead of going to the church, but it was the last episode of the series! Second, my toaster is broken, and I couldn’t eat, so I couldn’t move and was obliged to stay on my sofa. I am asking you, Father, to forgive me about this little inconvenience, which won’t happen again. I promise to go to the mass every sunday
during my whole life, even if an important TV show is on TV or if I haven’t eaten in the morning, I will come nevertheless. I hope , you understand what I mean, and say once again, I am so sorry.

See you next Sunday!

PS: ‘Amour Gloire Et Beauté’  was awesome!

on ne pourrait pas remplacer Father par "My Father " ?

Réponse: Funny Apology Letter de intrepid34, postée le 28-11-2008 à 08:19:19 (S | E)
Good morning Flo!

No, you don't need to write "My Father". Dear Father is correct.
I am so sorry I didnt attend Mass - that's ok
The mass - no. Just mass - no article. See above
Amour, Gloire etc is "The Young and the Restless" in English
My toaster broke (preterit)
Sunday - capital S!
for the rest of my life et non during my whole life
and say - omit this (and once again I am so sorry)

Réponse: Funny Apology Letter de marieanyse, postée le 28-11-2008 à 10:49:39 (S | E)
Dear Father,

I am writing to you to apologize for my absence last Sunday. I am sorry for not attending the mass, as I was obliged to stay at home, for several reasons. First, I don’t know if you watched these TV shows, but last Sunday morning, there was ’ Amour Gloire Et Beauté’ on TV and I couldn’t miss that one. I know it’s very bad to watch TV instead of going to church, but it was the last episode of the series! Then, my toaster was not functioning which prevented me from eating,and have to stay home . Please Father, forgive me about this little inconvenience, which won’t happen again. I promise to attend to every mass on Sunday, during my whole life, even if an important TV show is on TV or even if I haven’t eaten in the morning . I hope that you'll understand and forgive me.
See you next Sunday!

Réponse: Funny Apology Letter de flo3299, postée le 28-11-2008 à 18:52:48 (S | E)
Thank you so much for all your answers!

Mais j'aimerais trouver d'autres choses pour pouvoir un peu allourdire mon texte, Merci de m'aider si vous avez des idées, que je pourrais rajouter..
Merci d'avaance:

Réponse: Funny Apology Letter de flo3299, postée le 29-11-2008 à 11:45:34 (S | E)
s'il vous plaît une petite aide



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