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Correction /communication today (1)

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Correction /communication today
Message de pierrotdu62 posté le 18-02-2009 à 22:06:17 (S | E | F)

Hello I must make a englishwork

the subject is :
There are various ways of communicating today . Which one do you prefer and why ?

And my answer is :

Today, thanks to technology, there are a lot of ways to Commnunications as telephone or internet. I think the best tool for communication is the mobile telephone. Indeed it is easy to use and can be used anywhere and anytime. Naturally it is quite expensive but much more convenient than Internet for example. Indeed, to use the Internet, you need a computer with itself which is not always the case especially when you are not at home! Over Internet is not accessible in all regions of the world! In addition, a computer is expensive in contrast to a mobile phone! Finally, thanks to the portable telephone, it was the person who speaks to us live, so very fast, unlike the internet and e-mails that are longer and to send a response is often long. The mobile telephone is the means of communication that I prefer because it is more practical.

thank you for your answer

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-02-2009 05:52
titre + forum

Réponse: Correction /communication today de laure95, postée le 19-02-2009 à 10:10:43 (S | E)
Ton texte est plutôt bon, voici quelques petites choses à corriger:
Today, thanks to technology, there are a lot of ways to (pas la bonne préposition) Commnunications such as telephone or internet. I think the best tool for communication is the mobile telephone. Indeed it is easy to use and can be used anywhere and anytime. Naturally it is quite expensive but much more convenient than Internet for example. Indeed, to use the Internet, you (reformuler en mettant USE comme sujet) need a computer with itself ? which is not always the case especially when you are not at home! Over ? Internet is not accessible in all regions of the world! In addition, a computer is expensive in contrast to a mobile phone! Finally, thanks to the portable telephone, it was the person who speaks to us live, so very fast, unlike the internet and e-mails that are longer and to send a response is often long. The mobile telephone is the means of communication that I prefer because it is more practical.



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