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Resolutions for the New Year (1)

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Resolutions for the New Year
Message de flo3299 posté le 12-01-2009 à 19:29:18 (S | E | F)

Bonjour, je voudrais savoir si mes résolutions sont corrects grammaticalement :Merci d'avance :

I will be more wise with my parents and try to help them for the cook.

I will work better in school, learing more my lessons.

I won't watch TV as long as I do

I will read instead of watching TV

I will stop nibbling to get a healthy food and body

I will try to help people for homeworks when I can help them

i will stop spending my money when I have some

I will be more nice with people and be useful for them

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-01-2009 21:01

Réponse: Resolutions for the New Year de flo3299, postée le 12-01-2009 à 20:51:11 (S | E)
Petite aide s'il vous plaît!

Réponse: Resolutions for the New Year de laure95, postée le 13-01-2009 à 11:21:44 (S | E)
Bonjour, voici ce que tu dois reprendre:
I will be more wise (revois le comparatif de supériorité!)with my parents and try to help them for the (to) cook.

I will work better in (at) school, learing more my lessons.

I won't watch TV as long as I do it at the moment

I will read instead of watching TV

I will stop nibbling to get a healthy food and body

I will try to help people for (to do their) homeworks when I can help them

i will stop spending my money when I have some

I will be more nice with people and be useful for them

Réponse: Resolutions for the New Year de robertbrou, postée le 13-01-2009 à 17:30:59 (S | E)

Voici mes deux mots:

I will stop snacking to get a healthy food and body

grignoter ici veut dire "snacking"
nibble - to eat in very small bites.
food - si vous voulez inclure "healthy food", il faudrait mettre une autre phrase en indiquant que vous en prendriez.

Hope this helps!


Réponse: Resolutions for the New Year de wisigoth, postée le 13-01-2009 à 18:12:23 (S | E)
wise= adjectif court devient wiser et pareil pour nice !
learing : tu as oublié le N = learning
Homework est invariable, jamais au pluriel !
and be useful for them==remplacé par === and be more helpful towards them

Réponse: Resolutions for the New Year de sarahusa, postée le 25-01-2009 à 01:59:13 (S | E)
Hey coucou,

Moi je dirais plutot:

I will try to help people WITH their homework...........

I will be nicer...........

Apres pour la 1ere, tout est relatif, j'habite sur la cote Ouest, cela peut etre different ailleurs

Bon courage!!



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