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Lettre type bac (1)

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Lettre type bac
Message de loulove1631 posté le 05-03-2009 à 13:51:08 (S | E | F)

bonjour à tous,

j'ai rédigé une lettre pour l'expression d'un sujet type bac, je ne sais pas où je dois placer l'adresse et la date et pouvez vous regarder et me dire si il ya des fautes ou autres... merci beaucoup

Dear Thomas,

How are you? I’m not very well, As you know I moved three months ago to grosse point because after the riots it was the better for me and my family, it is that I thought before of know the life here! And nevertheless I should have suspect with the real estate agent but I found no house and we really had to move and I did not take time to reflect.
I explain to you why I’m not feel good in this city, grosse pointe is a beautiful city and it is for that reason that we decided to settle down there. but this city is very beautiful and it is frequent by the richest people. At the beginning it did not raise me problem but nobody accepts us here because we are of origin Greek, because most are the racists and because we are not rich as they. they don’t make that to think, they we watch very clearly we found insults on our door and mickael was knocked at the school.
And the life is expensive here and as nobody accepts us the restaurant do not relate, Elleh has set a work as a cleaning lady in the next city so that we can take out there. The life here is very difficult but I refuse to move and I would fight so that our difference is accepted and because it is difficult to find a house.
Give my love to the rest of the family.

Best wishes


Modifié par bridg le 05-03-2009 14:06

Réponse: Lettre type bac de lucile83, postée le 05-03-2009 à 14:29:36 (S | E)
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Best wishes.



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