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Correction /preventive ads (1)

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Correction /preventive ads
Message de vidoq posté le 22-02-2009 à 17:58:52 (S | E | F)

Bonjour j'ai un exercice à rendre, et vu mon niveau catastrophique dans cette matiére j'aimerais qu'on me dise si il y à des erreurs

pour l'exercice il faut argumenter sur cette question : Qu'elle est la place des publicités préventives dans le monde

Et voici ma réponce argumenté :

In the world, the preventive advertisements are much less numerous than the commercial advertisements which we know. They serve for making sensitive people in front of diverse problems how the obesity, the alcohol and the road accidents.

The preventive advertisements are completely financed by the government, They have a purpose of prevention, thus we can notice that these advertisements touch more young people than persons old While the commercial advertisements are financed by companies for private purposes.

The preventive advertisements are more and more used in the world, and are more and more present, because the world faces more and more problems. They are there to inform people about problems current by informing them.

These advertisements can generally be more violent than the other certain advertising, and see very shocking. They just show us the reality as she has to be, what is going to force the young people to pay more attention in the daily life

Without these advertisements there, it is impossible to make sensitive the persons, what could make increase the number of accident and disease because of the danger. Today we can say that there is much less accident than before thanks to the prevention against, the AIDS, the road accidents the alcohol etc.

Finally, I would say that today the preventive advertising is so present as the advertising commercial at the level of the means used to spread her, that is on the radio, on posters, on the TV and even on internet

It is better to warn than to cure,it is the only role which this kind of advertising has to play in our society

Merci d'avance !

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-02-2009 18:00

Réponse: Correction /preventive ads de azer3, postée le 22-02-2009 à 22:01:28 (S | E)
Bon voilà quelques corrections.
In the world, the preventive advertisements are much less numerous than the commercial advertisements which we know. They serve for making sensitive people in front of diverse problems how the obesity, the alcohol and the road accidents.

The preventive advertisements are completely financed by the government, They have a purpose of prevention, thus we can notice that these advertisements touch more young people than persons old/l'adjective se place avant le sujet/ While/puisque tu as mis "while" en majuscule ce la demande un point juste avant/ the commercial advertisements are financed by companies for private purposes.

The preventive advertisements are more and more used in the world, and /où est le sujet?/are more and more present, because the world faces more and more problems. They are there to inform people about problems current/l'adjective se place avant le sujet/ by informing them.

These advertisements can generally be more violent than the other certain advertising, and see very shocking. They just show us the reality as she has to be, what is going to force the young people to pay more attention in the daily life

Without these advertisements there, it is impossible to make sensitive the persons/vérifie/, what could make an increase in the number of accident and disease/pour "accident" et "disease" je crois que c'est au plureil/ because of the danger. Today we can say that there is much less accident/de même/ than before thanks to the prevention against, the AIDS, the road accidents, the alcohol etc.

Finally, I would say that today the preventive advertising is so present as the advertising commercial at the level of the means used to spread her, that is on the radio, on posters, on the TV and even on internet

It is better to warn than to cure,it is the only role which this kind of advertising has to play in our society

Réponse: Correction /preventive ads de vidoq, postée le 23-02-2009 à 17:22:09 (S | E)
Je te remercie l'ami! j'éssayerai de pas refaire les quelques erreurs pas trés maline que j'ai faite et que tu viens de me corriger t'el que l'adjectif avant le sujets



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